Importance of Education in India
Education opens up a world of possibilities for individuals by empowering them with knowledge. It is the cultivation of learning in various ways. One of the most common ways to obtain an education is by going to a formal school and learning from teachers, but it is not limited to that. Education in the bigger picture is the process of encouraging discovery and innovation. From the time we are born, humans keep learning, sometimes consciously and many times subconsciously. Education is an all-encompassing field of acquiring knowledge, values, skills, habits, and beliefs.
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Introduction of Education in India
The importance of education in India has been seen right from ancient times. Human education in India can be traced back to ancient times when the Gurukul system existed. In this Guru-Shishya (teacher-disciple) system, those who wanted to study would go to teachers and request to be accepted as a disciple. If accepted, the disciple had to stay at the teacher’s place, and apart from learning, he also had to help in other household chores. This system fostered a strong tie between the Guru and Shishya, and it also taught the disciple how to run a household. Teachers of that era taught all the subjects in open classrooms, under the sun. Languages like Sanskrit and holy scripture, as well as metaphysics and mathematics, were part of the learning process. Learning was based more on understanding their surroundings and nature, not just memorizing verses or shlokas
This education system got an impetus and flourished with universities like Nalanda, Ujjain, Takshashila, and Vikramshila.
Education and Development in India
Lord Thomas Babington Macauly brought the modern form of education and the English language to India in the 1830s. The development of education in India was marked by classroom confinement, and modern subjects like science and maths were part of this curriculum. Subjects like metaphysics and philosophy were deemed unnecessary at that time.
The first education board, the Board of High School and Intermediate Education, was set up in Uttar Pradesh in India in 1921. This board’s jurisdiction included Rajputana, Gwalior, and central India. In 1929 another board for high school was established in Rajputana. Few other boards came up in different states but eventually in 1952 a central board called CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) was set up, which included all the schools in Delhi and a few other regions. All the schools affiliated with the CBSE board followed the curriculum, examination system, and textbooks prescribed by the board. In 1958, the ICSE board came into existence. As of today's date, there are thousands of schools in India that follow the CBSE syllabus. This syllabus is also followed in a few other countries like Zimbabwe, Kuwait, and Afghanistan.
Importance of Education in Modern India
India is now witnessing the era of science and technology. Education in India has now reorganized itself to emphasize how essential technology is in our everyday life. Students are being trained in these spheres as per the need of the time.
Recently virtual international K-12 education in India has been launched. It is in collaboration with iNaCa (International connections academy). K-12 is affiliated with the state board, CBSE, and CISCE (Council for the Indian school certificate examinations). This education aims to let students learn at their own pace with engaging multimedia tools like enhanced videos, game-based learning, social learning, etc. K-12 (K is for kindergarten and 12 is for class 12) focus is to infuse innovation and creativity in children which it strives to achieve by:
Breaking away from the standard testing methodology and encouraging students to find answers to questions by themselves through observation and judgment.
Having technology-driven learning where blended teaching (virtual and in-person) happens, improves the primary education standards in India.
Designing syllabus and curriculum which would prepare students for the workplace of the future.
Status of Current Education in India
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As per the Census done in 2011, the current status of literacy and other parameters in the Indian education system is as follows.
The overall literacy rate is 74% with males’ literacy at 82.1% and females’ at 65.5%.
The most literate state in India is Kerala, and the other top rankers are Delhi, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu.
The gender gap in literacy rates has narrowed down since 1991.
From 2001 to 2011, the male literacy rate has increased by 6%, and female literacy has grown by 12%.
World literacy, as per UNESCO in 2015, stands at 86.3% and India needs to catch-up with it. The image below represents public education spendings in different countries in the years 2007 and 2016.
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More about Education in India
Let’s get an insight into some ways to make the educational system better.
Accountability and Parent Involvement
In order to create a homeostatic environment, it is crucial that students, teachers, institutions and management work together. Teachers should serve as guides for students and their parents should work in a collaboration to bring better results. If institutions are successful at that, they must be promoted and likewise, if they fail to do so, they must be held accountable for the same. Strategies must be evolved so as to enforce better management, proper usage of resources, increased communication and defined consequences.
