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FAQs on TS Grewal Solutions: Accounting for Share Capital (Chapter 8)
1. What are the features of a company?
The Indian Companies Act of 1956 defines the characteristics of a corporation or corporate body. A business has its distinct qualities and characteristics. Let's get acquainted with the characteristics of a corporation, the many types of companies, and the firm's share capital.
"A company is a legal entity with a separate legal entity, eternal succession, and a common seal created by law." -Haney, L.H.
"A company is an artificial being that is intangible, invisible and only exists in the mind of the law."- Marshall, Justice.
"It is a group of people that pool their money or money's worth into a common stock and use it for a common goal." -Supreme Court Justice Lindley.
2. What is meant by forfeiture of shares?
When an applicant receives shares, he and the corporation automatically enter into a contract. The applicant is thereafter obligated to pay the allocation money as well as all call money until the shares are fully paid up. However, if a shareholder fails to pay any of the calls (one or more) on the board of directors' authority, the shares may be forfeited. The term ‘forfeiture’ basically means cancellation. Notice to the shareholder must be made before any forfeiture can take place. The shareholder must be given at least 14 days to make the required payment, otherwise, his shares would be forfeited. If the shareholder does not pay after receiving such notice, the shares will be canceled. To know more about share capital and forfeiture of shares, click here.
3. What are the different kinds of a company?
There are five types of companies:
Companies Restricted by Shares: In this instance, the members' liability is limited to the nominal value of the shares they own.
Companies Restricted by Guarantee: In this instance, the members' responsibility is limited to the amount of the guarantee they provide if the company is wound up.
Unlimited Firms: These companies are defined as those that have no limit on their members' liability.
Public Company: A corporation that is not a private company is referred to as a public company.
Private Company: A private company is defined as one whose articles of association state:
Limits the power to transfer the company's shares;
Limits the number of members to fifty;
Prohibits any public solicitation to subscribe for the company's shares or debentures.
4. What are the classes of share?
A corporation can issue two categories of shares under the Indian Companies Act, 1956:
Equity Share and Preference Share (formerly known as ordinary share)
Preference Share: A preference share, according to Section 85 of the Companies Act, 1956, satisfies the following conditions: (a) It carries or will carry, on the winding-up of the company, the right to the repayment of capital before anything is paid to the creditors; and (b) It carries or will carry, on the winding-up of the company, the right to the repayment of capital before anything is paid to the creditors.
Equity Share: An equity share is not a preference share, as defined by Section 85 of the Companies Act, 1956. This share has no preferential rights, or in other words, an equity share is entitled to dividends and capital return after preference share claims have been satisfied.
1. Section 86 (a) allows for the following types of equity share capital:
2. With voting rights
3. Differential voting rights, dividend rights, or other rights are according to such rules and conditions as may be imposed.
5. How can I prepare for accounting for share capital Class 12?
It is important to know about the concepts of share capital and company to do well in this topic. It is also important to have a strong foundation to ace this topic. Knowing in detail about the kind of shares, company, issue of a share, allotment of shares. Learn about the practical uses of learning this topic, as it will help you relate to the topic more and in turn, apply this in real life more. Practice this topic with sample papers and solve the problems. You have access to free study materials available at the Vedantu website and app.