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Future Tense Exercises

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Future Tense Worksheets with Answers

Vedantu offers a simple and effective way to practise future tenses through engaging exercises. Future tenses are used to talk about actions or events that will happen in the future. This page provides a variety of exercises to help you understand and use future tenses correctly. With clear examples and practical activities, you'll be able to confidently form sentences about future events. Whether you're learning the basics or polishing your skills, these exercises will guide you every step of the way.

Table of Content
1. Future Tense Worksheets with Answers
2. Future Tense Exercises Definition and Meaning
    2.1Exercise 1: Determine the Type of Future Tense
    2.2Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks
3. Test Your Knowledge on Future Tenses
    3.1Task 1: Fill in the Blanks
    3.2Task 2: Identify the Tense
    3.3Task 3: Sentence Conversion
    3.4Task 4: Write Sentences
    3.5Task 5: Complete the Dialogue
    3.6Task 6: Future Predictions
    3.7Task 7: Match the Tenses
    3.8Task 8: Fill in the Story
4. Here You Go—Check if Your Answers Match the Ones Below!
    4.1Task 1: Fill in the Blanks
    4.2Task 2: Identify the Tense
    4.3Task 3: Sentence Conversion
    4.4Task 4: Write Sentences
    4.5Task 5: Complete the Dialogue
    4.6Task 6: Future Predictions
    4.7Task 7: Match the Tenses
    4.8Task 8: Fill in the Story
5. Takeaways from this Page

Interesting Facts About Future Tense Exercises

  • Future tenses aren’t just about using "will." There are different ways to talk about the future, like using "going to," the present continuous, or even the present simple in certain contexts.

  • Future tenses help you express your plans, intentions, or predictions. For example, "I’m going to study tonight" shows intention, while "It will rain tomorrow" is a prediction.

  • Knowing how to use future tenses correctly allows you to discuss plans, make appointments, and talk about upcoming events confidently.

  • Regular practice with future tenses exercises helps you naturally understand when to use each form, making your future tense usage more accurate and fluent.

Future Tense Exercises Definition and Meaning

The future tense is used to describe actions or events that will happen at a later time. It’s a way of talking about things that haven’t happened yet but are expected to occur in the future. For example, "I will go to the store tomorrow" or "She is going to start a new job next week."

Exercise 1: Determine the Type of Future Tense

1. She will visit her grandmother next weekend.

2. They are going to start their project tomorrow.

3. I will be studying for my exams at this time next week.

4. He will have completed his assignment by the end of the day.

5. We are leaving for the trip early in the morning.

6. By the time you arrive, they will have left the party.

7. I am going to buy a new laptop soon.

8. She will have been working at the company for five years by next month.

9. The train will depart at 6 PM.

10. He is meeting his friend for lunch tomorrow.

11. By next year, she will have graduated from college.

12. They are going to watch a movie tonight.

13. Will you be attending the conference next week?

14. We will be celebrating our anniversary this weekend.

15. The company will have launched the new product by the end of the quarter.

Answers for Exercise 1

1. Simple Future Tense

2. Future with "going to"

3. Future Continuous Tense

4. Future Perfect Tense

5. Present Continuous Tense (used for future)

6. Future Perfect Tense

7. Future with "going to"

8. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

9. Simple Future Tense

10. Present Continuous Tense (used for future)

11. Future Perfect Tense

12. Future with "going to"

13. Future Continuous Tense

14. Future Continuous Tense

15. Future Perfect Tense

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks

Choose the correct future tense form from the options provided.

1. She ______ (will/will be) attending the meeting tomorrow.

2. By this time next year, I ______ (will have/will have been) graduated from university.

3. They ______ (are going to/will) start the project next week.

4. I ______ (will/will have) finished my homework by the time you arrive.

5. We ______ (will be/will have been) celebrating our anniversary on Saturday.

6. The train ______ (is going to/will) leave at 7:00 PM.

7. By the end of the day, he ______ (will have/will be) completed the report.

8. She ______ (will have been/will be) working here for two years by December.

9. They ______ (will/will be) travelling to Japan next month.

10. He ______ (is going to/will) call you later today.

11. ______ (Will/Would) you be visiting us this weekend?

