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Practise with Modals Exercises

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Modals Exercise with Answers

Modal verbs like will, would, shall, should, can, could, may, might, must, need, and ought to are essential in English grammar. These verbs often act as helping verbs to express the possibility, probability, or necessity of an action. Understanding how to use modal verbs correctly can greatly improve communication skills.

Table of Content
1. Modals Exercise with Answers
2. Did you Know?
3. Some examples of Modal verbs
4. Modals Exercise with Answers
5. Test your Knowledge of Modal Exercises
    5.1Find Out if you Got them All Right from the Answers Below.
6. Takeaways from this Page

This article provides a series of modals exercises focused on these modal verbs, prepared to help students practice and improve their knowledge. Try out these exercises and check your answers to see how well you've grasped the concepts.

Modal Verbs

Did you Know?

  • Modals show ability, possibility, necessity, and permission (e.g., "can," "might," and "must").

  • Modals can imply actions without stating them explicitly (e.g., "I can swim, and so can she").

  • Used in if-clauses to talk about hypothetical situations (e.g., "If I could, I would")

  • Modals help make deductions (e.g., "He must be right" / "She might come")

Some examples of Modal verbs


  1. I will finish my homework before dinner.

  2. She will attend the meeting tomorrow.

  3. They will travel to Europe next summer.


  1. Would you like to join us for a movie?

  2. She would often visit her grandparents on weekends.

  3. If I had more time, I would learn a new language.


  1. Shall we begin the presentation?

  2. I shall inform you of any updates.

  3. Shall I open the window?


  1. You should exercise regularly to stay healthy.

  2. He should apologize for his behaviour.

  3. We should leave early to avoid traffic.


  1. Can you help me with this maths problem?

  2. She can run a mile in under seven minutes.

  3. Can I borrow your book for a day?


  1. Could you pass me the salt, please?

  2. When I was younger, I could swim for hours.

  3. Could we meet tomorrow to discuss the project?


  1. May I come in?

  2. You may leave the room once you finish your test.

  3. The teacher may give us a surprise quiz today.


  1. It might rain this evening, so take an umbrella.

  2. She might come to the party if she finishes her work.

  3. We might go to the beach this weekend.


  1. You must wear a seatbelt while driving.

  2. Students must submit their assignments by Friday.

  3. We must respect the rules and regulations.


  1. You need not worry about the exam; you've prepared well.

  2. She needs to finish her project before the deadline.

  3. You need to rest if you want to recover quickly.

Ought to

  1. You ought to take more care of your health.

  2. They ought to be more considerate of others' feelings.

  3. He ought to pay back the money he borrowed.

Modals Exercise with Answers

Before getting into the exercise. Watch Modal Verb for a quick revision and strengthen your conceptual understanding.

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct modal verb











ought to

  1. I ____ call you when I reach home.

  2. ____ you please pass the salt?

  3. She ____ finish her homework before going out to play.

  4. He ____ speak French when he was a child.

  5. You ____ go to the doctor if you feel unwell.

  6. We ____ leave now to catch the train on time.

  7. ____ I open the window to let in some fresh air?

  8. They ____ have taken the wrong turn.

  9. You ____ bring a jacket; it’s cold outside.

  10. ____ we meet tomorrow to discuss the project?

  11. He ____ not attend the meeting if he doesn’t want to.

  12. ____ I borrow your pen for a moment?

  13. You ____ apologize for being late.

  14. It ____ snow later in the evening.

  15. You ____ to help your parents with the household chores.

  16. ____ you like to join us for dinner?

  17. She ____ be at home right now.

  18. You ____ not worry about the exam; you’ve prepared well.

  19. The students ____ submit their assignments by Friday.

  20. I ____ to finish this report by tomorrow.

  21. ____ you mind if I sit here?

