What is Silver Oxide?
The inorganic compound silver oxide is used in silver oxide-zinc alkaline batteries. The oxide could be prepared by slowly adding silver salts to a persulphate solution, such as ${{Ag}{N}{O}_{3}}$ to a ${{Na}_{2}{S}_{2}{O}_{8}}$ solution.
Once completed, it forms an unusual structure in nature because it is a compound with mixed valances. When there is an ${{O}_{2}}$ evolution in the water, the oxide decomposes and forms a solid with a dark brown appearance. When this oxide is dissolved in concentrated nitric acid, it produces brown ${{Ag}^{2+}}$ ions ${(}{{H}{N}{O}_{3}{)}}$. Silver powder formula is Ag.
Structure of Silver Oxide
Despite the empirical formula indicating that silver is in the oxidation state of +2 within the compound, AgO is diamagnetic. According to X-ray diffraction studies, there are two types of coordination environments: one with two collinear oxide neighbours and the other with four coplanar oxide neighbours ${{Ag}_{2}{O}{.}{Ag}_{2}{O}_{3}}$. Silver oxide formula is AgO.
Structure of Silver Oxide
Preparation of Silver Oxide
Silver oxide can be made by combining it with another silver compound, silver nitrate. An aqueous solution of silver nitrate is prepared and mixed with an alkali hydroxide solution. Alkali hydroxides are compounds made up of an alkali metal cation and a hydroxide anion, such as LiOH, NaOH, and KOH.
We start with 20ml of silver nitrate in a clean, dry test tube to make silver oxide. In the same test tube, pipette out 20ml of sodium hydroxide. Now thoroughly combine both reagents. Because both reagents mix well, a dark brown or black precipitate forms, indicating the formation of silver oxide. Allow the precipitate to settle in the test tube for 20 minutes.
Therefore, when silver nitrate and an alkali metal hydroxide compound combine, the formation of ${{Ag}_{2}{O}}$ takes place which is the silver oxide formula.
Applications of Silver Oxide
Silver oxide has a variety of applications. The few applications it has are listed below:
It is a component of silver oxide batteries.
It is used as a mild oxidising agent in many reactions, including the oxidation of aldehydes to carboxylic acids.
It is used in the synthesis of a wide range of compounds.
It is also used in the preparation of Tollen's reagent.
It is suitable for ceramic and optical applications due to its thermal stability.
Important Questions
1. Why silver articles become black when exposed to air?
Ans: Silver articles turn black when exposed to air for an extended period of time. When exposed to air, silver reacts with the sulphur in the air, forming a black layer of silver sulphide on the surface. When silver is exposed to air, it eventually turns black. The silver metal reacts with sulphur in the atmosphere to form silver sulphide. As a result, a layer of silver sulphide forms on the surface of silver items, giving them a dull and black appearance.
2. What are the advantages of silver oxide cells or batteries?
Ans: Silver oxide batteries are also known as silver-zinc batteries because they have a positive electrode made of silver oxide and a negative electrode made of zinc. Silver oxide serves as the cathode, and zinc serves as the anode. This aids in keeping the voltage constant and nominal during discharge until the battery is completely depleted. Silver-zinc batteries have numerous advantages over their counterparts. The following are the most significant benefits:
High current load tolerance
Excellent energy-to-weight ratio
Multiple Choice Questions
1. The symbol for silver is Ag, which stands for the word Argentum. What does argentum mean?
Answer: (a)
2. The electrolyte used to electroplate silver onto an object is:
Solution of silver nitrate
Sodium sulphate solution
Silver cyanide solution
Sodium argentocyanide solution
Answer: (d)
The inorganic compound silver oxide is used in silver oxide-zinc alkaline batteries. Despite the empirical formula indicating that silver is in the oxidation state of +2 within the compound, AgO is diamagnetic. To make this oxide, a 1.5-litre aqueous solution containing 65 grams of silver powder and 150 grams of sodium hydroxide is stirred continuously. Batteries contain silver oxide. Silver Oxide is used as an oxidising agent in the production of carboxylic acid from aldehydes.
FAQs on Silver Powder Formula
1. Why is Silver oxide considered a good conductor?
Silver oxide is a very good conductor, but not as good as pure silver. Because silver prevents oxidation, it is commonly used on many surfaces despite the fact that it oxidises itself during the oxidation of various materials. It is also used in the plating of electrical contacts because electricity can pass through it. Silver is not widely used because it is expensive and would result in more expensive electric wiring than copper wiring.
2. Is silver oxide a compound or element and why?
A chemical compound is made up of multiple elements held together by chemical bonds with identical molecules. As a result, a molecule that contains only one element of an atom is not a compound. Elements, on the other hand, are pure; they are made up entirely of atoms and have the same number of protons in their nuclei. As a result, silver oxide is a chemical compound because it contains more than one element and can be broken down into simpler substances through chemical reactions.
3. What is the main disadvantage of silver oxide batteries?
Although silver oxide cells have several advantages, one significant disadvantage is that the anode material, zinc, can corrode due to the high basicity of the electrolyte solution. Corrosion is a highly undesirable state because it makes it increasingly difficult to maintain the cell's capacity. The electrolyte undergoes electrolysis, resulting in the formation of hydrogen gas. It causes the cell to expand, increasing the pressure inside. Mercury is used in small amounts to combat corrosion. However, the use of mercury is strongly discouraged. Efforts are being made to develop silver oxide batteries that do not contain mercury. Another disadvantage is that it is costly. As a result, only small-sized silver oxide cells are used in commercial applications.