What is the meaning of Tabulation?
Tabulation is the systematic and logical representation of figures in rows and columns to ease comparison and statistical analysis. It eases comparison by bringing related information closer to each other and helps further in statistical research and interpretation. In other words, tabulation is a method of arranging or organizing data in a tabular form. The tabulation process may be simple or complex depending upon the type of categorization.
Tabulation Definition
Tabulation is defined as the process of placing classified data in tabular form. A table is a systematic arrangement of statiscal information in rows and columns. The rows of a table are the horizontal arrangement of data whereas the columns of a table are the vertical arrangement of data.
What are the Essential Parts of a Table?
To tabulate data correctly, one must learn about the eight essential parts of a table. These are as follows –
Table Number –
This is the first part of a table and is given on top of any table to facilitate easy identification and for further reference.
Title of the Table –
One of the most important parts of any table is its title. The title is either placed just below the table number or at its right.It is imperative for the title to be brief, crisp and carefully-worded to describe the tables’ contents effectively.
Headnote –
The headnote of a table is presented in the portion just below the title. It provides information about the unit of data in the table, like “amount in Rupees” or “quantity in kilograms”, etc.
Column Headings or Captions –
The headings of the columns are referred to as the caption. It consists of one or more column heads. A caption should be brief, short, and self-explanatory, Column heading is written in the middle of a column in small letters.
Row Headings or Stubs –
The title of each horizontal row is called a stub.
Body of a Table –
This is the portion that contains the numeric information collected from investigated facts. The data in the body is presented in rows which are read horizontally from left to right and in columns, read vertically from top to bottom.
Footnote –
Given at the bottom of a table above the source note, a footnote is used to state any fact that is not clear from the table’s title, headings, caption or stub. For instance, if a table represents the profit earned by a company, a footnote can be used to state if said profit is earned before, or after tax calculations.
Source Note –
As its name suggests, a source note refers to the source from where the table’s information has been collected.
Tabulation of Data: Illustration
Following is a tabulation of data to represent the total number of boys and girls in classes V, VI and VII in XYZ School.
Table Number – 1
Gender-Wise Distribution of Students in Classes- V, VI and VII of XYZ School
(Head Note)
Types of Tabulation
Simple Tabulation or One-way Tabulation
When the data in the table are tabulated to one characteristic, it is termed as a simple tabulation or one-way tabulation.
For example, Data tabulation of all the people of the World is classified according to one single characteristic like religion.
Double Tabulation or Two-way Tabulation
When the data in the table are tabulated considering two different characteristics at a time, then it is defined as a double tabulation or two-way tabulation.
For example, Data tabulation of all the people of the World is classified by two different characteristics like religion and sex.
Complex Tabulation
When the data in the table are tabulated according to many characteristics, it is referred to as a complex tabulation.
For example, Data tabulation of all the people of the World is classified by three or more characteristics like religion, sex, and literacy, etc.
What are the Objectives of Tabulation?
Tabulation essentially bridges the gap between the collection of data and analysing them. The primary objectives of tabulation are given below –
For Simplification of Complex Data –
When any information is tabulated, the volume of raw data is compressed and presented in a much more simplified manner. This facilitates easy comprehension and analysis of previously complex data.
To Highlight Important Information –
Representing any data in tabular form increases the scope to highlight important information. Since data is presented in a concise manner without any textual explanation, any crucial information is automatically highlighted without difficulty.
To Enable Easy Comparison –
When data is presented in an orderly fashion in rows and columns, it becomes easier to compare between them on the basis of several parameters. For example, it becomes easier to determine the month when a country has received the maximum amount of rainfall if the data is presented in a table. Otherwise, there always remains room for making a mistake in processing the data correctly.
To Help in the Statistical Analysis of Data –
Statistical analysis involves computing correlation, average, dispersion, etc. of data. When information is presented in an organised manner in a table, statistical analysis becomes a lot simpler.
Saves Space
Even though it might not seem as important as the other objective of tabulation, saving space without sacrificing the quality of data can be extremely helpful in the long run. Additionally, a table helps to present facts in a much more concise manner than page after page of text.
How is Data in Tabulation Executed?
With tabulation, data can be carried out manually or with the help of a computer. Mostly, the execution of data tabulation depends on the cost, type, and size of the study, availability of computers, time at disposal, and such other factors.
If tabulation is carried out on a computer, the answers are converted in numeric form. Whereas in the case of tabulation by hand, one can utilize lists, tally, card sort, and count methods.
Following are the categories of tabulating data by hand:
Direct Tally Method –
Here, codes are first written down in tally sheets. Then a stroke is marked against codes to denote response. After every fourth stroke, the fifth response is given by putting a horizontal or diagonal line through the stroke.
Card Sort and Count Method –
This is perhaps the most efficient hand tabulation method. Here the data is recorded in cards of various sizes and shapes with the help of a series of holes. Next, cards belonging to each of the categories are segregated and counted, and their frequency is recorded. This way, a total of 40 items can be included in a single page.
List and Tally Method –
With this method, a large number of questionnaires are listed in one sheet. The responses to each question are then entered into rows, and the code corresponding to each question is represented in columns.
What are the Rules of Tabulation?
There are a few general rules that have to be followed while constructing tables. These are –
The tables illustrated should be self-explanatory, simple and attractive. There should be no need for further explanation (details). If the volume of information is substantial, it is best to put them down in multiple tables instead of a single one. This reduces the chances of mistakes and defeats the purpose of forming a table. However, each table formed should also be complete in itself and serve the purpose of analysis.
The number of rows and columns should be kept minimal to present information in a crisp and concise manner.
Before tabulating, data should be approximated, wherever necessary.
Stubs and captions should be self-explanatory and should not require the help of footnotes to be comprehended.
If certain positions of data collected cannot be tabulated under any stub or captions, they should be put down in a separate table under the heading `` miscellaneous.
Quantity and quality of data should not be compromised under any scenario while forming a table.
FAQs on Tabulation: Definition, Objectives, and Examples
1. What is Tabulation?
Tabulation is the process of examining preliminary information and representing it in a compact form for in-depth review. It also includes an arrangement of data in rows and columns. The data tabulation may be done manually or on the computer. The decision depends on the type, size, types of study, availability of computers, time period, etc. If data tabulation is done on a computer, the answers must be converted in numerical form. If data tabulation is done manually, it can be done using the direct tally, list and tally, and count method.
2. What are the advantages of tabulation?
The advantages of tabulation are as follows:
Tabulation simplifies the complex method by arranging the data systematically and in a meaningful manner.
Tabulated data helps to compare different sets of series.
Tabulated data saves time, money, and space because a large amount of information can be condensed systematically in one table.
The information in the tabulated data can be used for different research and study. Hence, it serves as an important source of reference.
3. What are the drawbacks of textual representation over tabular representation?
The drawbacks of textual representation over tabular representation are:
It is too lengthy
There is a repetition of words
Comparisons cannot be made easily
It is difficult to get an idea and take accurate action.
4. What Are The Different Types of Tabulation?
There are two types of tabulation methods – simple tabulation and complex tabulation. Complex tabulation further has three types – two-way table, three-way table, and manifold table.