Long and Short Speech on Depletion of Natural Resources
Nature has provided us with a lot of natural resources, such as coal, oil, natural gas, wood, water, etc. It is crucial for human beings to understand the importance of these resources. The unavailability of such resources can be a threat to our existence and its high time people take note of this. In this article, we have provided both a long and short speech on Depletion of Natural Resources in India along with 10 lines for a speech on Loss of Natural Resources in India.
Long 3 Min Speech on Depletion of Natural Resources in India
Today, I am here to deliver a speech on depletion of Natural Resources. As we all know, our natural resources are quickly depleting. This has become a major concern for all of us because if all non-renewable natural resources are lost, our future generation will find life challenging. Resources include air, water, soil, trees, wood, dirt, minerals, oil, metals, sunlight. Such resources can not be produced or generated by human beings, but can only be altered in various ways so that we can use them better.
Natural resource depletion happens when resources are consumed at a rate higher than that of substitution. The rate of natural resource depletion is also growing due to the rising global population. Consequently, the eco-footprint of the planet is projected to be one and a half times the capacity of the earth to provide each person with adequate resources that meet their consumption levels in a sustainable manner.
Various resources are used and serve different purposes-
For wind energy, the air is used.
Water is used for hydroelectric energy production and drinking.
Plants and trees provide us with vegetables, fruit, cotton, wood, and we can also make paper, furniture, and houses using wood.
Animals supply us with milk and we use their skin to make leather clothing, shoes, purses, belts, etc.
To keep us warm, sunlight is used and it also generates solar energy.
For transportation and electricity, oil is used as fuel.
For making coins, steel, and jewellery, minerals and metals are used.
To make electricity, coal is used.
So, what causes their depletion? To mention a few, overpopulation, logging, poor farming practices, pollution, overconsumption, industrial and technological developments are some factors which directly or indirectly contribute to the depletion of natural resources.
Owing to the increased population, forests are left in fewer numbers in current circumstances (people cut trees to get wood, paper and land for making buildings over there). Animals are often slaughtered for the human-like personal desire to enjoy food and produce leather products from the skin of various animals. If we still do not grasp the value of forests and animals, the outcome would be dangerous for all.
Water shortages, oil depletion, loss of forest cover, depletion of minerals, extinction of species etc are some of the effects of depletion of natural resources.
We all are well aware of the major practices which can help in conserving the mentioned resources. We can start by controlling deforestation. Sustainability campaigns aimed at informing people about the value of natural resource management should also be introduced as a way of addressing the long-term risks of environmental degradation. Reducing oil, mineral and material consumption and exploration and use of renewable resources should be encouraged.
Of course, mankind's welfare and sustenance depend on the use of various natural resources. It is critical that a nation makes wise use of resources such as coal, soil, water minerals, gas, oil, electricity, as well as nuclear energy in order to achieve overall growth.
Natural resource depletion affects all. Life becomes complicated for all when we neglect these resources. So we need to be vigilant and facilitate the use of natural resources in a sustainable way.
Short Speech on Loss of Natural Resources In India
Today, I stand in front of you to deliver a speech on depletion of Natural Resources. God has conferred ample natural wealth upon humankind, but humans have not been able to make wise use of it. To a large degree, these natural resources are abused where they have come to a point of extinction. Natural resources fall into two classifications, i.e. Resources that are renewable and non-renewable. Renewable resources, as we all know, can be used without any fear of extinction, over and over again. Some of the renewable resources are wind, sunlight, rain, biomass, and water.
On the other hand, there are non-renewable resources which are finite in nature and thus need to be used properly. They seem to get drained much quicker than they get replenished, actually. It was the industrial revolution when things began. The demand for raw materials inevitably began to develop by leaps and bounds as society advanced and human beings began giving rise to many innovations in order to make life simple.
The issue lies not in using them, but in using them unnecessarily and paying little attention to the fact that at one point in time they will be exhausted. Our mother earth could not fulfill the ever-increasing demands of the people.
Now the question is how can we stop running out of our natural wealth? A solution to this is available! Sustainable and renewable energy options, such as wind, solar and hydropower, are used by many countries worldwide. These are not only renewable natural resources, but they are also a source of sustainable energy since they do not cause environmental pollution.
In order to prevent further destruction of our natural and environmental resources, there are a lot of things that can be done from our end. Our action is what counts, and if we fail to take measures to protect our natural resources, one day they will run away. Let's not hit that stage and use resources wisely.
10 Lines for Speech on Depletion of Natural Resources In India
India is heavily confronted by the lack of natural resources and is unable to provide its citizens with enough resources.
Water, coal, petroleum products, natural gas and so on are increasingly decreasing, leading to their extinction.
India is seeking "sustainable development" to achieve it.