12. By next Friday, we ______ (will have/will be) finishing the project.

13. I ______ (am going to/will) buy a new car soon.

14. The store ______ (will be/will have been) closing in ten minutes.

15. By the time you get home, I ______ (will have/will be) cooked dinner.

Answers for Exercise 2

1. She will be attending the meeting tomorrow.

2. By this time next year, I will have graduated from university.

3. They are going to start the project next week.

4. I will have finished my homework by the time you arrive.

5. We will be celebrating our anniversary on Saturday.

6. The train will leave at 7:00 PM.

7. By the end of the day, he will have completed the report.

8. She will have been working here for two years by December.

9. They will be travelling to Japan next month.

10. He is going to call you later today.

11. Will you be visiting us this weekend?

12. By next Friday, we will be finishing the project.

13. I am going to buy a new car soon.

14. The store will be closing in ten minutes.

15. By the time you get home, I will have cooked dinner.

Test Your Knowledge on Future Tenses

Task 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the future tense (will, going to, future continuous, or future perfect).

1. She ______ (start) her new job next Monday.

2. By this time tomorrow, we ______ (arrive) at our destination.

3. They ______ (study) for their exams all weekend.

4. I ______ (call) you as soon as I get home.

5. He ______ (finish) the report by the end of the day.

Task 2: Identify the Tense

Read the following sentences and identify the type of future tense used.

1. They will have completed the project by Friday.

2. I am going to visit my grandparents next month.

3. She will be working late tonight.

4. By next year, I will have been living here for five years.

5. We will go to the movies this weekend.

Task 3: Sentence Conversion

Convert the following sentences into the future tense as indicated.

1. She writes a letter. (Simple Future)

2. They are playing football. (Future Continuous)

3. He finished his homework. (Future Perfect)

4. I eat breakfast at 7 AM. (Future Simple)

5. We are visiting Paris. (Going to)

Task 4: Write Sentences

Write a sentence using each of the following future tenses:

1. Simple Future

2. Future Continuous

3. Future Perfect

4. Future Perfect Continuous

5. Future with "going to"

Task 5: Complete the Dialogue

Complete the following dialogue using the correct form of the future tense.

Person A: "What ______ (you/do) this weekend?"

Person B: "I ______ (visit) my family."

Person A: "That sounds nice! ______ (you/drive) there?"

Person B: "Yes, I ______ (leave) on Friday."

Task 6: Future Predictions

Make predictions about the following topics using the future tense.

1. The weather tomorrow

2. Your plans for the weekend

3. A friend's upcoming birthday

4. The outcome of a sports game

5. What you will be doing in 10 years

Task 7: Match the Tenses

Match the sentences with the correct future tense.

1. We will have left by the time you arrive.

2. I am going to study tonight.

3. She will be sleeping at 10 PM.

4. He will have been working here for 10 years next month.

5. They will visit us next summer.


  • Future Continuous

  • Future Perfect

  • Future Perfect Continuous

  • Simple Future

  • Future with "going to"

Task 8: Fill in the Story

Complete the story using the correct future tense.

"Next year, I ______ (move) to a new city. By the time I get there, I ______ (have) everything packed and ready. My family ______ (come) to visit me in the summer, and we ______ (explore) the city together. I ______ (look) for a new job, and hopefully, I ______ (find) something I enjoy."

Here You Go—Check if Your Answers Match the Ones Below!