  22. We ____ be careful while crossing the road.

  23. They ____ have forgotten about the meeting.

  24. You ____ leave your bag unattended in public places.

  25. He ____ work harder if he wants to pass the exam.


  1. I will call you when I reach home.

  2. Could you please pass the salt?

  3. She must finish her homework before going out to play.

  4. He could speak French when he was a child.

  5. You should go to the doctor if you feel unwell.

  6. We must leave now to catch the train on time.

  7. Shall I open the window to let in some fresh air?

  8. They might have taken the wrong turn.

  9. You should bring a jacket; it’s cold outside.

  10. Shall we meet tomorrow to discuss the project?

  11. He need not attend the meeting if he doesn’t want to.

  12. May I borrow your pen for a moment?

  13. You should apologize for being late.

  14. It might snow later in the evening.

  15. You ought to help your parents with the household chores.

  16. Would you like to join us for dinner?

  17. She may be at home right now.

  18. You need not worry about the exam; you’ve prepared well.

  19. The students must submit their assignments by Friday.

  20. I have to finish this report by tomorrow.

  21. Would you mind if I sit here?

  22. We must be careful while crossing the road.

  23. They might have forgotten about the meeting.

  24. You must not leave your bag unattended in public places.

  25. He must work harder if he wants to pass the exam.

Exercise 2: Choose the Correct Modal Verb

Select the correct modal verb for each sentence from the options provided.

  1. (Will/Can/May) you help me with my homework?

  2. She (should/must/can) wear a coat; it's very cold outside.

  3. They (might/must/could) have forgotten the meeting was rescheduled.

  4. (Would/Should/Will) you be able to finish the project by Friday?

  5. We (may/could/would) go to the beach if it stops raining.

  6. He (might/could/would) have taken the wrong turn.

  7. I (must/should/can) get a new phone; mine is outdated.

  8. (Would/Can/May) you like some tea?

  9. She (must/should/can) go to the doctor if she’s not feeling well.

  10. We (might/should/can) visit them next week if we have time.

  11. (Shall/Would/Can) we start the meeting now?

  12. He (could/should/must) work late to complete the project.

  13. You (may/should/could) not need to bring anything to the party.

  14. They (might/should/would) have already left for their trip.

  15. (Can/May/Will) I use your phone for a moment?

  16. She (must/should/can) study harder if she wants to pass the exam.

  17. We (may/should/would) finish the task by tomorrow if everything goes well.

  18. (Could/May/Will) you be interested in joining our team?

  19. He (might/should/can) get promoted if he continues to perform well.

  20. You (must/could/would) see a doctor if you feel unwell.


  1. Can you help me with my homework?

  2. She should wear a coat; it's very cold outside.

  3. They might have forgotten the meeting was rescheduled.

  4. Would you be able to finish the project by Friday?

  5. We might go to the beach if it stops raining.

  6. He might have taken the wrong turn.

  7. I need to get a new phone; mine is outdated.

  8. Would you like some tea?

  9. She should go to the doctor if she’s not feeling well.

  10. We might visit them next week if we have time.

  11. Shall we start the meeting now?

  12. He might work late to complete the project.

  13. You may not need to bring anything to the party.

  14. They might have already left for their trip.

  15. May I use your phone for a moment?

  16. She must study harder if she wants to pass the exam.

  17. We should finish the task by tomorrow if everything goes well.

  18. Would you be interested in joining our team?

  19. He might get promoted if he continues to perform well.

  20. You should see a doctor if you feel unwell.

Exercise 3: Rewrite the Sentences Using Modal Verbs

Rewrite the following sentences using the appropriate modal verb in place of the given phrases.

