What are Fibres?
Fibres are substances used to manufacture materials and fabrics such as cables, wires, clothes, curtains, and bedsheets. They are usually long, thin, and flexible, making them appropriate for manufacturing bendable, strong materials. Some of the most common types of fibres are cotton, silk, jute, linen, nylon, rayon etc.
During manufacturing, several filaments of fibres come together to build a single product. For example, a cotton towel will require thousands of strands of processed cotton (a type of natural fibre) for its manufacturing. This is typically done in weaving factories.
Although fibres are mainly used in textiles, it should be noted that they have applications in almost all fields. Manufacturing of furniture, automobile, packaging, military devices, aerospace equipment, and other products that are used in day to day lives are some of the most common applications. Fibres are everywhere, making them an important part of modern life.
Types of Fibres
Depending upon the origin of the fibre, it is classified mainly into two types:
Natural fibres
Synthetic fibres
Natural fibre is anything that is procured from a natural source. An example of this type of fibre is cotton which is sourced from cotton seeds that grow on plants. Made of cellulose, an insoluble substance, cotton is fluffy and one of the most common fabrics used today to manufacture clothing materials. Both these types have subcategories. While natural fibres are sourced from vegetables, animals, and plants, synthetic (or manmade) fibres are produced using composition of chemical substances.
Natural Fibres
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Natural fibres may be sourced from plants and animals. They are usually processed and turned into yarn, which can then be converted into a product. Natural fibres like cotton are preferred for clothing materials due to their physical properties. They are usually soft and lightweight, making them a sought-after type in textiles.
Other than textiles, natural fibres are also widely used in non-textile applications. However, it should be noted that natural fibres are thinner and have less strength when compared with synthetic fibres.
Examples of Natural Fibres
Some of the most common types of natural fibres are listed below:
Cotton – a ubiquitous material, it is obtained from cotton seeds and is widely used for textiles. Cotton is soft and lightweight, thus making it a comfortable fibre for clothing materials. All of this has increased its demand in the marketplace
Silk – obtained from an insect, it is produced from the substance used to form a cocoon
Jute – a stronger fibre among cotton, silk and jute, it is obtained from plants and used to create sacks and other packaging materials.
Wool – obtained from sheep and other furry animals, it is preferred for cloth manufacturing due to its capacity to hold heat. Preferred by people living in regions with cold climate, wool is also a very common clothing fibre
Advantages of Natural Fibres
1. Comfortable to Wear- Clothes made of natural fibre are way more comfortable to wear than clothes made of synthetic fibres, especially in the summer season. In the summer season when the human body releases more sweat, a person needs a breathable fabric to wear which can absorb the excess moisture. Natural fibres like silk and cotton have the properties of allowing enough ventilation in extremely humid and hot weather. These fibres do not stick to the skin and cause allergic reactions like rashes.
2. Exceptional Insulators- Natural fibres have the capacity to trap air in between them, not allowing it to escape into the atmosphere. This air that is captivated in the fabric micro-holes provides warmth and helps maintain a person’s body temperature even in cold, chilling weather conditions. This is the reason why many skiers, trekkers and other people living in cold areas prefer to wear wool or silk.
3. More Sustainable- As the name suggests, natural fibres are obtained from nature. With the increasing global warming caused due to global warming, the human population needs to use more sustainable clothes, which are also proven to be harmless for the environment. Since these fibres are obtained from plants and animals, they are biodegradable and can be disposed of. Natural fibres can be replaced, recycled or reused time and again in a sustainable way.
Disadvantages of Natural Fibres
1. More Expensive- Due to having the properties of a great insulator, being more sustainable and more comfortable to wear, natural fibres are generally more expensive than synthetic fibres. Since they are extracted directly from nature, the cost of manufacturing them is often higher than the cost of manufacturing synthetic fibres. The manufacturing process of natural fibres involves taking good and healthy care of the plants and animals that provide these fibres. For example, a pashmina shawl is made of pashmina wool which comes from an indigenous goat living in the high-altitude ranges of the Himalayan mountains.
2. Easily Damageable- Natural fibres tend to not last as long as synthetic fibres. They damage easily due to various reasons. For instance, washing cotton or wool excessively can cause wrinkles and shrink of the fabric over time. Alternatively, natural fibres can also become good food for moths and other types of insects if kept exposed to the environment for a long period of time. Since these fibres are made of biodegradable material, various types of insects can feed on them and destroy the clothes completely.