Task 1: Fill in the Blanks

1. She will start (start) her new job next Monday.

2. By this time tomorrow, we will have arrived (arrive) at our destination.

3. They will be studying (study) for their exams all weekend.

4. I will call (call) you as soon as I get home.

5. He will have finished (finish) the report by the end of the day.

Task 2: Identify the Tense

1. Future Perfect Tense

2. Future with "going to"

3. Future Continuous Tense

4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

5. Simple Future Tense

Task 3: Sentence Conversion

1. She will write a letter.

2. They will be playing football.

3. He will have finished his homework.

4. I will eat breakfast at 7 AM.

5. We are going to visit Paris.

Task 4: Write Sentences

1. I will travel to Japan next year.

2. She will be studying at 10 PM tonight

3. They will have finished the project by tomorrow.

4. By 2025, I will have been working here for ten years.

5. We are going to watch a movie tonight.

Task 5: Complete the Dialogue

Person A: "What are you going to do (you/do) this weekend?"

Person B: "I am going to visit (visit) my family."

Person A: "That sounds nice! Are you going to drive (you/drive) there?"

Person B: "Yes, I will leave (leave) on Friday."

Task 6: Future Predictions

1. It will rain tomorrow.

2. I will go hiking this weekend.

3. We are going to throw a surprise party for my friend.

4. Our team will win the match.

5. In 10 years, I will be working as a doctor.

Task 7: Match the Tenses

1. We will have left by the time you arrive. - Future Perfect

2. I am going to study tonight. - Future with "going to"

3. She will be sleeping at 10 PM. - Future Continuous

4. He will have been working here for 10 years next month. - Future Perfect Continuous

5. They will visit us next summer. - Simple Future

Task 8: Fill in the Story

"Next year, I will move (move) to a new city. By the time I get there, I will have (have) everything packed and ready. My family will come (come) to visit me in the summer, and we will explore (explore) the city together. I will be looking (look) for a new job, and hopefully, I will find (find) something I enjoy."

Takeaways from this Page

  • Students will learn about the various forms of future tenses, including simple future, future continuous, future perfect, and future perfect continuous, and how to use them correctly.

  • They will gain the ability to identify when to use each future tense based on the context of the sentence, such as planning, predictions, or ongoing future actions.

  • Through exercises, students will practise constructing sentences using different future tense forms, improving their grammar and sentence structure.

  • Regular practice with future tense exercises will help students become more fluent and accurate in their use of future tenses in both writing and speaking.

FAQs on Future Tense Exercises

1. What are future tenses?

Future tenses are verb forms used to describe actions or events that will happen in the future. Examples include "will go," "will be going," and "will have gone."

2. How many types of future tenses are there?

There are four main types of future tenses: simple future, future continuous, future perfect, and future perfect continuous.

3. What is the simple future tense?

The simple future tense is used to describe actions that will happen in the future. It is usually formed using "will" or "shall" followed by the base form of the verb, like "I will go."

4. When should I use the future continuous tense?

The future continuous tense is used to talk about actions that will be ongoing at a specific time in the future, such as "I will be studying at 8 PM."

5. What does the future perfect tense express?

The future perfect tense describes actions that will be completed by a certain point in the future, like "She will have finished the project by tomorrow."

6. How do I form the future perfect continuous tense?

The future perfect continuous tense is formed using "will have been" followed by the present participle (verb + ing), as in "By next year, I will have been working here for five years."

7. What’s the difference between "will" and "going to"?

"Will" is often used for decisions made at the moment of speaking or for predictions, while "going to" is used for planned actions or events that seem certain.

8. Can future tenses be used in questions?

Yes, future tenses can be used in questions, like "Will you attend the meeting?" or "Are you going to travel next month?"

9. How do future tense worksheets help me?

Future tense worksheets Exercises help you practise forming sentences about future events, improve your understanding of when to use each tense, and make you more confident in using them correctly.

10. What are common mistakes with future tenses?

Common mistakes include confusing "will" and "going to," using the wrong tense for ongoing actions in the future, and incorrectly forming the future perfect or future perfect continuous tenses.

11. How can I practise future tenses effectively?

Practice by completing exercises, writing your own sentences using different future tenses, and reviewing the rules and examples to reinforce your understanding.

12. Why is it important to learn future tenses?

Learning future tenses is important because they help you talk about plans, predictions, and future events clearly and accurately in both speaking and writing.