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Sandeep Garg Economics: Class 11 Chapter 1 Solutions


Class 11 Economics Sandeep Garg Solutions Chapter 1 – Organisation of Data

Economics is the branch of social science which studies the behavior of an individual, establishment, and household in financial decision making and allocating resources. Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions Chapter 1 discusses the concept and implication of Economics. It explains the dynamics of economics to the student. Economics is a complex and intricate subject. This chapter facilitates an easy and comprehensive understanding on how to organize the data. The Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Chapter 1 explains how Economics can be a tool to formulate various economic strategies for mass welfare.


Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 1 – Organisation of Data

Overview of Class 11 Chapter 1- Organisation of Data

In this chapter, the author explains how Economics can improve the standard of living and help formulate welfare plans for the population. The student can download the Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Chapter 1 pdf file to understand how resources are allocated in the economy. This branch of Economics studies the condition of welfare and analyzes the factors that affect the welfare of people. Economics is a useful tool for the optimal distribution of scarce resources for maximum productivity. 

Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Chapter 1 pdf file explains various economic theories and policies in a coherent manner. A productive monetary policy helps the economy to run smoothly. This branch of Economics helps the regulatory and policymaking bodies to formulate a suitable and effective taxation policy. A faulty taxation policy can disrupt the economy. This chapter describes how the price of a commodity is determined. Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Chapter 1 Organization of Data also states how business investment decisions are made for achieving maximum productivity.


Instead of reading Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Chapter 1 Organisation of Data, the student could have spent time updating his Facebook profile, watched a movie, surfed on the internet, or partied with friends. But the student decided to read this chapter on Economics. The choice is economical and practical. It teaches the student how to manage time, money, and resources judiciously. Time is limited; whenever an individual decides to perform a specific task over another, it has made an economic decision. Money or the income is also limited; an individual, when opt to buy a particular item forgoing another, is also making an economic decision. Whenever the resource is limited, be it time, money, or oil reserve, Economics helps to make a judicious decision about its allotment.

Sandeep Garg Class 11 Chapter 1 Solutions to High

Class 11 Sandeep Garg Economics Solutions for Chapter 1 explains the major Economics' principles in an exact, comprehensive way. The solutions cited in the chapter give a better understanding of the subject. The chapter explains the economy's practical working, preparing the student to pass the exam with flying colors.


Class 11 Sandeep Garg Economics Solutions Chapter 1 explains Economics' mechanism in an exact, comprehensive way. It also covers the importance of Economics, the relationship between production and division of labor, and resource allocation. The chapter explains how humans make decisions for optimal utilization of limited resources.

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Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 1: Organisation of Data is quite a helpful handbook that makes sure students get all the information that a student requires in order to study for their Class 11 exam or even for the preparation of their small class tests. This hand-curated Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 1: Organisation of Data via Vedantu also provides benefits to students who are aiming for higher levels of competitive examinations.
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FAQs on Sandeep Garg Economics: Class 11 Chapter 1 Solutions

1. Why do students need to refer to Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 1: Organisation of Data?

To know about what are the possible benefits of students referring to the Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 1: Organisation of Data via Vedantu ,then here are some of the benefits that will help you during your exams:

  • The Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 1: Organisation of Data makes sure you have got all the concepts cleared by giving out proper and accurate information.

  • You also obtain to-the-point answers where otherwise you will be answered about a page or more.

  • You will have more freedom to check out the notes as and when you are worried you did not understand a point as there are no limits to checking the document.

  • You will get to download the Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 1: Organisation of Data PDF and use it for further references for your exams or even for simple revisions.

2. What types of questions are included in the Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 1: Organisation of Data?

The flow of the entire Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 1: Organisation of Data is given as follows:

  • First, you get an introduction regarding the chapter

  • You will then get an objective question that includes fill in the blanks

  • Solving of true or false type questions

  • Matching the right answer

  • MCQs and MRQs are also called the Multiple response questions where you will get more than 1 response for your question

  • Very short answer types questions

  • Revision exercise which includes short answer questions.

  • long answer type questions.

  • unsolved practicals section

All of these sections help students refine themselves in various aspects of the chapter.

3. Will the Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 1: Organisation of Data serve as revision notes for me during my board exams?

Yes, definitely if you access the Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 1: Organisation of Data via Vedantu you will get a revision note that will help you prepare for the board exams quite well. You will also need not check out any other study materials which help resolve the hassle that you go through before the exam. Having a handy revision note ready via Vedantu will also boost your confidence and help you get the right attitude during the exams.

4. Is it possible that the lottery method always gives you a random sample? Explain on the basis of Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Solutions for Chapter 1: Organisation of Data.

Lottery methods always provide a random sample and this occurs only if it is used in the right manner without showing any bias during the selection. If the slips are prepared equally while having a fair chance of picking out each of the slips from the sample it is for sure that one will get a random sample. But if it is observed that the slips are not made of identical size or shape then the identification of the names or numbers on the slips becomes completely biased which does not produce the required results.

Another case where a random sample is not obtained during the lottery is when more than one slip has the same number or name being mentioned which increases the chances of that slip being pulled out can make the entire process biased

5. Is it possible that samples provide better results than surveys? Explain on the basis of the solution provided by Sandeep Garg Economics Class 11 Chapter 1: Organisation of Data.

Sampling is the process where a section of the population is picked out to study and predictions are made based on the study while on the other hand a process is called a census or a survey when each element of the population is included in the study process. When it comes to the accuracy of results it is observed that the census or surveys provide much better results as it studies not only one part of the element of the population but all the elements included which is not only time-consuming but also quite expensive. This being such an exhaustive process makes it not so feasible. It is hence better to use sampling due to the following reasons:

  1. Sampling involves only a fraction of the study and hence making it budget-friendly

  2. A sample will not take much time to study an entire population compared to a census and hence it becomes a time-saving process.

  3. As only a small part of the population is involved only a smaller amount of effort is required.