It is not possible to recover, replenish or recycle non-renewable resources, such as petrol, coal, fossil fuels, minerals, etc.
Continuous inside-earth mining or extraction has contributed to the loss of underground minerals.
The improper use of urea and other chemicals and fertilizers in the soil in agriculture produces polluted crops and leaves the soil barren.
To get electricity and drive our cars, we have to decrease our reliance on fossil fuels.
As the population increases, the level of water and its quality decrease.
The biggest cause of the depletion of natural resources is population growth.
We have taken advantage of the resource and poisoned it so much that water is not suitable for human consumption.
An Example for a Speech on Depletion of Natural Resources in India
Very good morning to one and all present here, I (name) will be presenting a speech on the topic-depletion of natural resources in India.
We have been taught about the importance of natural resources in our schools. However, in recent years, the threat of global warming has overshadowed the depletion of natural resources. There is no doubt that global warming is a great threat to humanity, but it is the depletion of natural resources that needs our current attention. The depletion of finite resources is likely to impact world GDP and it could also constrain world food production seriously, this will happen mainly in countries that have high population rates and insufficient fertile lands. In order to understand this concept in-depth, we should first get a clear interpretation of what natural resources are. Natural resources are those substances that naturally occur without any human intervention. natural resources are further categorised into two types that are renewable resources and nonrenewable resources.
Renewable resources are resources that can be renewed after a specific period of time and the examples are hydraulic energy, solar energy, farming, forest, fishing et cetera. It is the nonrenewable resources that we need to be worried about as these are the ones depleted and cannot be renewed by any form of human intervention. Nonrenewable resources are those substances that we use daily like coal, petroleum and other fossil fuels that can’t be renewed as they have taken over thousands of years to come into existence. The fossil fuels that we use now started to form in prehistoric times when forests and other natural resources got submerged under the earth surface because of landslides, earthquakes and other natural phenomena. It took them 1000 years of intense pressure and high temperature to get modified into coal and other fossil fuels. Some of the animal remains have also been transformed into petroleum.
India is a huge producer of natural resources as it is the second-largest producer of steel, third-largest producer of coal and the fourth-largest producer of iron. However, due to high population rates and the excessive utilisation of natural resources, citizens are not paying heed to the fact that these resources would one day be erased out of the surface of the earth if the excess utilisation continues. The demands of people are ever-growing and consumerism by the wealthy is presently a major concern. Multimillionaires are responsible for up to 10,000 times of carbon footprint than that of the average person in industrialised countries. People have a disproportionate effect on natural resources. People will greatly get affected when the demand exceeds production for many natural resources as they are the end-users and then there will be no time to regret and therefore precautions need to be taken urgently.
There are various natural resources that are under severe pressure of annihilation as the rates of consumption increase, some of them are water, oil, natural gas, coal, phosphorus and other rare elements like scandium and terbium. According to the global footprint network, people have used a year’s worth of natural resources in seven months in the year 2018. The time is near when the earth will be completely dry and desolate, instead of using natural resources blindly we can still adopt some methods that will help to conserve our natural resources for future generations, some of the steps are-
Efficiently using electricity – instead of using natural resources to produce the electricity we can use energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs also we can use smart thermostats which helps conserve energy.
Using more renewable resources- using resources like wind and sunlight can also help decrease the use of nonrenewable resources. Using renewable energy also helps to decrease the emission of greenhouse gases which is causing climate change.
Avoiding single-use plastics- substituting single-use plastics with durable items can help reduce plastic consumption which is extremely harmful to the environment.
In order to help our future generations enjoy the same resources as we do now,
we should act as responsible citizens taking the onus of inculcating certain sustainable habits that can also help us achieve better living conditions. Non-renewable natural resources take billions of years to come into existence, therefore it is important to use minimal natural resources as if they are used carelessly then their annihilation is imminent.
Thank you!
FAQs on Speech on Depletion of Natural Resources in India: A Call for Conservation
1. What is the format for a speech?
The speech should begin with a greeting. For example-
Good morning to one and all present here, my name is -, today I will be giving a speech on –
Start with a catchphrase or a- did you know fact, and then introduce yourself in order to gain the attention of the audience.
Create a draft that will include facts, personal details etc
Use excellent vocabulary
Always end with a Thank You.
2. Give some important pointers for writing a speech on the depletion of natural resources in India.
Some important pointers are as follows-
India's major mineral resources include Coal (4th largest reserves in the world), Iron ore, Manganese ore (7th largest reserve in the world), Mica, Bauxite (5th largest reserve in the world as in 2013), Chromite, Natural gas, Diamonds, Limestone and Thorium.
The downside of using non-renewable natural resources-
Pollute the environment when burnt,
Increases the price of certain commodities due to a decrease in production etc.
3. