What is Right to Vote?
If you are over the age of 18, you have the constitutional right to vote in India. This, however, makes it optional. Voters, particularly in metropolitan areas, have a tendency to regard election day as a day of rest. While skipping the vote may appear to have no negative implications in the short term, the long-term consequences are terrible.
Why is Voting Important?
It has been customary to speak vehemently about any candidate or elected leader of any legislative assembly or parliament. The fault-finding then shifts to the 'System,' and how democracy is failing to function properly. However, 'What the people can do' to deepen democratic roots and bring about systemic change has received relatively little attention. It is the obligation of the chosen leader to satisfy the wishes of the voters, just as it is the responsibility of the Indian people to contribute to the selection of the best leader for their representation.
People have been given a powerful right by democracy: the right to vote. Voting is the cornerstone of democracy's slogan, "Of the people, for the people, and by the people." As a result, rather than viewing it as a vacation, one must vote if one actually wants to participate in the nation-building process and effect change. A citizen should not have to look for a reason to vote. Although there is no legal obligation to vote, it must be done as a compulsion.
We can say that the right to vote is a political right, a legal right and a constitutional right.
Universal Adult Franchise
Universal Adult Franchise means all the adults of the country who have attained the age of 18, have the right to vote to elect their representative in the government.
We all know that democracy is built on the "rule of law" pillar. This limits the government's authority and prevents it from acting dictatorially. Citizens are given rights so that they can be utilised to sustain the rule of law. They are both good and negative constraints on the government and other institutions.
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The Following Examples Demonstrate Why Should we vote -
It will assist in the implementation of required changes that will improve the efficiency of our government.
It is a critical component of a democracy's long-term survival. Without rights, a country's democracy becomes ineffectual and meaningless.
It protects minorities from majoritarian oppression.
Rights are essential for democracy to exist. Every citizen of the country has the right to take part in the democratic process.
It aids in the maintenance of law and order when certain citizens attempt to deprive others of their rights.
It gives us the ability to speak for ourselves and demand what we want from our government. It also aids us in selecting a better leader to lead the government.
If people have rights in a democracy, they can live a dignified existence.
Citizens shall have the right to express themselves, form political parties, and participate in political activities in the absence of democratic elections.
Finally, the government is expected to preserve citizens' rights. However, we frequently see elected governments failing to defend or even attacking the rights of their own population. As a result, some rights must be placed above those of the government so that they cannot be violated.
Importance of Election
The election is a procedure in which the population of a country elect a government that will effectively rule the country. In a democratic democracy, the election process is crucial. One of the key reasons is because it is a government of, by, and for the people of the country. In India, all individuals who are 18 years of age or older are eligible to vote in elections to elect their governments. If no elections are held, the country may descend into monarchy, dictatorship, or authoritative rule.
Elections are an important and necessary aspect of any democratic society.
Citizens of the country can elect their representatives with the use of votes.
A person who is 18 years old or older has the right to vote freely.
Elections are a procedure through which a democratic nation's slogan - of the people, by the people, and for the people – is fulfilled.
Candidates running for re-election must demonstrate their performance in office during the previous years to the voters.
It's a step toward equality and fairness, as all citizens are eligible to vote, regardless of race or ethnicity.
Any candidate who meets all of the conditions for running for a position is eligible to campaign and run in elections.
FAQs on Right to Vote
1. Right to vote is constitutional right. We can also say that the right to vote is a __________________ .
A. Fundamental right
B. Fundamental duty
C. Part of directive principles
D. Legal right
The correct answer is D, the right to vote is a Legal Right. Or we can say the right to vote is a fundamental right. The right to vote is a legal right because it was granted to the people under Section 62 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951.
2. What happens if no elections are held in the country?
In India, all individuals who are 18 years of age or older are eligible to vote in elections to elect their governments. If no elections are held, the country may descend into a monarchy, dictatorship, or authoritative rule.