Introduction to Circular Flow of Income
The circular flow of income is about how money gets paid around in the economy. There are two main types of actors in this flow. There are businesses, which produce goods and services, employ people to work for them, pay wages on their behalf and charge customers for the things they sell. There are the households, which consume goods and services, employ people to work for them, provide wages to those people from their incomes and who have money left over from their budgets after they have bought what they need. We will be looking at how these flows go around in a simple circular flow diagram later on in this article.
The calculation of national income is a measure of the total amount of economic activity in a country over some time. It takes into account all the money that has been earned by selling things and all the money that has been paid out for wages, rent, interest and so on. It can be used to see how well the economy is performing and how it is changing. The calculation of national income is usually broken down into three steps. These are the so-called 'identifiable expenditure approach' which looks at how households use their money, the 'expenditure method' which considers how businesses use their incomes and finally there is the 'income method'. We will look at each of these in turn.
Identifiable Expenditure Approach
This first step considers how households spend their money. A large part of household spending is on things that are made by businesses, for example, houses, cars and furniture. These are the 'identifiable expenditure items'. Some of these goods are called 'final' because they are finished products that aren't used again to make anything else. For example, when you buy a car, it is finished and can't be used to produce any other goods.
Another household spending is on things that are called 'intermediate' because they are used to produce other things. For example, when you buy coal, it is an intermediate good because it is used to produce electricity. The calculation of national income takes into account only final goods. It does this by looking at how much money is spent on each type of good.
Both inflow and expenditure are integral parts of any functional economy. They tend to come in handy for analysing the performance of an economy and further help to formulate effective strategies for different economic sectors. It must also be noted that the circular flow of money creates a link between consumers and producers and helps create functional market networks.
On that note, let’s find out more about the circular flow of income in an economy from below.
What is Circular Flow of Income?
The circular flow of income can be explained as a functional economic model which represents how money flows through the different sectors in an economy. It depicts how produced goods and services, income and expenditure tend to flow in an economy. One can explain the circular flow of income and expenditure with three types of economy, namely – two-sector economy, three-sector economy and four-sector economy.
Typically, there are 3 phases of the circular flow of income in a simple economy or closed economy –
Production Phase: It is primarily concerned with income generation.
Income Phase: It includes movement of factor income like rent, wage, interest and profits from production firms to households.
Expenditure Phase: In this phase, the income generated through factors of production is spent mostly on goods and services which are produced by firms.
Notably, there are several factors of production and consumption like labour, capital, enterprise, rent, wage, interest and profit, which tend to affect the circular flow of money. Also, there are different types of the circular flow of economic activity one should become aware of.
Types of Circular Flow of Income
Generally, they are of 4 types –
Real Flow: It indicates the movement of factor services from households in an economy to its business units. It also shows the movement of goods and services from business units to households of an economy.
Money Flow: It indicates the movement of money from different economic sectors in terms of factor payments for availing factor services.
Injections: In practice, money is introduced into an economy for firms and households borrowing from financial institutions.
Leakages: Typically, indicates the withdrawal of money from the flow.
On that note, let’s take a close look at how money flows in a two-sector economy.
Circular Flow of Income: In a Two-Sector Economy
Notably, it is a hypothetical concept, where the economy comprises only two sectors, namely, households and business firms. In such a setup, the households serve as a source of factors, and they generate income by providing factor services to business firms. On the other hand, business firms serve as a provider of goods and services that generate income by supplying the same to households within the economy.
In simple words, the circular flow of income in a two-sector economy can be defined as the flow of money and receipt of goods, services and factor services between business firms and households.
Take a look at this diagram below to understand the functioning circular flow of income in a two-sector economy effectively.
Here, the outer flow indicates the monetary flow, while the inner flow indicates the real flow of income. In turn, it indicates that the expenses incurred by the household sector emerge as an income source for the business firms and vice versa. Hence, it can be said that-
Money received by producers = Household earnings = Households’ expenses on consumptions.
However, such a model is based on some assumptions to make it more practical. Such assumptions which as follow –
There are 2 sectors in the economy, i.e. business firms and households.
The economic activities are free from government intervention.
It is a closed economy, where business firms do not participate in import and export.
