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Past Continuous Tense Exercises

Last updated date: 17th Sep 2024
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Practice Exercises for Past Continuous Tense

Vedantu provides a clear and easy-to-understand guide on the past continuous tense. The past continuous tense is used to describe actions that were happening at a specific time in the past. This tense helps you talk about ongoing activities that were in progress before something else happened. With Vedantu's simple explanations and examples, you'll learn how to form and use the past continuous tense correctly in your writing and speech. Vedantu's easy-to-understand resources and for better understanding about different tenses in English grammar refer to English Tenses.

Table of Content
1. Practice Exercises for Past Continuous Tense
2. Past Continuous Tense Definition
3. Past Continuous Tense Exercise with Answers
4. Test Your Knowledge on Past Continuous Tense Exercises
    4.1Task 1: Fill in the Blanks
    4.2Task 2: Sentence Conversion
    4.3Task 3: Identify the Tense
    4.4Task 4: Write Sentences
    4.5Task 5: Combine Sentences
    4.6Task 6: Complete the Story
    4.7Task 7: Change the Dialogue
5. Here You Go—Check if Your Answers Mthe Ones Below!
    5.1Task 1: Fill in the Blanks
    5.2Task 2: Sentence Conversion
    5.3Task 3: Identify the Tense
    5.4Task 4: Write Sentences
    5.5Task 5: Combine Sentences
    5.6Task 6: Complete the Story
    5.7Task 7: Change the Dialogue
    5.8Modified Dialogue with Past Continuous Tense:
6. Takeaways from this Page

Do You Know?

  • The past continuous tense is great for talking about something that was happening over a period of time in the past, like "I was reading when the phone rang."

  • The past continuous tense can be used to set the background scene in a story, helping to create a vivid picture of what was happening at a particular time.

  • The past continuous tense can be used to set the background scene in a story, helping to create a vivid picture of what was happening at a particular time.

  • Words like "while" and "when" are often used with the past continuous tense to connect actions that were happening at the same time.

Past Continuous Tense Definition

The past continuous tense is used to describe actions that were happening at a specific moment in the past. It shows that something was ongoing for a certain period of time before another action occurred. For example, "I was eating dinner when the phone rang."

Past Continuous Tense Exercise with Answers

Give the following exercises a try to test your understanding of the past continuous tense. Answers are included for your reference.

Exercise 1:

Complete the below Sentences

1. She _ _ _ _ (cook) dinner when I arrived.

2. They _ _ _ _ (play) football in the park yesterday evening.

3. He _ _ _ _ (read) a book when the lights went out.

4. The children _ _ _ _ (laugh) loudly during the movie.

5. I _ _ _ _ (study) for my exams all night.

6. We _ _ _ _ (walk) to school when it started to rain.

7. The dog _ _ _ _ (bark) at the strangers outside.

8. She _ _ _ _ (write) a letter while he was making a call.

9. They _ _ _ _ watch) TV when the phone rang.

10. I _ _ _ _ (clean) the house when you called.


1. She was cooking (cook) dinner when I arrived.

2. They were playing (play) football in the park yesterday evening.

3. He was reading (read) a book when the lights went out.

4. The children were laughing (laugh) loudly during the movie.

5. I was studying (study) for my exams all night.

6. We were walking (walk) to school when it started to rain.

7. The dog was barking (bark) at the strangers outside.

8. She was writing (write) a letter while he was making a call.

9. They were watching (watch) TV when the phone rang.

10. I was cleaning (clean) the house when you called.

Exercise 2:

Here are the change into past continuous tense exercises

1. She writes a letter to her friend.

2. They play football in the park.

3. He reads a book before bed.

4. The children laugh at the funny clown.

5. I study for my exams.

6. We walk to school every day.

7. The dog barks at the cat.

8. She cooks dinner for her family.

9. They watch a movie together.

10. I clean the house on weekends.


1. She was writing a letter to her friend.

2. They were playing football in the park.

3. He was reading a book before bed.

4. The children were laughing at the funny clown.

5. I was studying for my exams.

6. We were walking to school every day.

7. The dog was barking at the cat.

8. She was cooking dinner for her family.

9. They were watching a movie together.

10. I was cleaning the house on weekends.

To know more about different tenses in Past Tense, please refer to the YouTube video provided by Vedantu. And it is completely FREE.

Test Your Knowledge on Past Continuous Tense Exercises

Task 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct past continuous tense form of the verbs in brackets.

1. She __________ (read) a book when I called her.

2. They __________ (play) football at 5 PM yesterday.

3. I __________ (study) for my exams when the power went out.

4. He __________ (watch) TV while his brother was cooking dinner.

5. We __________ (walk) in the park when it started to rain.

Task 2: Sentence Conversion

Convert the following sentences from the simple past tense to the past continuous tense.

1. She cooked dinner when I arrived.

2. They played basketball when it started to rain.

3. I wrote a letter when the phone rang.

4. The kids danced at the party.

5. He cleaned the room when the guests arrived.

Task 3: Identify the Tense

Identify whether the following sentences are in the past continuous tense or not. If not, correct them.

1. I was reading a book last night.

2. She walks to school every day.

3. They were watching a movie when I called.

4. He washed the car yesterday.

5. We were having lunch at noon.

Task 4: Write Sentences

Write five sentences using the past continuous tense to describe what you or others were doing at specific times yesterday.

Example: At 3 PM, I was studying for my math test.

Task 5: Combine Sentences

Combine the following pairs of sentences into one sentence using the past continuous tense for one of the actions.