Technological Integration
In modern society, technology is all the rage. Technological competence is a very necessary skill, especially so in the future. Students must be exposed to upcoming changes in the field and give them the platform to work on them. This will also help students in their other respective fields, like creating scientific simulations, economic awareness, literary knowledge, other resources etc. It also helps them be globally aware of the socio-economic crisis and motivate students to work on them. Information technology in itself is a popular profession with ever-growing employment opportunities. Hence technology is important for the well-rounded development of the subjects.
Revision of the Curriculum
There is a constant need to revisit the curriculum and revive it as per the needs of the present. Society is constantly changing these days, with new inventions and discoveries almost every day. Hence, it is important that we must check what goes on to the next working generation. They must be well informed on these changes. There must be ways to control the outpouring of information and methods should be formatted as to how to appropriately pass them on. In general, current affairs must be incorporated into their daily modules as consciousness of societal conventions is just as vital for making students functional members of society.
Periodic Assessment
Consistent, well-planned and uniform assessments, both academic and non-academic are integral in the course of development. This is a good way to identify weak and strong areas, interests etc. They can help in filling possible mental gaps and rectifying shortcomings. Healthy competition should also be introduced to keep students motivated for their purpose. However, this competition should be put in check to ensure that it doesn't affect a student's mental health, otherwise, it often ends up doing more harm than good. Stress-free and fair tests can rather boost self-confidence and serve as a tool to instill transparency in the entire system.
Personalized Plans
Every child has different needs and while some policies and strategies can be standardized, it is also important to personalize the learning experience. Students should be provided with the options to opt for training courses that are set according to their preference, in presence of a mentor. It helps to build their interest in studies and promotes improvement in their chosen field. A proficient educational institution will be flexible and accommodating to changing circumstances of the students. Government must also work with the schools to provide them with the necessary tools to establish this.
Optimum Training for Teachers
It is equally important to provide teachers with the appropriate training. There is no shortage of dedicated employees who will be willing to work on actually bettering the system. The problem is that they have little or no customized training with respect to the changing methods and curriculum. They must be provided with proper infrastructure and be equipped with proper tools and resources. Doing the same in rural areas is also important. They should be trained in skill-based and vocational subjects so that students have the option to take up those professions after completing their education. Improving the roots is the first step of revamping the system.
FAQs on Education in India: Opportunities and Challenges
1. How important is the test system for students?
Tests allow the students to get a true picture of their preparations and also introspect. Based on these observations, it becomes easier for them to make an immediate plan of action. Hence, it is one of the most important parts of any of the educational systems and students shall take this seriously.
2. What is better- practical or theoretical learning?
As a matter of fact, learning should be a never-ending process. Whether it is about the practical or theoretical part, subject knowledge should be prioritized. Students shall understand and focus on strengthening their core concepts and continue learning for as long as possible.
3. How should I prepare for the future? Which subject mix should I choose?
Students shall understand that every subject, every topic, every concept is equally important. It works on a simple principle that eventually, everything connects.
To understand concepts better, consider checking out the website of Vedantu or downloading the mobile app.
4. What is the current pyramidal structure of education in India?
The Indian education system is represented by a pyramidal structure in the following manner. Pre-primary is education up to 5 to 6 years of age. Primary or elementary education from 6 to 14 years of age. Article 21-A of our constitution guarantees elementary-level education for all. The government has introduced SSA ( Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan) for this level, as per RTE. Secondary level denotes education from 14 to 18 years. The Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan has been undertaken by the government for this level. Higher education - RUSA or Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan is provided by the government to cater to higher education which mainly refers to UG -> PG -> Ph.D./MPhil courses.
5. What are some of the problems that the education sector in India faces?
The educational development in India is still not at par with world education and some of the primary reasons for it are as follows.
Lack of Funds - The funds allotted for educational development in the 5-year plans are not adequate and have been decreasing. Due to insufficient funds, educational institutes have to bear lousy infrastructure, lack of science equipment, poor libraries, etc.
The Increasing Cost of Higher Education - Universities and technical education are quite costly in our country. Institutes like IIMs and IITs have high fees that common people cannot afford.
Less Importance to Indian Languages - Most of the standard publications are in English and not in regional languages. So children from rural areas, who are not well-versed with the English language suffer and the result is that they cannot be educated in science properly.
Brain Drain - Intelligent and competent people, do not get the kind of jobs they want in India. Hence, they go to other countries like the US and UK seeking high-paying jobs. This way, our country misses out on quality and talented professionals.