  1. It is necessary for you to study harder. → You ____ study harder.

  2. It is possible that she will join us later. → She ____ join us later.

  3. I am able to swim across the lake. → I ____ swim across the lake.

  4. I suggest you try to solve the problem yourself. → You ____ try to solve the problem yourself.

  5. You are allowed to take the day off tomorrow. → You ____ take the day off tomorrow.

  6. It is likely that we will arrive late. → We ____ arrive late.

  7. I offer to help you with your homework. → I ____ help you with your homework.

  8. It is recommended that you see a dentist regularly. → You ____ see a dentist regularly.

  9. There is a chance that they will come to the party. → They ____ come to the party.

  10. I would prefer not to go out tonight. → I ____ prefer not to go out tonight.

  11. You have an obligation to follow the rules. → You ____ follow the rules.

  12. It is possible that he forgot about the meeting. → He ____ have forgotten about the meeting.

  13. It is necessary for us to submit the report by Friday. → We ____ submit the report by Friday.

  14. I am willing to assist with the project. → I ____ assist with the project.

  15. It is advisable to take breaks during long study sessions. → You ____ take breaks during long study sessions.

  16. They are allowed to leave early. → They ____ leave early.

  17. I am suggesting that we take a break now. → We ____ take a break now.

  18. It is not necessary for you to come to the meeting. → You ____ come to the meeting.

  19. It is possible that it will rain this weekend. → It ____ rain this weekend.

  20. He is able to speak three languages. → He ____ speak three languages.


2. Rewrite the Sentences Using Modal Verbs

  1. It is necessary for you to study harder. → You must study harder.

  2. It is possible that she will join us later. → She might join us later.

  3. I am able to swim across the lake. → I can swim across the lake.

  4. I suggest you try to solve the problem yourself. → You should try to solve the problem yourself.

  5. You are allowed to take the day off tomorrow. → You may take the day off tomorrow.

  6. It is likely that we will arrive late. → We might arrive late.

  7. I offer to help you with your homework. → I would help you with your homework.

  8. It is recommended that you see a dentist regularly. → You should see a dentist regularly.

  9. There is a chance that they will come to the party. → They might come to the party.

  10. I would prefer not to go out tonight. → I would prefer not to go out tonight.

  11. You have an obligation to follow the rules. → You must follow the rules.

  12. It is possible that he forgot about the meeting. → He might have forgotten about the meeting.

  13. It is necessary for us to submit the report by Friday. → We must submit the report by Friday.

  14. I am willing to assist with the project. → I would assist with the project.

  15. It is advisable to take breaks during long study sessions. → You should take breaks during long study sessions.

  16. They are allowed to leave early. → They may leave early.

  17. I am suggesting that we take a break now. → We should take a break now.

  18. It is not necessary for you to come to the meeting. → You need not come to the meeting.

  19. It is possible that it will rain this weekend. → It might rain this weekend.

  20. He is able to speak three languages. → He can speak three languages.

Exercise 4: Match the Modal Verb with Its Function

Match each modal verb with its primary function.

Modal Verb













Future intention












Polite request








Past ability










Modal Verb





Future intention




















Polite request








Past ability









Test your Knowledge of Modal Exercises

Task 1: Complete the Sentences with Appropriate Modals

Fill in the blanks with the most suitable modal verb from the list provided

(will, would, can, could, should, might, must, may, need, ought to).

  1. You ____ see a doctor if you have a persistent cough.

  2. She ____ have missed the train; she was running late.

  3. I ____ help you with the project if you need it.

  4. They ____ be interested in the new job offer.

  5. We ____ leave now to avoid traffic.'

Task 2: Correct the Incorrect Modal Usage

Review the sentences below and correct the modal verbs if they are used incorrectly.

  1. She can finish the report by tomorrow if she will work late.

  2. You must to be more careful while handling the equipment.

  3. I might to join the team for the next project.

  4. He would plays the guitar very well.

  5. We should go to the park if it won’t rain.

Task 3: Choose the Best Modal Verb for Each Situation

Read each situation and choose the most appropriate modal verb from the options given.

  1. Situation: Asking for permission to leave early.

    • Options: (Will, Can, Should)

    • Sentence: ____ I leave early today?

  1. Situation: Suggesting a solution to a problem.

    • Options: (Could, Might, Need)

    • Sentence: You ____ try restarting your computer.

  1. Situation: Indicating a strong obligation.

    • Options: (Would, Must, Might)

    • Sentence: You ____ complete the assignment by tomorrow.

  1. Situation: Offering help to a friend.

    • Options: (May, Would, Might)

    • Sentence: ____ I help you with that?

  1. Situation: Speculating about the weather.

    • Options: (Should, Could, Must)

    • Sentence: It ____ rain later this evening.

Task 4: Rewrite Sentences with Different Modal Verbs

Rewrite the following sentences using a different modal verb to convey a similar meaning.

  1. She has to attend the meeting. → She ____ attend the meeting.

  2. You are permitted to leave early. → You ____ leave early.

  3. It is possible that he will come to the party. → He ____ come to the party.

  4. I recommend that you take a break. → You ____ take a break.

  5. We are required to submit the report by Friday. → We ____ submit the report by Friday.

Task 5: Create Sentences Using Modal Verbs

Write sentences using each of the following modal verbs in a way that shows their different functions.

