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English Worksheet for Kids| Letters A to Z Colouring Pages


English Worksheet for Kids| Letters A to Z Colouring Pages - Download Free PDF with Solutions

Learning English letters and practising them at home is a part of the conceptual development of the kids for this language. To make this process easier and better, including the fun of Letters A to Z Colouring Pages. You can download and print these worksheets for the kids to colour the letters present.

The questions in these worksheets have been designed in such a way that the kids will have to recognise a letter and a colour at least to answer them precisely. The question, thus, covers the fundamental concepts of the English Alphabet and colouring pictures together. Solving these worksheets will instil the shape of English letters in young minds.

Access Worksheet for English KG-2 Letters A To Z Colouring Pages

The English alphabet has 26 letters. In "alphabetical order", they are:

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Five of the letters are "vowels": a e i o u

The remaining twenty-one letters are "consonants". We can write each letter as a "large letter" (capital) or "small letter".


1. Colour the following image. Also, write the name of any 5 objects starting with the letter “a”.  

letter a

an image of letter a

2. Colour the following image.

letter H

an image of letter H

3. Trace and colour the letter “J”. Also, write a few animal names starting with the letter “J”.

letter J

an image of letter J

4. Colour the following image.

letter G

an image of letter G

5. Colour the following image. Also, write the name of any 5 objects starting with the letter “v”. 

letter v

an image of letter v

6. Colour the following image.

letter O

an image of letter O

7. Colour the letter “R”. Also, write a few animal names starting with the letter “R”.

letter R

an image of letter R

8. Colour the following image.

letter i

an image of letter i

9. Colour the following image. Also, write the name of any 5 objects starting with the letter “L”. 

letter L

an image of letter L

10. Colour the following image. 

letter Z

an image of letter Z

11. Trace and colour the letter “M”. Also, write a few animal names starting with the letter “M”.

letter M

an image of letter M

12. Colour the following image. 

letter X

an image of letter X

13. Colour the following image. Also, write the name of any 5 objects starting with the letter “S”. 

letter S

an image of letter S

14. Colour the following image. 

letter Y

an image of letter Y

15. Colour the following image.

letter F

an image of letter F



red letter a

an image of letter a

Objects starts with the letter “a” are –

a. Axe 

b. Apple 

c. Aeroplane 

d. Ant 

e. Almond 


blue letter H

an image of letter H


letter J

an image of letter J

Few animals whose name starts with the letter “J” are –

a. Jaguar 

b. Jackal 

c. Jackrabbit 

d. Japanese squirrel 

e. Jackdaw


 letter G

an image of letter G


letter v

an image of letter v

Objects starts with the letter “v” are –

a. Van 

b. Vulture 

c. Vase 

d. Vest 

e. Violin 



letter O

an image of letter O


 letter R

an image of letter R

Few animals whose name starts with the letter “R” are – 

a. Rabbit 

b. Red fox 

c. Racoon 

d. Reindeer 

e. Reef shark 


letter i

an image of letter i


 letter L

an image of letter L

Objects starts with the letter “L” are –

a. Ladder 

b. Lamp

c. Lion 

d. Lock 

e. Lotus


 letter Z

an image of letter Z 


 letter M

an image of letter M

Few animals whose name starts with the letter “M” are – 

a. Mole

b. Mink 

c. Monkfish 

d. Magpie


letter X

an image of letter X


 letter S

an image of letter S

Objects starts with the letter “S” are –

a. Sun 

b. Snake 

c. Ship 

d. Sheep 

e. Strawberry


 letter Y

an image of letter Y


 letter F

an image of letter F

What is Alphabet Drawing A to Z?

We have seen kids learning the English alphabet on white copies at the primary stage of academics. They first learn the shape of such letters and how to pronounce them. A word is also introduced to help them understand the English letters properly. To make this process easier and more interesting, the Alphabet Drawing A to Z is introduced to the study process.

This is a unique method of teaching the English alphabet to kids. They learn the shape of the English alphabet and recognise them. Once recognised, they are instructed to colour them. This is a brilliant style of teaching both English letters and colours to young minds.

Importance of Alphabet Drawing A to Z Worksheet

  • This worksheet is designed to cover the fundamental concepts of Letters A to Z Colouring Pages. Kids will not only learn the English alphabet but will also learn particular colours. They will also learn to follow the instructions given in the questions.

  • Solving these worksheets will also teach them how to draw and colour between the given lines of a letter. They will practise and learn how to colour.

  • In some worksheets, they might have to join the lines and draw the English letters first. Hence, they will also learn to use pencils and colours and bring stability to their drawing skills.

  • The questions given in an Alphabet Colouring Pages Worksheet are quite interesting to follow. These questions are designed in such a way that students will enjoy learning the fundamental concepts of English letters.

Download A to Z Alphabet Drawing Pictures PDF Worksheet

Get the free PDF version of these English letter colouring worksheets and make the study sessions more fun. Kids love to colour. Hence, studying and understanding the English Alphabet will not be a problem when they have such worksheets to complete. Instruct them how to focus on colouring and recognising the letters at the basic level. Check their concepts and knowledge level by letting them solve an entire worksheet on their own.

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FAQs on English Worksheet for Kids| Letters A to Z Colouring Pages

1. What are the other things that a kid will learn from English letter colouring worksheets?

The kids will learn how to draw English letters, recognise them from a list and colour them properly. They will gain good drawing and colouring skills with English language skills at the same time.

2. What colours can be used to draw on these worksheets?

Kids are recommended to use wax crayons to colour these worksheets. It is safer than other colouring mediums and easier to check hand movements.

3. How can I identify English letters?

Identifying English letters will need practice. The more you practise the better you can identify them on a worksheet.

4. How can I become better at drawing English letters?

Practice solving the questions in the worksheets repeatedly. These worksheets can be downloaded and used multiple times for this purpose.

5. How can I focus while drawing English letters?

Check whether you are going outside the perimeter of the letters while colouring them. If yes then slow down while colouring. Draw an outline first to reduce your mistakes and practice.