An Introduction to the Essay
An apple a day keeps the doctor away is an ancient saying. This message has been around since the 18th century during the Victorian period. It tries to encourage kids to consume nutritious fruits like Apple. The origin of this idiom is still debatable as some say that it was first used around 1630 in The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms. But there is no clear citation as to when it was first used and when.
Considered to have originated in 1866 in Wales, the idioms’ slightly varied version was first published in the Notes and Queries magazine like – “Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread”. The bread here is the doctor’s mode of income.
However, it has stood the test of time. Besides, it means that one must eat healthily, maintain a good lifestyle. As apples are one of the healthiest fruits in the market and one can consume them any time of the day.
This essay primarily highlights the health benefits of consuming apples daily. The health benefits of apples are very high as it builds extensive strength, increases our immunity system, and ultimately prevents us from visiting doctors now and then. The apple’s exclusive qualities of apple also stimulate long-term health benefits as they maintain good heart health, contain cancer resisting ingredients and improve mental performance. The magic fruit has also been associated with immense vitality.
Long Essay on the Topic - An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away in English
A long essay on an apple a day keeps the doctor away in English and talks about people's unhealthy habits. One should try to rectify them and avoid unhealthy habits and pollution to harm the world. One can often hear young children suffering from blood pressure and heart diseases.
This proverb still holds good in all situations. The teachers and guardians have always used this idiom as social health communication. You might have often heard your elders using this phrase to make you eat healthier and whole meals. This would always remind and encourage you to maintain a healthy lifestyle to avoid all sorts of illnesses.
Consuming healthy food is one's right to healthy living. The world is reeling under a dangerous pandemic that refuses to leave mankind. This makes it all the more important to lead a healthy living. The phrase, an apple a day, can keep the doctor away, hold value. Apples have been around since the era of Adam and Eve. In the 18th century, kids in England were told to consume a small apple before going to bed.
In this idiom, the apple is symbolic of one of the most nutritious and healthy foods essential for one’s well-being. Consuming an apple on a daily basis is strongly recommended as it keeps diseases at bay. Right from childhood, one must have heard parents and the elderly emphasizing healthy eating. This enables kids to eat healthy food and refrain from junk food. The apple is a symbol of healthy eating. One can munch on it anytime they want. Besides, one can prepare several food items using the fruit. The need to cook it does not arise unless one wants to consume it differently. Additionally, apples come with vitamins, minerals, salts, and water.
This fruit is a storehouse of multivitamins, minerals, fibres, and all the essential nutrients. Apple contains 52 calories of carbohydrates, of water, 0.3 grams of protein, 13.8 grams of carbs, 10.4 grams of sugar, 2.4 grams of fibre, and 0.2 grams of fat. It also contains Vitamin C which is essential to boost the body’s immune system, wound healing, and muscle building. The fruit also contains flavonoids which are like antioxidants to the human body. In some cases, flavonoids are also effective to minimize and treat asthma in certain children and adults.
Apples also contain pectin which provides us with galacturonic acid. Pectin is the fibre that acts as a prebiotic and detoxifies the human body with galacturonic acid which eliminates toxic elements in the body. The Malic acid available in the apples is good for liver functioning and digestion.
The proverb is even more relevant to modern varieties of food. If you consume an apple every day, you will remain healthy and remaining healthy is always a great idea. This means that you would not be visiting the doctor frequently. This is a further step to becoming physically fit and strong. However, one needs to stick to a healthy eating habit. With this proverb, we realize that these simple acts might not look important and can greatly contribute towards maintaining good health. The idea of consuming apples dates back to the Ayurvedic medications therapy and procedures in Southern Asia.
With this, the proverb also reminds us how both mental and physical health is equally important, essential, and valuable for a regular way of life. It further motivates everyone to care for themselves and follow good eating habits and a healthy routine.
Apples excellently serve as a brain tonic to mental patients or individuals with certain mental disorders. The mental illnesses which are age-related can be controlled by apple consumption. This is due to Quercetin. Quercetin is a reddish pigment, found in apples and is extremely effective in preventing Alzheimer’s disease and relief against allergic reactions.
The paragraph on an apple a day keeps the doctor away emphasizes on the fact that one must eat healthily. A small apple comes with more than 80 calories of energy. The fruit comes with flavonoids, which are essential for the body.
Finally, apples contain enzymes that are good for having positive vibes in the brain. Even aging can be controlled by having the fruit regularly. Today, one can find a variety of junk food that is so readily available.
They can be French fries, burgers, cold drinks, candy, and so on. Kids are very tempted to consume them. Sadly, they are the ones affected due to a low diet. However, one must not take the literal meaning.
It does not mean that one can survive only consuming apples. Along with eating an apple, It is important to consume healthy food loaded with nutrients that the body needs. It is up to the individual to decide on the direction they want to take their health.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. The essay reminds us to eat and live healthily.