Test Your Knowledge: Can you name all the sectors in the circular flow of income in a four sector economy?
What are the Methods of Calculating National Income?
There are 3 methods to compute national income –
1. Income Method
In the case of the income method of calculating national income, the primary emphasis is on production factors such as land, labour, capital and enterprise. It also factors in income through rent, salaries, interest, wages and profits. Notably, it excludes transfer payment, lottery, profit tax and sale of second-hand goods.
Formula of income method of national income = Rent + Wages + Interest + Profit + Mixed Income.
2. Expenditure Method
In this expenditure method of calculating national income, the main focus is on the expenses of residents, business firms or the government. It is inclusive of the following –
Goods and services purchased by households (C)
Expenses of business firms (I)
Government expenses (G)
Net exports (NX)
Expenditure method of national income formula = C + G + I + NX
3. Value Added Method
In this method, the main emphasis is laid upon value-added to any given product at each production stage. One needs to factor in the value of all goods and services produced by all firms in every industry in the economy.
Value-added method formula = (NDPFC) + Net factor income from abroad
It must be noted that here, NDPFC is the net domestic income of an economy.
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In a nutshell, the circular flow of income diagram represents the flow of money and receipt of goods, services and factor services between business firms and households sectors in a two-sector economy. Notably, the economic activities are free from government intervention and it is a closed economy model.
FAQs on Circular Flow of Income and National Income Calculation Methods
1. What Is Circular Flow of Income?
It can be described as the flow of products, services, income and expenses in an economy. Typically, there are 3 phases inflow of income – Production phase, income phase and expenditure phase.
2. How Is National Income Calculated?
National income can be calculated by using these three methods – Income method, expenditure method or value-added method.
3. What is the Formula of Income Method of National Income?
The formula of income method is Rent + Wages + Interest + Profit + Mixed-Income
4. What is the Expenditure Method Formula?
The expenditure method formula is C + G + I + NX (Consumer + Government expenses + Expense of business firm + Net export)
5. How can one understand the functioning of the circular flow of income diagram in a two-sector economy?
The circular flow of income diagram in a two-sector economy shows the monetary flows between business firms and households. There are 3 routes through which monetary transactions take place – income, expenditure, and value-added. The diagram is based on the following 3 assumptions – There are only 2 sectors in the economy, business firms, and households. The economic activities are free from government intervention. It is a closed economy model, Business firms do not participate in import and export, etc.
6. What is the significance of the circular flow of the income diagram?
The circular flow of income diagram is important because it helps economists to understand the functioning of an economy. It shows how money circulates between different sectors and how households and business firms interact with each other. The diagram is based on certain assumptions which may or may not be true in an economy. The circular flow of income diagram is helpful to understand how money circulates between different sectors in an economy and how households and business firms interact with each other. The diagram is based on certain assumptions which may or may not be true in an economy.
7. What are the benefits of studying the circular flow of income?
The benefits of studying the circular flow of income are that it helps economists to understand the workings of an economy. It also helps to identify the problems in an economy and provides possible solutions. The diagram is based on certain assumptions which may or may not be true in an economy. As a student, you need to be aware of the limitations of the diagram and study only after going through all assumptions carefully. Only then can you understand the real working of an economy by applying this diagram to it.
8. What are the limitations of the circular flow of income diagram in a two-sector economy?
There are certain limitations to the circular flow of income diagrams in a two-sector economy. The diagram is based on certain assumptions which may or may not be true in an economy. It does not take into account the government intervention in the economy and the business firms' participation in import and export. The diagram is also confined to a closed economy model. These limitations should be kept in mind while studying the diagram. circular flow of income diagram in the two-sector economy, circular flow of income in three sector economy, circular flow of income diagram, understanding circular flow of income diagram, benefits of studying the circular flow of income, limitations of the circular flow of income diagram.
9. What are the assumptions of the circular flow of income diagram in a two-sector economy?
The primary assumption is that there are only 2 sectors in an economy – business firms and households. Both these sectors interact with each other without any involvement of the government. The economic activities are also free from government intervention. Another important assumption is that the circular flow diagram is based on a closed economy model. This means that business firms do not participate in import and export. Finally, it is assumed that monetary transactions take place between business firms and households.