Idioms and Phrases are a poetic part of the English language. A set expression of two or many words that mean something together, instead of the literal meanings of its words individually.
People use Idioms to make their language expressive and more poetic. They are used to express subtle meanings or intentions. Idioms are generally used to convey the meaning of an expression or a word. Sometimes, Idioms and Phrases can be very useful in explaining the meaning compared to the literal word. They make the reader understand with a poetic touch to the writing.
“If natural language had been designed by a logician, Idioms would not exist."
(Philip Johnson-Laird, 1993).
An Idiom is an expression or way of speaking that is used in common parlance. They are the amalgamation of words that convey a separate meaning altogether.
For Example
His patience was put to an acid test.
His patience was not actually put through an acid test but it means that the effectiveness of his patience was checked.
Most Commonly Used Idioms
A Blessing in Disguise
Meaning: A good thing that initially seemed bad
A Dime a Dozen
Meaning: Something that is very common, not unique
Adding Insult to Injury
Meaning: To make a bad situation even worse
Beat Around the Bush
Meaning: Avoid sharing your true viewpoint or feelings because it is uncomfortable
Beating a Dead Horse
Meaning: Giving time or energy to something that is ended or over
Bite the Bullet
Meaning: To get an unfavorable situation or chore over with now because it will need to get finished eventually
Best of Both Worlds
Meaning: The choice or solution has all of the advantages of two contrasting things at the same time
Biting Off More Than You Can Chew
Meaning: Not having the capacity to take on a new assignment or task that is just too taxing
By the Skin of Your Teeth
Meaning: Just barely making it
Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover
Meaning: Not judging something by its initial appearance
Doing Something at the Drop of a Hat
Meaning: Doing something at the moment of being asked
Don’t Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch
Meaning: Not to count on something happening until after it’s already happened
Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Meaning: Making a choice between two unpleasant choices
Costs an Arm and a Leg
Meaning: Something that is overpriced or very expensive
Cutting Corners
Meaning: Not performing a task or duty correctly in order to save time or money
Devil’s Advocate
Meaning: To take the side of the counter-argument, or offer an alternative point of view
Feeling Under the Weather
Meaning: Not feeling well, or feeling sick
Fit as a Fiddle
Meaning: Being in good health
Getting a Taste of Your Own Medicine
Meaning: Being treated the way that you have been treating others
Getting a Second Wind
Meaning: Having energy again after being tired
Giving the Benefit of the Doubt
Meaning: Believing someone’s story without proof even though it may seem unbelievable
Giving Someone the Cold Shoulder
Meaning: Ignoring someone
Going on a Wild Goose Chase
Meaning: Doing something that is pointless
Heard it on the Grapevine
Meaning: Hearing rumours about someone or something
Hitting the Nail on the Head
Meaning: Performing a task with exactness
Killing Two Birds With One Stone
Meaning: Accomplishing two different tasks in the same undertaking
Letting Someone Off the Hook
Meaning: Not holding someone responsible for something
Letting the Cat Out of the Bag
Meaning: Sharing information that was intended to be a secret
No Pain, No Gain
Meaning: You have to work hard in order to see results
On the Ball
Meaning: Doing a good job, being prompt, or being responsible
Once in a Blue Moon
Meaning: Something that doesn’t happen very often
Piece of Cake
Meaning: A task or job that is easy to complete
Pulling Someone’s Leg
Meaning: Joking with someone
Speak of the Devil
Meaning: When the person you have just been talking about arrives
Stealing Someone’s Thunder
Meaning: Taking credit for someone else’s achievements
Straight from the Horse’s Mouth
Meaning: Reading or hearing something from the source
The Last Straw
Meaning: The last difficulty or annoyance that makes the entire situation unbearable
The Elephant in the Room
Meaning: An issue, person, or problem that someone is trying to avoid
Throwing Caution to the Wind
Meaning: Being reckless or taking a risk
Your Guess is as Good as Mine
Meaning: To not know something
Can’t Make an Omelette Without Breaking Some Eggs
Meaning: You can’t make everyone happy
You Can Lead a Horse to Water, but You Can’t Make Him Drink
Meaning: You can’t force someone to make what is seemingly the right decision
Clouds on the Horizon
Meaning: Trouble is coming or is on its way
A Phrase is a collection of words that stands together as a single unit in a sentence, typically as part of a clause or a sentence.
A Phrase does not contain any subject and verb so it cannot convey any thought.
Examples of Phrases
There are different types of Phrases in the English language.
Noun Phrase
A group of words that consists of nouns and any modifiers.
Verb Phrase
A group of words that consists of nouns and modifiers.
Prepositional Phrase
A group of words that begins with a preposition and helps to explain the relationship between two things.
