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Threonine Meaning

William Cumming Rose, collaborating with Curtis Meyer discovered threonine in 1936. 

Threonine amino acid was named threonine because it familiarizes with the structure of threonic acid. A threonic acid is a four-carbon monosaccharide with a molecular formula of C4H8O5.

Threonine or thr or th is also known as thr amino acid. Thr amino acid (essential amino acid) is used in the biosynthesis or biological synthesis of proteins. Also, we know that amino acids are the building blocks of the body utilized to make proteins.

On this page, we will understand the threonine structure, threonine benefits in detail.

Threonine Definition

Threonine is an amino acid that we use in the biosynthesis of proteins. It involves an α-amino group (a protonated −  NH3+ structure under organic conditions), a carboxyl group (a deprotonated − COO form under biological conditions), and a side chain containing a hydroxyl group (OH), making it a polar, uncharged amino acid.

The threonine structure looks like the following:

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What is Threonine?

Threonine fills in as the sole source of carbon and nitrogen for the development of a wide assortment of creatures. 

A few compounds are associated with threonine digestion. A few chemicals take part in the biosynthesis of threonine from aspartic acid through homoserine, though others are answerable for the debasement of threonine. The retro-aldol cleavage of threonine is utilized to shape glycine, and therefore, acetaldehyde is catalyzed by threonine aldolases (TAs). 

Here, TA is likewise one of a few compounds taking part in the elective pyridoxal-5′-phosphate amalgamation pathway, where it catalyzes the buildup of glycolaldehyde with glycine

Threonine was among the last 20 common proteinogenic amino acids to be discovered.

Threonine amino acid is an essential amino acid that plays a significant role in regulating protein balance in the human body. Also, it a little-known amino acid, but plays a major role in the immune system. In general, our body cannot synthesize an essential threonine directly, so we obtain it from dietary sources.

Biosynthesis of Threonine 

From the above text, we understand that Threonine, a thr amino acid is obtainable from many proteins. It is among the several so-called essential amino acids. Animals cannot synthesize it and require dietary sources. Threonine is synthesized in microorganisms from the amino acid aspartic acid through α-aspartyl-semialdehyde and homoserine. 

Following this, homoserine undergoes O-phosphorylation. Further, this phosphate ester undergoes hydrolysis concomitant with the relocation of the OH group. Enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of threonine include the following:

  • Aspartokinase

  • β-aspartate semialdehyde dehydrogenase

  • Homoserine dehydrogenase

  • Homoserine kinase

  • Threonine synthases

The chemical threonine structure is:

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Threonine Structure

Threonine is among the two proteinogenic amino acids with two stereogenic centers, another being isoleucine.

Threonine subsists in the following configurations with four possible stereoisomers:

  1. (2S,3R)

  2. (2R,3S) 

  3. (2S,3S)

  4. (2R,3R)

The structure of the above configurations are as follows:

[Image will be Uploaded Soon] 

Here, the name L-threonine is used for one single stereoisomer, Besides this, we have:

(2S,3R) is known as 2-amino-3-hydroxybutanoic acid. 

The second stereoisomer (2S,3S) - This configuration compound is rarely present in nature. Lso, it is called L-allothreonine. 

However, the two stereoisomers viz: (2R,3S)- and (2R,3R) - 2-amino-3-hydroxybutanoic acid are of less importance.

Threonine Chemical Properties

The below table describes the chemical properties of Threonine:


Value or Description

Chemical formula


Molar Mass

119.120 g/mol

Solubility in water

(H2O, g/dl)

10.6 at 30 °C

14.1 at 52 °C

19.0 at 61 °C 

Acidity (pKa)

2.63 (carboxyl)

10.43 (amino)

Threonine Significance

  • L-threonine is an optically dynamic type of threonine having L-arrangement. It functions as the following: 

  1. A nutraceutical

  2. A Saccharomyces

  3. A micronutrient

  4. Cerevisiae metabolite

  5. A plant metabolite

  6. An Escherichia coli metabolite

  7. A human metabolite

  8. An algal metabolite, and 

  9. A mouse metabolite.

  • L-threonine belongs to an aspartate family amino acid. It is a proteinogenic amino acid, a threonine, and an L-alpha-amino acid. 

L-threonine is a  base form of an L-threoninium and the form acid of an L-threoninate. Besdies this, it is an enantiomer of a D-threonine and a tautomer of an L-threonine zwitterion

  • Threonine is a fundamental amino acid in people (given by food), Threonine is a significant buildup of numerous proteins, for example, tooth veneer, collagen, and elastin. 

  • Additionally, threonine amino acid is a significant amino acid for the sensory system, threonine likewise assumes a significant part in porphyrin and fat digestion and forestalls fat development in the liver. Helpful with intestinal problems and heartburn, threonine has likewise been utilized to lighten nervousness and gentle gloom (NCIO4).

