DK Goel Solutions Class 12 Volume 1 Chapter 5 - Dissolution of a Partnership Firm
FAQs on DK Goel Class 12 Accountancy Chapter 5 Solutions
1. What are the Ways by Which the Dissolution of a Partnership Firm Takes Place?
Dissolution of a firm may or may not require intervention by the court. The ways by which a partnership firm dissolves are by agreement with the consent of the partner, by compulsory dissolution as one partner becomes insolvent, or when the company uses illegal ways. The other forms of dissolution are expiry of terms, death of a partner, adjudication of a partner as an insolvent, and dissolution by notice. A court can intervene when a partner becomes insane or is guilty of committing a crime and when the business isn’t able to make a recovery from losses, a partner breaches a contract.
2. Can a Partnership Continue After Dissolution?
A partnership can be dissolved by following specific rules or principles. When the firm dissolves though the partners do not contribute to the business, the partnership continues until the settlement of debts.
One of the partners can follow certain steps before deciding to dissolve the partnership like reviewing the partnership agreement, filing a dissolution form, settlement of the closure account, notifying the IRS, customers, and employees. It is better to have a clear discussion about the liability, business debts, and obligations with the partner beforehand.
3. What is the Difference Between the Dissolution of a Partnership Firm and Dissolution of Partnership?
When the jural relationship between the partners comes to an end, it is termed as dissolution of the firm. Whereas, when any one of the partners becomes incapacitated, the partnership between the partners and the firm gets dissolved.
While the termination of the partnership, economic relationships continue to exist but in changed form while in the other, transactions are restricted. In the dissolution of the firm, a realization account is created while a revaluation account is created for partnership dissolution. However, the book of accounts remains closed after firm closure but keeps on operating for partnership dissolution until debts are cleared.
4. One of the partners of a partnership firm has been dissolved. What are the rights of the partners upon the firm's dissolution?
Each partner will have the right to have the firm's assets applied to the firm's liabilities, with the surplus then distributed among the partners. Portions 46 and 48 are two major sections that apply to the division of the firm's assets and the settlement of accounts after the firm's dissolution. Students can clearly understand the concepts of Class 12 Volume 1 Chapter 5 from the Solutions available on Vedantu. Students can read the DK Goel Solutions carefully for understanding the concepts.
5. Following the breakup of the firm in which I was a partner, another partner has started a comparable business under the name of the former firm. Is it possible for me to stop that partner from continuing the business?
Following the firm's dissolution, each partner has the right to prevent any other partner or his representative from carrying on a comparable company in the firm's name or utilizing any of the firm's property for personal gain until the firm's affairs are settled. In one example, it was decided that quota could not be divided upon the dissolution of a partnership since it was not an asset of the partnership but a matter of privilege, and the award of it rested with the responsible authority. As a result, when the quota, which is a license, is dissolved, it cannot be shared.