Short Paragraph on An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
In the 18th century, there was a similar saying. It went like, have an apple before going to bed, and stop the doctor earning his bread. The bread refers to the salary or income. An apple a day keeps the doctor away and an essay educates people on healthy life.
There are tons of health benefits to consuming the apple. Even the skin of the apple is healthy and contains large amounts of minerals and vitamins. Those who prefer peeling the apples might reconsider doing it henceforth.
Due to the pectin in the apples, unwanted toxins in the body are removed. This also helps in controlling mental deterioration. Those consuming apples tend to be fitter, stronger, both physically and mentally.
Apples come with no fat and are low on sodium, promoting good health. Besides, they are rich sources of magnesium and potassium. They are good for the teeth, too, as they kill germs on your gums. Hence, chewing the fruit slowly in the mouth prevents tooth decay.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away; expansion of ideas is seen once it is consumed. The fruit also comes with galacturonic acid that removes the toxic present in the body. Another acid, malic acid, is good for digestion and the liver.
Kids and adults with asthma might consider having apples. The health benefits of consuming apples and other fruits are too hard to ignore. In a short essay on an apple a day keeps the doctor away, one learns the importance of eating healthy.
As per the British Medical Journal, consuming an apple per day can avoid 8,500 vascular deaths from more than 50 individuals around the world. Also, a 2011 study by the American Heart Association's Journal found that humans consuming apples and pears had a 52% lower incidence of stroke and a heart attack.
Other Health Benefits of Apple
Heart Health
It is very depressing to know that heart diseases are the prime factor for the increased fatality around the world. This is due to improper lifestyle which involves consumption of processed and junk foods. This further leads to the rise in bad cholesterol i.e., LDL. Apple consumption can check the bad cholesterol due to the presence of pectin. It prevents cholesterol from getting deposited in the body.
Treats Diabetes
In the case of diabetics, they should keep a check on their carbohydrate and fat consumption. These are the main reasons for the spike in their glucose levels. Apples contain good carbohydrates which reduce the rate of carbohydrates absorption and prevent the spike in the blood sugar levels. Apples also contain polyphenols with lots of antioxidants to reduce blood sugar levels.
Prevents Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer to occur after skin. Consumption of fresh fruits like apples, green leafy vegetables and other nutrient-rich food items on a daily basis reduces the risk of breast cancer.
Improves Dental Health
Apple contains Quercetin which is known to exhibit antimicrobial properties. This component would get rid of the microbes’ activity from saliva and teeth. As a result, this will promote clean and flawless dental hygiene. Additionally, apples are very effective in preventing the most common dental disorder, periodontal disease. This problem is common in people who fail to maintain proper dental hygiene.
Skin Benefits
Fruits are best to enhance skin beautification and problem elimination. Consuming apples would heal and rejuvenate your skin internally and the application of apple-based skin packs would help fight free radicals and protect your skin from further damage eternally.
To conclude the essay on an apple a day keeps the doctor away, one must have a healthy lifestyle. Nobody enjoys being sick and falls ill often. It is physically, emotionally, and financially draining.
These amazing apple facts and nutrition information along with the detail that they can strengthen bones, improve dental health and digestion, benefit the diabetics and help the allergic reactions to recover make this the leading of healthiest fruits.
One cannot expect others to leave their work to take care of the sick. The best way to avoid falling sick is to consume healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Besides, with some hard work and dedication, one can lead a proactive life.
FAQs on An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away Essay: The Health Benefits of Apples
1. What does the phrase An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away indicate?
An apple a day keeps the doctor away is an English Proverb which means eating nutritious food will make you healthier and fit. It does not mean one must only consume apples. Having proper nutritious food along with consuming apples ensures that the body and mind are healthy. This avoids unwanted medical attention, and the person remains hale and hearty. In simple terms, one does not have to visit the doctor often. The term apple is used to signify the benefits of having fruits, vegetables. It also helps one to lead a healthy lifestyle.
2. Write a short paragraph on an Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor away?
Having a balanced diet is very important and crucial for health. One must make sure that they consume foods that are rich in essential minerals, vitamins and proteins. Fruits contain essential vitamins like Vitamin A, B, and C. Likewise, vegetables and meat contain important elements that the body needs. They must be taken in proper quantities. Each of the food items come with their own benefits to the body. One must consume them to enrich the body by consuming them regularly.
3. What is the rarest type of apples?
Most of you have seen the apples in colours of red, yellow, or green with a whitish interior. Not many of you have seen black or purple colour on the exterior and red or pink flesh as interior and some might taste like lemon, honey, or even roses. Even more interesting is the apples we are aware of were not the original apples. These are commercial apples which were introduced within the last centuries. The rarest apple is the Tibetan Black Diamond apple. It is of dark purple colour and is harvested in the remote part of Tibet. This apple can cost up to $20/apple. A similar coloured apple grows in Arkansas and is known as Arkansas Black apple.
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