  1. Must (for obligation)

  2. Could (for past ability)

  3. Would (for polite requests)

  4. Might (for possibility)

  5. Shall (for suggestions)

Find Out if you Got them All Right from the Answers Below.


Task 1: Complete the Sentences with Appropriate Modals

  1. You should see a doctor if you have a persistent cough.

  2. She might have missed the train; she was running late.

  3. I can help you with the project if you need it.

  4. They might be interested in the new job offer.

  5. We should leave now to avoid traffic.

Task 2: Correct the Incorrect Modal Usage

  1. She can finish the report by tomorrow if she works late.

  2. You must be more careful while handling the equipment.

  3. I might join the team for the next project.

  4. He plays the guitar very well.

  5. We should go to the park if it doesn’t rain.

Task 3: Choose the Best Modal Verb for Each Situation

  1. Can I leave early today?

  2. You could try restarting your computer.

  3. You must complete the assignment by tomorrow.

  4. Would I help you with that?

  5. It might rain later this evening.

Task 4: Rewrite Sentences with Different Modal Verbs

  1. She should attend the meeting.

  2. You may leave early.

  3. He might come to the party.

  4. You ought to take a break.

  5. We have to submit the report by Friday.

Task 5: Create Sentences Using Modal Verbs

  1. Must (for obligation): You must wear a helmet while riding a bike.

  2. Could (for past ability): When I was younger, I could run a mile in under six minutes.

  3. Would (for polite requests): Would you mind passing the salt?

  4. Might (for possibility): We might go to the beach if the weather improves.

  5. Shall (for suggestions): Shall we take a break now?

Still, finding it difficult to answer the questions? Watch the Complete guide on Modal Verb and score well for your exam.

Takeaways from this Page

Modal verbs play a crucial role in communication by expressing degrees of certainty, ability, permission, and obligation. They include verbs like can, could, might, and may, which help convey possibilities and abilities. Should and must indicate strong recommendations or obligations. For future intentions, will is used, while would is common for polite requests or hypothetical scenarios. Need and ought to express necessity and advice, respectively. The correct use of these modals depends on the context of the sentence. For example, can be used to indicate ability, and may be for permission. Modals are flexible and can convey different meanings based on their placement and context. Practising modal exercises helps in mastering their use and avoiding common errors, ultimately enhancing clear and effective communication.

FAQs on Practise with Modals Exercises

1. What are modal verbs?

Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs used to express ability, possibility, necessity, permission, or obligation. Common modals include can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, and need.

2. How do modal verbs differ from regular verbs?

Modal verbs do not change form for different subjects or tenses and are used with the base form of the main verb. For example, we say "She can swim" and not "She cans swim."

3. What is the purpose of modal exercises?

Modal exercises help learners practice using modal verbs correctly in various contexts, improving their ability to express different degrees of certainty, necessity, or permission.

4. How can I choose the right modal verb for a sentence?

Consider the context of the sentence. For example, use can for ability ("She can play the piano"), may for permission ("May I leave early?"), and must for strong obligation ("You must finish your homework").

5. Are there rules for using modal verbs in questions?

Yes, when forming questions with modal verbs, place the modal verb before the subject. For example, "Can you help me?" or "Should we start now?"

6. How can I correct mistakes in modal verb usage?

Review the function of each modal verb and its appropriate contexts. Practice identifying common errors and understanding the correct usage, such as distinguishing between might (possibility) and must (necessity).

7. What are common mistakes with modal verbs?

Common mistakes include using the wrong modal verb for the intended meaning, incorrect verb forms, or misunderstanding the degree of certainty. For example, saying "He might come" instead of "He might come."

8. How can I improve my understanding of modals?

Regular practice through exercises, reading, and writing sentences using modals can improve your understanding. Additionally, paying attention to how modals are used in real-life contexts, such as in conversations and texts, helps.

9. Can modal verbs be used in all tenses?

Modal verbs themselves do not change with tenses. Instead, they are used with the base form of the main verb. For past contexts, use modals like could and would ("He could swim when he was younger").

10. Where can I find more modals exercise with answers?

Modals exercise with answers can be found in grammar workbooks and the Vedantu Website. Many of these resources offer interactive exercises to enhance your skills.