Examples of Phrases
The brown hat
Blowing away
In the wind
Example of Phrases Put Together in a Sentence
The brown hat was blowing away in the wind.
Examples of Noun Phrases
The brown hat
My English teacher
The grocery store
Examples of Verb Phrases
Ran quickly
Has been raining
Examples of Prepositional Phrases
On the boat
Above the stove
Around the corner
English is an enthralling language to learn. It's vibrant and expressive, and well-crafted prose can take you to another world. Idioms and Phrases are a common tactic used by authors to make their words memorable. It is critical that we comprehend the concept of Idioms and Phrases, as well as how to use them correctly. Let's get started!
Definition of Idioms
Idioms are a collection of words or Phrases that have a well-established and well-known metaphorical meaning. As a result, these words cannot be taken literally because they would sound ludicrous. Idioms might sometimes appear to be grammatically strange at times.
In linguistics, Idioms are a helpful tool. They give the prose more life and color. Rather than monotonous paragraphs, it allows the authors to play with words and make it an engaging read. Idioms are frequently employed in stories, poems, and even spoken language. The roots of these Idioms aren't always clear, but they're thought to have sprung from storytelling and creative writing, and they've evolved over time.
Definition of Phrases
A Phrase is a combination of words that functions as a single unit. These components make it into a larger sentence or clause. Phrases, unlike Idioms, are straightforward and to the point. They don't have any figurative interpretations; the term means exactly what the words say.
A Phrase, unlike a complete sentence, lacks a subject and verb. They are a unit of a complete sentence, hence they do not express a complete statement. Noun, verb, infinitive, gerund, appositive, participial, prepositional, and absolute Phrases are the eight types of Phrases.
Now Look at These Idioms With Examples and Definitions
If it's worth a penny, it's worth a pound.
Meaning: When someone invests his time or money for a certain project or endeavor, he is doing so on purpose.
Example: Jim was in for a penny and in for a pound when Athlead was booming, that's how dedicated he was.
It's better to have one bird in your hand than two in the bush.
Meaning: Because time does not repeat itself, a current opportunity is preferable to a future prospect.
Example: The investigator arrested three offenders and noticed a fourth fleeing but chose not to pursue him because she understood that a bird in one hand is better than two in the bush.
A splinter from the past
Meaning: A person's behavior or deeds are similar to those of his parents.
Example: Grandmother recognized her grandson as a Chip from the old block when she saw him accumulating pennies as her son did.
FAQs on Idiom and Phrases: Common Idioms and Phrases in English
1. What Are the Uses of Idioms?
An Idiom is an expression with a figurative meaning that differentiates from the literal meaning. We can hear Idioms in our daily lives – both in conversation and in the media. Used correctly, Idioms can exaggerate messages in a way that draws readers in and helps to awaken their senses. It doesn’t make sense but can deliver a lot in a shorter frame. People who want to convey something long for short use Idioms.
2. What does blessing in disguise mean?
Blessing in disguise is an Idiom Phrase that is used to describe a situation where one finds positivity and experiences something good in the world. It basically is a surprising event that occurs and can support or help people. It can be a miracle, a person, a situation, a way out, or any destination. An example is- In the stressful office environment, he was a blessing in disguise. You can download the free pdf of Idiom and Phrases – Definition and Commonly Used Terms from Vedantu to learn more.
3. What are the different types of Phrases?
There are 3 types of Phrases in English. The collection of words that makes up a sentence is called a Phrase. It is usually a part of a clause or sentence. These cannot convey or deliver any thought as a Phrase does not contain any subject and verb. A noun Phrase is a group of words that have nouns and modifiers. A verb Phrase is the same as a noun. Prepositional Phrases begin with a preposition and help to explain the relationship between two things.
4. Can I use Idioms at the workplace?
The Idioms can be extremely informal and can be formal too. It completely depends on the type of Idiom that is being used. There are a certain set of formal workplace Idioms that are extensively used in the world. For example, I will have a rain check today, it is raining dogs and cats, etc are types of formal Idioms at the workplace. One should use the Idioms properly and select their situations smartly. They can give a sarcastic tone and can make a person rude. Hence it is recommended to use them wisely.
5. Is the Idiom and Phrases Used Terms PDF useful?
Yes, the free PDF of Idiom and Phrases – Definition and Commonly Used Terms is very useful. It helps a student to know the common Phrases and Idioms that are used widely across the world. It is important to know these Phrases as they can be a basic mode of communication in official settings. You can read all the important Phrases from the Idiom and Phrases – Definition and Commonly Used Terms. Once you get thorough with the concepts, you’ll be able to communicate better in English.