What is Sentence Structure Quiz?
Every language will have a unique sentence structure. The grammar will help to frame the correct sentence structure. Usually, the sentence is of four types. They are simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences. The structure of sentences will vary depending on the presence of conjunctions, independent and dependent clauses, and subordinators. The sentence structure will help students to create grammatically correct sentences. This will increase their language efficiency. This article will give you the sentence structure quiz with answers. This sentence structure quiz will assist students to have deep knowledge about English grammar. Attend the below-given quizzes and go through the explanations given below.
If you are new to the English language, but you have a wish to learn English. Then you are on the right path. You can just frame the simple sentences with simple words. Using the difficult words in difficult tenses will not give you any special hike in your language. So, students who wish to learn grammar and express themselves in the English language can use simple sentences with the most simple tenses. It will help others to understand better about, what you are communicating. Just go through this entire article and attend the quizzes given below. This will help you to improve your language skill.
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Types of Sentance Structure
The sentence structure is of four types, they are listed below.
Simple sentence structure
Compound sentence structure
Complex sentence structure
Compound complex sentences structure
Simple Sentence Structure
Usually, the simple sentence structure will have one independent clause. The subject and verb will explain the complete independent clause.
For example,
I like biscuits
She like Chocolates
A dog is going to play
Compound Sentence Structure
The compound sentence structure will have more than one independent clause. Conjunction or semicolon between two independent clauses will connect them. The conjunction words that are in compound sentences are nor, and, yet, but, or, for, so
For example,
I like tea but I can have coffee
I missed the bus so I am late
I have a car, I booked a cab.
Complex Sentence Structure
The complex sentence will have both independent clauses and dependent clauses. The dependant clause present in complex sentences will start with a conjunction or a relative pronoun. Usually, the dependent clause will have a subject and verb, but it will not provide any meaning.
Some of the subordinate conjunctions are how, if, after, although, as, that, though, because, before, when, where, once, since, till, until, whether, while. The list of relative pronouns are that,, who, whose, whom, which
For example,
Our dog starts to bark after he hears a noise.
Compound-Complex Sentence Structure
The compound-complex sentence structure will have a minimum of two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. Here, the independent clause and dependent clauses will be connected through subordinate conjunction.
For example,
He left the conversation in the middle after he got a phone call but he came back within five minutes.
He is busy but he spent time with us till the end of the day.
Sentence Structure Quiz With Answers
A sentence with an independent clause should contain ____
only verb
only subject
a subject with a verb
a subject with an object
Answer: (c) a subject with a verb
Explanation: A independent clause of the sentence should contain a subject and a verb.
Identify the type of sentence: I will help you if you support me.
Simple sentence
Compound sentence
Complex sentence
Compound - complex sentence
Answer: (c) Complex sentence
Explanation: Here, If is the conjunctive sentence, that connecting an independent clause and a dependent clause.
How to connect two independent clauses in the sentence?
Using coordinating conjunction
Using subordinate conjunction
It is impossible
using correlative conjunction
Answer: (a) Using coordinating conjunction
Explanation: The two independent clauses in the sentence can be connected through the coordinating conjunction.
Identify the type of sentence: She is a doctor, She is from New Delhi
Simple sentence
Compound sentence
Complex sentence
Compound - complex sentence
Answer: (b) Compound sentence
Explanation: Here, both the independent clauses are connected by semicolons. So, the above-given sentence is a compound sentence.
Identify the structure of the given sentence: I like to play cricket but my friend like to play carrom
Simple sentence
Compound sentence
Complex sentence
Compound - complex sentence
Answer: (b) Compound sentence
Explanation: In the above sentence, two independent clauses are connected together with coordinating conjunction but. So, the given sentence is a compound sentence
How to begin the dependant clause in a sentence?
with relative pronoun
with coordinating conjunction
with subordinate conjunction
both a and c
Answer: (d) both a and c
Explanation: The dependant clause present in the sentence can start with a relative pronoun or with subordinate conjunction.
How to identify the compound-complex sentence?
a sentence with one or more dependent clauses
a sentence with one or more independent clauses
a sentence without conjunction words
Both (a) and (b)
Answer: (d) Both (a) and (b)
Explanation: The compound-complex sentence will have one or more dependent clauses and one or more independent clauses.
Identify the structure of the sentence: My mom helped me while I am going homework
Simple sentence
Compound sentence
Complex sentence
Compound - complex sentence
Answer: (c) Complex sentence
Explanation: The above-given sentence has a dependent clause and an independent clause. Also, it is connected by the subordinate conjunction. So, the given sentence is a complex sentence.
Identify the structure of the sentence: While I am going my project, my father assisted me but my mother went out
Simple sentence
Compound sentence
Complex sentence
Compound - complex sentence
Answer: (d) Compound - complex sentence
Explanation: The above sentence has more than one independent clause and one dependent clause. So, the given sentence is Compound - complex sentence
Identify the structure of the sentence: I will prefer to buy a gold ring but he bought me platinum
Simple sentence
Compound sentence
Complex sentence
Compound - complex sentence
Answer: (b) Compound sentence
Explanation: In the above sentence, both the sentences are independent clauses that are connected by coordination conjunction. So, the sentence is a compound sentence.
This article gave you complete information about sentence structure. Also, the sentence structure quiz provided here may help you to describe the types of sentences easily. All the students can make use of a sentence structure quiz with answers to boost their language skills.
FAQs on Sentence Structure Quiz
1. What are 4 types of sentence structure?
The sentence structure is of four types. They are simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. The sentence structure will vary depending on the usage of the independent and dependent clauses, conjunctions, and subordinators.
2. What is basic sentence structure?
The basic structure of the sentence should contain the subject, verb, and object. Sometimes the sentence will contain adverbs and adjectives. The noun represents the naming words, person, place, things, etc. The verb denotes the timing of the sentence. It will help to identify the sentence.
3. How do you describe sentence structure?
A basic English structure should be arranged grammatically. Every sentence should get the noun and verb within an individual sentence. The sentence structure may vary while writing and speaking.