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Dust of Snow Summary: A Poem by Robert Frost

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Dust of Snow

Class 10 English poem list has the most fascinating collection of immortal creations. One of the chapters ‘ Dust of Snow’ is written by Robert Frost. He is one of the greatest poets of all time who has fascinated the readers with his beautiful words. The inner context of his poems is subtly mentioned in the lines that students have to understand and conclude in the answers. The poem depicts how nature can be nurturing. Nature delivers if you have the eyes to perceive it. A beautiful winter day has been described in the poem where the poet enjoys how nature can be blissful.

Dust of Snow Summary in Vedantu

For this, Vedantu has created Class 10 English Dust of Snow Summary so that students can easily understand the meaning of the poem line by line. It will become a lot easier to grab the context and use it to answer the questions in the exercise. Keeping this summary will help you to prepare the chapter well and complete the syllabus perfectly. You can use this summary anytime you want to add more convenience to the study schedule.

Summary of Dust of Snow Class 10 English

The winter season has arrived and the poet was not in a good mood. He was not feeling good and happy from the inside. The snow has covered the entire place in a white carpet. He was sitting idle under a hemlock tree. It was clad with white snow. Suddenly, a crow perched on a branch in that tree. The imbalanced snow fell on him. It was soft, velvety, and cold. The Summary of Dust of Snow Class 10 English describes how this simple incident made him change from all gloomy to happy. The soft touch of the cold snow was interpreted as the care of nature making everyone happy. His bitterness vanished and he felt a lot refreshed by the incident. His entire day became enlightened and he felt a streak of joy running his mind.

People consider black crows as the symbol of fear, bad luck, and death but the poet realized something different in his bitter mood. He realized that the crow is a part of nature. He depicted that even if a crow is linked to a bad omen, it still brought him happiness. He realized that the mood and perception of a person have to do everything he analyzes and concludes. For him, the crow made his day brighter by shaking the branch and letting the snowfall on him.

Robert Frost might have chosen a tree that symbolizes happiness, joy, and merriment. Despite the fact, he chose to go with hemlock trees. These trees are poisonous and toxic to human beings. As you can see, the poet has used negative proper nouns to show happiness.

The poet was feeling quite down that day. He was feeling utter despair and wanted to end his life. Despite the poisonous tree and the omen of the black crow, the white snow made him change his mind. He was aware of the toxic snow falling on him from the hemlock branch. As per the Class 10 English poem Dust of Snow Summary, he chose positivity that the serene white snow delivered when he touched it. He suddenly realizes that life is what you choose to do. He shook off all his negative feelings and started to see life in a different and happier way. According to him, it was nature that made him realize that he was going in the wrong direction.

The poem is the perfect depiction of what life can be. It all depends on the person and his thoughts. Your choices and emotional state will decide whether you will be happy in life or not. The poet, even though he was suffering from utter despair and witnessed a bad omen under a hemlock tree, chose to bring a positive change and move on. A small gesture from nature made him realize how beautiful life can be if we know how to live it. The NCERT Class 10 English Dust of Snow Summary suggests we need to find happiness in smaller things to overcome the bad phases of life.


Dust of Snow is a Short Summary of the Book

This article is devoted to Robert Frost's short poem, Dust of snow summary, and its interpretation. It demonstrates the extraordinary curative power of nature as well as the importance of the seemingly insignificant things in life. Nature has the ability to cure anything, whether it is a bad mood or an illness. It was during one of these bad days that the author was dusted with snow by the movement of a crow near a hemlock tree. He becomes instantly happier when it snows. His day begins to improve dramatically. Nature's supremacy forced him to acknowledge that his problems are insignificant. Ironically, the fact that the hemlock is poisonous, combined with the fact that the raven is a symbol of misery and fear, has been used in poetry as a carrier of happiness in the life of the narrator, which is a paradox. The poet attempts to draw attention to the fact that creatures associated with negative aspects of life can, on occasion, bring about change and happiness. Being outside in nature, with all of its unpredictability, can be beneficial to anyone, at any time of day or night. 

Dust of Snow Synopsis in Plain English

It is the winter season, and the poet is in a bad mood as he sits quietly under a hemlock tree that has been completely covered in snow. A crow perched on a branch of a tree shakes the tree, and snow from the tree falls on the poet on the spur of the moment. The poet's mood changes from bitter to ecstatic when he touches the snow, which is cold and velvety to the touch. This provides him with a revitalizing sensation. This particular moment was extremely compelling, and it saved his day from being a disappointment. The black crow is typically associated with bad omens and is an emblem of death and fear.   

Robert Frost preferred not to use any other types of trees, such as oak, maple, or pine, in his compositions. He chose hemlock because it is traditionally associated with poison and toxicity. In a similar vein, he employs dust, which is completely ineffective and which no one wishes to be associated with. However, the poet uses it as an impetus to generate positive thoughts in his or her mind. Regardless, the alluring snow that covers the poisonous hemlock tree's branches is blown away by a terrifying crow, who is spooked by the sight. We have a toxic hemlock tree covered in pure, white snow, as well as a depressed person who is on his way to committing suicide while walking under the tree. The poet is hit by snow thrown by a black crow in his direction. His thoughts about sacrificing his life are altered by the sensations of pure cold snow. He, on the other hand, decides to set aside his life's regrets and sorrows in ototo embark on a journey of inner healing and transformation. 

This poem conveys the message that there is no such thing as a small thing in life. Even the most insignificant events can have a positive impact on our lives. In addition to this, it demonstrates that if we approach life with a positive attitude, things can and will change for the better. Even the smallest act of kindness or good deed that we perform for others can make a significant difference. Just believe in the power of our random acts of kindness and the way they can brighten someone's day, and even change their future if we believe in them. Taking notice of and appreciating all of the small things in life will make our lives more enjoyable. 

Conclusion of Dust of Snow 

The poem teaches us that even the smallest acts of kindness can illuminate our souls and motivate us to do better in the future.

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FAQs on Dust of Snow Summary: A Poem by Robert Frost

1. What is the Summary of Snow Dust?

It is a beautiful short poem written by Robert Frost. This poem tells us that even a small moment has great significance. The poet talks about the raven tree and the mole in this poem. Crow refers to his depressive and sad state and the hemlock tree is a poisonous tree.

2. What is the Main Topic of Snow Dust?

The interaction between nature and humans. natural healing and helping with one's negative emotions. the importance of small natural events. Poetry highlights the importance of small things in changing one's personality.

3. What does the Poet say about the Black Crow and the Blue Tree?

The hemlock tree is considered to be poisonous and toxic to humans. Still, he chose to sit under that tree as he was about to lose his temper. He saw a black raven standing on its branch. Ravens are thought to be messengers of death and evil spirits. Even though he was in a bad mood that day, a small act naturally caused him to change his mind.

4. Why Did He Choose to Move Ahead?

According to Dust of Snow Summary Class 10 English, he chose the beautiful side of the toxic snow that fell on him from the tree because of the black crow and lived his life happily. A random act of nature prompted the poet to do so. He concluded well and decided to make a difference in his life.

5. What is the Irony in the Poem?

At first, the poet was full of suicidal thoughts, but when the raven shook and threw some snowflakes off the hemlock tree, the poet's attitude changed for the better. This tells us that just one minute can change a person's life.