1. I cooked dinner. My friend arrived.

2. The children played outside. It started to rain.

3. She read a book. The lights went out.

4. He worked on his project. The phone rang.

5. They walked to the store. It began to snow.

Task 6: Complete the Story

Complete the following story using the past continuous tense:

"Yesterday afternoon, while I __________ (walk) home from school, I __________ (see) my friend. She __________ (wait) for the bus, and we __________ (chat) for a while. Suddenly, it __________ (start) to rain, so we __________ (run) to the nearest café."

Task 7: Change the Dialogue

Change the following dialogue to use the past continuous tense where appropriate:

Person A: "What did you do last night?"

Person B: "I watched a movie and then I went to bed."

Person A: "Did you enjoy the movie?"

Person B: "Yes, it was great!"

Here You Go—Check if Your Answers Mthe Ones Below!

Task 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct past continuous tense form of the verbs in brackets.

1. She was reading (read) a book when I called her.

2. They were playing (play) football at 5 PM yesterday.

3. I was studying (study) for my exams when the power went out.

4. He was watching (watch) TV while his brother was cooking dinner.

5. We were walking (walk) in the park when it started to rain.

Task 2: Sentence Conversion

Convert the following sentences from the simple past tense to the past continuous tense.

1. She was cooking dinner when I arrived.

2. They were playing basketball when it started to rain.

3. I was writing a letter when the phone rang.

4. The kids were dancing at the party.

5. He was cleaning the room when the guests arrived.

Task 3: Identify the Tense

Identify whether the following sentences are in the past continuous tense or not. If not, correct them.

1. I was reading a book last night. - Past Continuous Tense

2. She walks to school every day. - Not Past Continuous (Correct: She was walking to school when it started to rain.)

3. They were watching a movie when I called. - Past Continuous Tense

4. He washed the car yesterday. - Not Past Continuous (Correct: He was washing the car when it started to rain.)

5. We were having lunch at noon. - Past Continuous Tense

Task 4: Write Sentences

Examples of Sentences Using Past Continuous Tense:

1. At 3 PM, I was studying for my math test.

2. At 5 PM, she was cooking dinner.

3. At 7 PM, they were watching a movie.

4. At 9 PM, he was reading a book.

5. At 11 PM, we were sleeping.

Task 5: Combine Sentences

Combine the following pairs of sentences into one sentence using the past continuous tense for one of the actions.

1. I was cooking dinner when my friend arrived.

2. The children were playing outside when it started to rain.

3. She was reading a book when the lights went out.

4. He was working on his project when the phone rang.

5. They were walking to the store when it began to snow.

Task 6: Complete the Story

Complete the following story using the past continuous tense:

"Yesterday afternoon, while I was walking (walk) home from school, I saw (see) my friend. She was waiting (wait) for the bus, and we were chatting (chat) for a while. Suddenly, it started (start) to rain, so we ran (run) to the nearest café."

Task 7: Change the Dialogue

Change the following dialogue to use the past continuous tense where appropriate:

Original Dialogue:

Person A: "What did you do last night?"

Person B: "I watched a movie and then I went to bed."

Person A: "Did you enjoy the movie?"

Person B: "Yes, it was great!"

Modified Dialogue with Past Continuous Tense:

Person A: "What were you doing last night?"

Person B: "I was watching a movie and then I went to bed."

Person A: "Were you enjoying the movie?"

Person B: "Yes, it was great!"

Takeaways from this Page

  • Learn how to form and use the past continuous tense to describe actions that were happening at a specific time in the past.

  • Understand the structure of the past continuous tense, which uses the formula: Subject + was/were + verb + ing.

  • Engage with various exercises to reinforce the concept and gain confidence in forming sentences using the past continuous tense.

  • Gain the ability to differentiate between the past continuous tense and other past tenses, like the simple past.

FAQs on Past Continuous Tense Exercises

1. What is the past continuous tense?

The past continuous tense describes actions that were happening at a specific time in the past. For example, "She was reading a book."

2. How do you form the past continuous tense?

The past continuous tense is formed using "was/were" + verb + ing. For example, "They were playing soccer."

3. When should I use the past continuous tense?

Use the past continuous tense to describe an ongoing action in the past, especially when it was interrupted by another action. For example, "I was cooking when the phone rang."

4. Can the past continuous tense be used with any verb?

Yes, the past continuous tense can be used with most action verbs. However, it’s less common with stative verbs like "know" or "believe."

5. What are some common time expressions used with the past continuous tense?

Common time expressions include "when," "while," "at that moment," "yesterday," and "last night."

6. How is the past continuous tense different from the simple past tense?

The past continuous tense describes actions that were ongoing in the past, while the simple past tense describes actions that were completed. For example, "I was reading" vs. "I read."

7. Why is it important to practice past continuous tense exercises?

Practising past continuous tense exercises helps you better understand how to describe ongoing actions in the past and improves your overall grammar skills.

8. What are common mistakes to avoid with the past continuous tense?

Common mistakes include using the wrong auxiliary verb (was/were), not adding "ing" to the main verb, and confusing it with the simple past tense.

9. How can I tell if a sentence should use the past continuous tense?

If the action was ongoing at a specific time in the past, especially if it was interrupted by another event, the past continuous tense is appropriate.

10. Can I use the past continuous tense in a question?

Yes, the past continuous tense can be used in questions. For example, "Were you watching TV when it started raining?"

11. What’s an example of the past continuous tense in a sentence?

"She was walking to the store when she met an old friend."

12. How do I practice the past continuous tense effectively?

Practice by completing exercises, filling in the blanks, converting sentences, and writing your own sentences using the past continuous tense.