3. Inconsistent Production- The production of natural fibres is sometimes not under the complete control of humans. Nature is independent and does not function according to human’s needs and desires. Its availability is heavily affected by natural disasters and calamities which cause high fluctuations in its production and price.
Synthetic Fibres
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Also known as man made or artificial fibres, these are produced through chemical synthesis. Synthetic fibres were first developed in the nineteenth century. One of the main reasons for their creation was the need for stronger fibres that could withstand a lot of pressure. A lot of these fibres have extended use other than textiles.
Examples of Synthetic Fibres: Some of the most common types of synthetic fibres are listed below:
Rayon – a type of semisynthetic material, it is made from combining wood pulp (cellulose), carbon disulphide, and sodium hydroxide. It is used as an imitation of natural fibres like cotton and silk. There are also various subtypes of rayon.
Nylon – one of the most common synthetic fibre, it is entirely made of chemical processes.
Polyester – another common man made fibre, it is made chemically through plant proteins and is widely used in the manufacturing of plastic bottles. Its high strength and longer shelf life are the top characteristics
Several more types of synthetic fibres are used for non-textile purposes. These are dacron, lyocell, modal, PAN, asbestos, spandex, and polyurethane. Some of these are mixed with natural fibres to create advanced fabrics that have both their characteristics. An example of this method is a stretchable fabric that is used for shirting and other clothing materials. It not only improves the look and feel but also adds to the quality.
Advantages of Synthetic Fibres
As mentioned above, synthetic fibres are preferred over natural fibres because of their advantages such as high strength and low making cost. This aligns with the exact need of why manmade fibres were invented in the first place.
In the twenty-first century, synthetic fibres make up for a large part of textiles due to the various advantages attached to them. This includes low cost, higher manufacturing profits, and higher strength that would extend their applications.
Some of these Advantages are Described in Detail Below:
High Strength – Plastic is one of the most popular types of synthetic fibres. It is so because of its series of positive qualities, one of which is strength. Plastic bottles, for instance, are stronger than those made from paper or wood. This same property is what gives synthetic fibres an upper edge over natural fibres
Low Cost and Easy Manufacturing – Manmade fibres can be mass-produced at a relatively lower cost than it takes to produce natural fibres. Moreover, natural fibres require a longer process while man made ones can be produced in a factory in lesser time. For example, cotton not only requires processing in the industry but also the time it needs for the plant to germinate, grow, and bear the seed that contains the cotton
Customization – One of the advantages of synthetic fibres is that they can be engineered to suit the needs. If a particular product requires the fibre to be less susceptible to breaking, it can be engineered through chemical or physical manipulation of the polymer
Most of today’s products, including clothing materials, use amalgamated fibres. As noted above, this allows the fabric or the combined substance to have the properties of both the fibres.
Disadvantages of Synthetic Fibres
1. Uncomfortable to Wear- Synthetic fibres can be very uncomfortable to wear as compared to natural fibres. These fibres absorb very little sweat from the body and that is why they are not recommended to be worn in humid weather conditions. Due to their lack of sweat absorbing capacity, they can cause itching and irritation to the sensitive human skin. Since they are made artificially by using chemicals and other synthetic materials, synthetic fibres have proven to cause different allergic reactions. Polyester, for example, can cause skin allergies and should be worn after careful inspection.
2. Harmful for the Environment- These fibres are manufactured from chemicals and the by-products of petroleum, both of which are non-biodegradable in nature. Due to this, they take decades to decompose in the environment causing serious amounts of land and water pollution. Synthetic fibres also release poisonous gas upon burning that is harmful to humans to inhale and causes excess air pollution.
3. Non-resistant to Fire- The material used to make synthetic fibre- polymer- is easily flammable. It melts and shrinks very easily when it gets in contact with high heat or fire and can stick to the skin of the person wearing this synthetic cloth. Therefore, it is advised to avoid wearing any synthetic clothes, especially acrylic fabric, during cooking or doing any activity that involves the use of fire.
FAQs on Synthetic Fibres And Natural Fibres
1. What is fibre?
Fibre is a thin and long thread of any substance that is essentially used to make clothes, wires and other types of fabrics by first turning them into yarn.
2. What are the two major types of fibres? What are the two sources of natural fibre?
The two major types of fibres are synthetic and natural fibres. The two major sources of natural fibres include plants and animals.
3. How are synthetic fibres manufactured?
Synthetic fibres are manufactured from small molecules called polymers through the process of polymerization.
4. Which type of fibre causes more harm to the environment?
Since synthetic fibres are made from chemicals, they are non-biodegradable and cause a lot of pollution, harming the environment significantly.