L - Threonine Functions

The L - threonine functions are as follows:

  • Threonine is a fundamental amino acid, i.e., it is crucial for your wellbeing, however, it can’t be combined by your body and in this manner must be acquired from an eating routine. This amino acid backing focal apprehensive, cardiovascular, liver, and safe framework working - just to give some examples. 

  • In addition, it helps in the amalgamation of glycine and serine which, in their turn, aid the creation of collagen, elastin, and muscle tissue. Furthermore, Threonine helps to build solid bones and tooth polish and paces up an injury recuperating measure after injury or medical procedure by boosting up the invulnerable framework. 

  • Threonine works the accompanying way: it consolidates with aspartic corrosive and Methionine to together assistance liver summary fats and unsaturated fats. This cycle decreases the amassing of fat in the liver, which would some way or another influence the liver capacity. 

  • Additionally, thr amino acid helps treat Lou Gehrig's infection, otherwise known as Amyotrophic Parallel Sclerosis. Logical investigations show that Threonine treatment additionally lightens indications of Numerous Sclerosis - another sickness influencing nerves and muscles. Plus, Threonine is perceived as an immunostimulant advancing the development of the thymus organ.

Threonine Role on Immune System

The body requires threonine for supporting appropriate safe capacities. It has been seen that the thymus organ uses this fundamental amino corrosive for animating the amalgamation of T - lymphocytes or White blood cells and assists with improving their movement. 

It likewise assists with reinforcing the guard system of the body.

Threonine Role on Muscle Growth

  • It assumes a basic part in advancing the development and improvement of muscle. 

  • It has seen that the utilization of threonine is compelling for improving bulk. 

  • It additionally assumes an essential part in making the muscle solid. 

  • It assists with keeping up the versatility of muscle too. 

  • It assists with forestalling muscle fit as well. 

  • It assists with delivering glycine and the body uses glycine for blending creatine that goes about as a powerful wellspring of fuel for muscle, which assists with fixing strong harms. 

  • It likewise assumes an essential part in controlling muscle withdrawal.

Threonine Role on CNS

Threonine is considered a significant fundamental amino acid, which is needed for advancing the general wellbeing status of the central nervous system. It additionally assists with improving the movement of the cerebrum. 

Utilization of threonine is extremely successful for diminishing the predominance of different neurodegenerative issues like spinal spasticity, familial spastic paraparesis, various sclerosis, and Gehrig's illness otherwise called amyotrophic sidelong sclerosis.

Threonine Benefits

Threonine is discovered generally in the central nervous system (CNS), it tends to be truly useful in treating various kinds of discouragement. This amino acid makes up elastin, collagen, and polish protein, and even advances the appropriate fat digestion in the liver. 

At long last, Threonine is known for supporting the stomach-related and intestinal parcels to work all the more easily, just as for aiding in digestion and osmosis. 

Legitimate degrees of Threonine can be found in many lumps of meat, dairy, and eggs. Veggie lovers may get it from the raw grain, nuts, beans, and a few vegetables, however in lower amounts.

FAQs on Threonine

Q1: Explain the Two Best Threonine-Rich Foods.

Ans:  the two threonine-rich foods are:


A chunk of protein-rich meat, for example, turkey has known to enough enhancement the body with threonine. Indeed, it is generally credited to be perhaps the most extravagant wellspring of threonine by the U.S Division of Health and Agriculture. An 85-gram serving of turkey is equal to 1090 milligrams of threonine. This serving itself can give you 61 % of your threonine needs if you end up being a male or 72 % of your utilization needs on the off chance that you end up being a lady.

White Beans

White beans are an aid for veggie lovers hoping to enhance their threonine needs. Aside from its numerous medical advantages, white beans are known to contain 39 % of the threonine RDI. On the off chance that you don't burn through meat or eggs, white beans are an absolute necessity on your plate.

Q2: Explain the Role of Threonine on the Digestive System.

Ans: Threonine assumes a significant part in improving generally stomach related soundness of a person. 

  • It is related to delivering mucous gel layer, which assists with covering the stomach and shields it from wounds. 

  • It assists with advancing the use of gut mucous hindrance and consequently improves gut wellbeing. 

  • It helps in the blend of intestinal mucosal protein that assists with advancing the retention of supplements just as safe detecting and restricts the transportation of hurtful antigens or microorganisms through it.

Q3: List the Threonine Deficiency Disorders.

Ans: The deficiency of threonine must be treated with consuming a proper diet otherwise it may become very fatal and cause the following health issues:


Digestive disorders

Fatty liver disease

Emotional irritability


A poor absorption rate of nutrients