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Superheated Steam

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Superheated Steam Temperature

The coldness or hotness of a body/object is temperature. We know that the temperature of the liquid reaches its boiling point, the liquid starts evaporating; however, if the temperature of a gas rises above the boiling point of the liquid, it is a super temperature.

So, when all the liquid (water) evaporates from your pan, and the gas reaches the temperature reaches 213 degrees Fahrenheit (degree of superheat), we say that a liquid is superheated by 1 degree Fahrenheit. Further, this superheated liquid turns to superheated steam.

This page discusses the science behind the degree of superheat, superheated steam temperature, and superheated vapour in detail.

What is Superheat?

Firstly, we all know that most elements can exist as a liquid, gas, solid, and plasma (the fourth state of matter). Of these three  (four) states, only a gas, referred to as vapour or steam can be superheated.

Secondly, superheating occurs on heating a gas above the boiling point of that element in its liquid form. For instance, water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit at sea level.

Superheat Real-life Example

Thirdly, let’s imagine that that you put a pot of water on a stove burner. We heat the water until it reaches 212 degrees F, or its boiling point, and make sure that it won’t rise beyond that temperature while it is in liquid form.

Now,  use a thermometer to check the temperature of the boiling water in the pot. Assure yourself that the water won’t ever heat past that point of 212 degrees F. Even so the rest of the heat is named latent heat because it is “hidden” from the thermometer.

After this, we see that all the water in the pot has evaporated into a gas, now, the gas can become superheated steam. 

So, we get our superheat definition as;

Superheat Definition

Superheating is the point at which the temperature of the gas transcends the edge of the boiling point of the liquid. For instance, after all the water has dissipated and the gas arrives at 213 degrees F, it is supposed to be superheated by 1 degree F.

Point To Note:

There are some important terms that we are going to use often to understand the steam temperature and perform the superheat temperature calculation; let’s understand what they are:


Saturation is a term to portray where a substance changes state, for example, from fluid to gas or strong to fluid. In our illustration of bubbling water, immersion would be the limit of 212 degrees F. At the point when the substance has been warmed over its saturation point, it has been superheated.


Conversely, when the temperature of the substance drops below its saturation temperature, meaning, it has been subcooled.

Very much like no one but gas can be superheated, just fluids and solids can be subcooled. Thus, if our pot of bubbling water dips under 212 degrees F to 211 degrees F, we can say it has been subcooled by one degree.

Graph of Superheat, Saturation, Supercool

[Image will be Uploaded Soon]

What is Superheated Steam?

Steam whose temperature comes higher than its vaporization point at the absolute pressure (where the temperature is measured) is superheated steam. 

In the event that steam exists totally as vapours at saturation temperature, it is called superheated steam or superheated vapour, or dry steam. The dry-saturated vapour is described by the vapour quality, which is equivalent to unity.

Superheated vapour or superheated steam is a vapour at a temperature higher than its limit at the total pressure where the temperature is estimated. 

Also, the pressure and temperature of superheated vapours are autonomous properties, since the temperature may increment while the pressure stays steady. All things considered, the substances we call gases are profoundly superheated vapours.

Steam Temperature

Steam is the gaseous state of matter. We use vacuum steam as a general term for saturated steam possessing a temperature below 100 degrees Celsius. 

Therefore, at atmospheric pressure, i.e., 0 bar g, absolute 1 bar, water boils at 100 oC and 417.51 kJ of energy is needed to heat 1 kg of water from 0 oC to evaporating temperature of 100  oC.

Additionally, 2257.92 kJ of energy is required to evaporate 1 kg of water at 100 oC into 1 kg of steam at 100 oC. Thus, at 0 bar g (absolute 1 bar), the specific enthalpy of vapourisation is 2257.19 kJ/kg.

The total specific enthalpy for steam at 0 bar calculation is given as;

hs = (417.51 kJ/kg) + (2257.92 kJ/kg)

    = 2675.43 kJ/kg

Here, the specific enthalpy is the total energy in a system because of the pressure and temperature per unit of mass in that system or h = H/m.

Steam Temperature Example

Steam at atmospheric pressure is of a restricted viable use since it can't be passed on by its own pressure along a steam pipe to the marks of utilization. In a steam circulation framework, the pressure is in every case in excess of 0 bar check. 

At 7 bar g (absolute 8 bar) the saturation temperature of the water is 170.42 oC. More heat energy is needed to raise its temperature to saturation point at 7 bar g than required when the water is at barometrical pressing factor. Agreeing the table 720.94 kJ is needed to raise 1 kg of water from 0 oC to immersion temperature 170 oC. 

The heat energy (enthalpy of dissipation) required at 7 bar g to disintegrate the water to steam is in reality not exactly needed at the environmental pressure. The particular enthalpy of vaporization diminishes with steam pressure. The heat lost at 7 bar g is 2046.53 kJ/kg.

Point To Note:

The specific volume of steam decreases with the pressure rise Also, the amount of heat energy distributed by the same volume increases. 

Further, the higher is the pressure - the more energy can be transferred in a steam distribution system.

Superheated Vapour

Superheated vapour is a solvent vapour heated to and past its typical edge of boiling point at normal atmospheric pressure. Its interesting ability is to warm materials to over the ordinary edge of the boiling point of the dissolvable utilized. 

The excellent utilization of superheated vapour is to disintegrate the last traces of fluid solvent held inside part cleft. It's about to die!

That capacity isn't difficult to execute rapidly in light of the fact that vapour to solid heat transfer is exceptionally wasteful. Thus, the interaction step of contact by superheated vapour significantly stretches the general process duration.

Reason for Accepting Superheated Vapour

The superb justification for tolerating the penalties of a lengthened cycle time and the energy cost of heating solvent vapour past its ordinary limit is to have the option to eliminate all fluid from leaves behind confounded designs. 

Superheated Vapour Examples

Two examples of superheated vapour are as follows:

  1. Honeycomb boards (with layers or the capacity to cup fluid solvents) utilized as primary materials for aviation applications (at lower left).

  2. The second type is porous materials that will be utilized to fabricate implants for people.

FAQs on Superheated Steam

Q1: State the Two Real-Life Superheated Steam Applications.

Ans: The two real-life superheated steam applications are as follows:

Power Generation

Superheated steam is the best hotspot for things like power generation. Its giant internal energy can be put to acceptable usage for active reactions by means of mechanical development against turbine sharp edges and responding cylinders. 

Superheated steam is liked over steams since it delivers a great deal of its internal energy for work and stays over the fluid's water vapour point (at a given pressure inside the turbine/cylinder motor). 

At higher pressures, wet steam contains liquid droplets that are by and large really difficult to pack. Such droplets can likewise cause sway harm to mechanical components of turbines and motors.


Processing applications like:

  • Chemical reaction processing

  • Catalysis

  • Energy systems

  • Curing

  • Drying

  • Cleaning

  • Steam oxidation

  • Nanotechnology

  • Layering

  • Reaction engineering

  • Epoxy drying

Q2: State a Principal Application of Steam.

Ans: A principal application of steam is steam for atomization. Now, let’s understand it:

Steam atomization is a cycle where steam is utilized to precisely isolating a liquid. In certain burners, for instance, steam is infused into the fuel to augment ignition proficiency and limit the creation of hydrocarbons (residue). 

Steam boilers and generators that utilization fuel oil will go through this strategy to break the thick oil into more modest beads to consider more proficient burning. Flares likewise usually use steam atomization to lessen contaminations in the exhaust.