Essay on Monkey
Monkeys are very agile and intelligent animals. Monkeys are intelligent and playful, as well as very emotional They can jump from one tree to another. They can travel a mile without coming on the ground. The monkeys are divided into two categories, first: an old monkey which is found in Asia, and the second: is the new monkey which is found in South Africa.
A total of 264 species of monkeys are found in which ancient monkeys have 32 teeth while new monkeys have 36 teeth. A total of 264 species of monkeys have their own distinct characteristics. Their average lifespan is 15 to 35 years.
Long essay on Monkey for Students in English in 500 words
Most of the Monkeys live in trees. They can climb a tree quickly, and can easily jump from one tree to another. They can travel miles fast across the branches for trees without touching the floor. They lie down high into the trees throughout the night. Their inhabitants include trees of nuts, wild berries, or fruits.
Monkeys are easily identifiable as they all have a distinct feature: tails. Most monkeys function across branches, but there are also a few species of monkeys that swing arm-to-arm of trees. Monkeys generally live in grasslands, high plains, trees, and forests.
Monkeys interact with each other through different vocalizations for sound, body movements, or body language. Monkeys have special characteristics than other animals and are found usually in many places. Monkeys also have a strong brains and they behave like humans. Just like humans, they can use tools. Monkeys possess amazing climbing skills which are fun to watch. Monkeys respond to human commands effectively, that's why I like monkeys more than any other animal.
Monkeys are mischievous and fun-loving in nature. They like to play on branches by swinging from one tree to another with the help of their hands and feet and also with their tails. There are around 260 species of monkeys present all over the world and each of them is different from one another, having their set of distinctive features.
A monkey has a total of four legs. He uses the rear two legs as legs and uses the front two legs as his hands. The monkey also has a tail. The monkey’s tail is very strong. Monkeys keep their body balanced with the help of their tail and with the help of their tail they can also hang upside down on trees for a long time. The tail of the monkey is of different sizes in different species. Monkeys always wander in herds of about 12. Monkey faces are found to a great extent by humans. Monkeys are also called siblings of humans. The largest monkey found in the world weighs about 35 kg, and the smallest monkey is almost the size of a rat.
The Three Features of Monkeys are
Monkeys are very good at copying, they copy humans very easily. Every monkey has its own unique fingerprints. Fingerprints of monkeys can also be taken. This is because the hands of monkeys are like the hands of humans, monkeys can also get the disease of T.B. The monkeys are the only animal that can peel and eat bananas.
Monkeys are found sitting on trees, forests, mountains, green fields and roofs of houses. It is a family organism that lives in a herd. The diet of the monkey includes walnuts, berries, and fruits. Its favorite fruit is bananas.
Monkeys are very intelligent. They have the power to recognize numbers. They can easily recognize numbers and can read these numbers. They can do sums and even multiply easily. The IQ level of monkeys is 174.
Short essay on Monkey for Students in English in 150 words
There are two main categories of monkeys, (i) new world monkeys, and (ii) old world monkeys. The new world monkeys are found in the regions of South America and North America, whereas the old world monkeys are found in the Asian countries and the African region. Most of the monkeys are mostly found sleeping while sitting on the trees, balancing on a single branch and resting their bottoms upright on the branch. According to research, the sleepiest species of monkey can sleep for 15-17 hours.
The difference between the new world monkey and the old world monkey is that the nose of the new world monkey has a round shape, whereas the nose of the old world monkey has a small curve. The new world monkeys do not have any cheek pouches to store food, whereas the old world monkeys have cheek pouches which are used to store food.
Interesting Facts about Monkey
It is said that monkeys are the closest relatives of humans and humans have evolved from monkeys over time. That is why even today the DNA of humans matches up to 98% from monkeys.
Monkeys are referred to as the God Hanuman/ Bajrang Bali in Hinduism.
Monkeys are very intelligent. They have the power to recognize numbers. They can easily recognize numbers and can read these numbers, they can do sums and even multiply easily. The IQ level of monkeys is 174.
Chimpanzee, a species found in monkeys, is considered the most sensitive species.
In Japan, monkeys are trained as waiters, so they are kept as waiters.
Monkeys are very good at copying, they copy humans very easily. Every monkey has its own unique fingerprints. Fingerprints of monkeys can also be taken. This is because the hands of monkeys are like the hands of humans.
The monkey is the only animal that can peel and eat bananas.
The monkey is an animal that has also gone into space. On June 11, 1948, Albert I, who was a rhesus monkey from White Sands, New Mexico, was sent to space but died due to suffocation.
The world’s smallest monkey is a pygmy marmoset which is only around 5 inches tall and weighs only 113 grams. The world’s largest monkey is the mandrills which are about 3 feet tall and weigh around 35 kilograms.
Every year on December 14, world monkey day is celebrated. It was first celebrated in 2000.
Monkeys use gestures to talk to each other.
Monkeys are found sitting on trees, forests, mountains, green fields, and roofs of houses. It is a family organism that lives in a herd. The diet of the monkey includes walnuts, berries, and fruits. Its favorite fruit is bananas.
When the monkey chews his lips or jerks his head or takes a yawn, it shows that he is angry.
Raising monkeys like pets has been considered a legal offense. If a person pets monkeys, they can be punished.
Monkeys are the most intelligent animal in the world. They are more like humans than other animals. The way they behave, the way they eat represent the similarities like humans.
FAQs on Monkey Essay: The Fun and Fascinating World of Monkeys
1. Write a short note on the physical feature of monkeys.
The monkey has a total of four legs, he uses the rear two legs as legs and uses the front two legs as his hands. The monkey also has a tail. The monkey’s tail is very strong. Monkeys keep their body balanced with the help of their tail and with the help of their tail they can also hang upside down on trees for a long time. Monkeys have two eyes and it is said that these eyes are very similar to humans. Monkeys always walk in herds of about 12. Monkeys' faces are found to a great extent by humans.
2. Which is the world’s smallest and largest monkey?
Most of the monkeys are arboreal and they adapted to walk quickly through the branches of trees. Most of them are small in size when compared to apes such as ground-dwelling monkeys such as baboons chimps and gorillas. The length of the monkeys is considered as the distance from the nose to the root of the tail. Some of these monkeys have their tail significantly longer than their body and are often prehensile. The world’s smallest monkey is a pygmy marmoset which is only around 5 inches tall and weighs only 113 grams. The world’s largest monkey is the mandrills which is about 3 feet tall and weigh around 35 kilograms.
3. Write Three Features of Monkey?
The three features of monkeys are-
Monkeys are very good at copying, they copy humans very easily. Every monkey has its own unique fingerprints. Fingerprints of monkeys can also be taken. This is because the hands of monkeys are like the hands of humans, monkeys can also get the disease of T.B. The monkeys are the only animal that can peel and eat bananas.
Monkeys are found sitting on trees, forests, mountains, green fields and roofs of houses. It is a family organism that lives in a herd. The diet of the monkey includes walnuts, berries, and fruits. Its favorite fruit is bananas.
Monkeys are very intelligent. They have the power to recognize numbers. They can easily recognize numbers and can read these numbers. They can do sums and even multiply easily. The IQ level of monkeys is 174.