Seaborgium is a synthetically created element and is denoted by ‘Sg’. In the year 1947, scientists at University of California, Berkley and another in Dubna, Russia discovered this element using different methods. However, both the teams could not register their discovery as the element was short-lived, and it decayed within seconds. Since they were unable to reproduce their findings, it was temporarily named as ‘Element 106’.
In the year 1993, University of California, Berkley finally discovered the method to reproduce ‘Element 106’ and claimed its naming rights. Right after then, it was named after an American nuclear chemist Glenn T. Seaborg and Seaborgium became the first element which was named after a living scientist.
What is Seaborgium?
The element Seaborgium is synthetic and was discovered by scientist Albert Ghiorso. It gets its name after Glenn T.Seaborg, a Nuclear Chemist. For further important details, refer to this table below.
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Properties of Seaborgium
This can be further segregated into two sections –
l. Physical Properties of Seaborgium
The element Seaborgium and compounds formed from it, both are radioactive in nature.
It is an element from group 6 and can be found in period 7th of the periodic table.
According to the various experiments performed, Seaborgium may act as a heavier homolog to the element Tungsten.
Seaborgium neither has any stable, nor any naturally occurring isotopes. However, the decay of heavy metals or fusion of two atoms in the laboratory has helped create several radioactive isotopes.
As per predictions, it is found in the state of solid matter under natural or normal conditions.
It has a structure similar to that of Tungsten just like a cubic crystal structure with the body centre.
The atomic weight of Seaborgium is 271.
It appears like a metallic grey or silvery white with a hint of shine.
It is of metallic lustre.
The density of Seaborgium is assumed to be 35 g/ cm3, though it is not the confirmed value.
It is of paramagnetic nature and attracts iron mildly.
The mass magnetic susceptibility of Seaborgium is 6.66 x 10-8 m3/ Kg.
The molar magnetic susceptibility of Seaborgium is 5.921 x 10-9 m3/ mol.
The volume magnetic susceptibility of Seaborgium is assumed to be 0.0002978.
ll. Chemical Properties of Seaborgium
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It is a group 6 element.
Seaborgium can be found in the period 7 in a periodic table.
It resides in block d.
The atomic number of Seaborgium is 106.
The physical state of Seaborgium element at 200 C is said to be solid.
The electronic configuration for the element can be represented as – [Rn] 5 f14 6 d4 7 s2.
The relative atomic mass of Seaborgium is also known as 269.
The key isotopes of this element can be represented as 271Sg.
The CAS number for Seaborgium will be 54038-81-2.
Number of electrons in Seaborgium is 106.
Number of Neutrons in Seaborgium is 165.
Number of protons in Seaborgium is 106.
The covalent radius of the Seaborgium atom is 1.43 Å.
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Sources of Seaborgium
It is not a naturally occurring element, rather an element which is synthetically produced by nuclear bombardment. It is possible to produce the element in tiny amounts only and is a short-lived element. This radioactive element is created when you bombard Ne-22 with CM-248 or when you bombard Cf-249 (Californium-249) with O-18 (Heavy oxygen atoms). So those who are still wondering what is Seaborgium and how it is synthesised can look here.
Isotopes of Seaborgium
An isotope is a variant of an element which has the same chemical property as that of the element. However, the nuclei of their atoms contain a similar number of protons and a different number of neutrons. As a result, the relative atomic mass differs and not the chemical properties of the element and its isotope.
Seaborgium has no stable isotopes. However, it has a few unstable isotopes as follows.
Seaborgium – 258
Seaborgium - 259
Seaborgium – 260
Seaborgium – 261
Seaborgium – 262
Seaborgium – 263
Seaborgium – 264
Seaborgium – 265
Seaborgium – 266
Seaborgium – 267
Seaborgium – 268
Seaborgium – 269
Seaborgium – 270
Seaborgium – 271
Seaborgium – 272
Seaborgium – 273
Amongst all the above isotopes, 271Sg is known to be the most stable isotope of Seaborgium. This is considered to have a half-life of approximate 2.4 minutes.
Applications and Effects of Seaborgium
Since it is still in its early development phase with few or no stable isotopes known, there are limited use and application of this element. It is mostly used in laboratories for research and development purpose. Since the element is short-lived and does not occur naturally or freely in nature, it has no commercial applications. However, because of its radioactive property, it might possess dangerous effects if exposed to the environment. However, because of its short-life and low quantity of produce, its threats or benefits are still unknown.
Multiple-choice Questions
Choose the appropriate reason that explains why Seaborgium was known as ‘Unnihexium’ when it was first discovered.
Because Russia and America both unanimously agreed upon this name.
Glenn Seaborg chose this name initially.
The element was already named as said above before its discovery.
Russia and America both were arguing upon who discovered the element first.
Ans – d
Choose the fundamental difference between the element Seaborgium and its isotope.
The element has more number of protons in the nucleus than its isotope.
Its isotope differs in the number of neutrons present in the nuclei.
The weight of the element is greater than that of its isotope.
Unlike the element, its isotope has unstable electrons.
Ans – b
Choose the correct option for Seaborgium.
Ans – c
Choose the right symbol for Seaborgium.
Ans – a
What is the atomic weight of Seaborgium?
Ans – c
Choose the isotope which is most stable.
Seaborgium – 265
Seaborgium – 270
Seaborgium – 268
Seaborgium – 271
Ans – d
Interesting Facts –
It is assumed to be the heaviest element present in group 6 of a periodic table.
It is positioned in the 4th place in the transition metal series of 6d and is the third known member.
This was the 1st element which was named after a living person after which IUPAC passed a rule that no elements can be named after a living person. However, that was removed as another element was named as Einsteinium while Albert Einstein was still alive.
In the year 2014, some research group at RNC (RIKEN Nishina Centre for Accelerator-based Research, Japan were able to establish a bond between carbon and Seaborgium for the very first time.
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FAQs on Seaborgium
1. What is the Atomic Mass of Seaborgium?
Ans. The atomic mass of Seaborgium is 269 g /mol. It is also known as the relative atomic mass. Also, the atomic weight of this element was found to be 271.
2. Where do you find Seaborgium in Nature?
Ans. It cannot be found in nature as it is not a naturally occurring element. It was found by the scientists while experimenting in their laboratory. Seaborgium is a synthetic component which is produced using nuclear bombardment of Cf-249 (Californium-249) with O-18 (Heavy oxygen atoms).
3. Which is the Group Seaborgium Belongs to?
Ans. It belongs to the d-block in a periodic table. It is a group 6 element and is a member of period 7th. Moving from left to right, it is positioned in the 4th place in the transition metals series of 6d. As per the experiments, it is observed that this element may act as a heavier homolog to the element tungsten found in group 6.
4. What Does Seaborgium Look Like?
Ans. The actual appearance of Seaborgium is still unknown. However, they are assumed to have a metallic grey or a silvery-white colour.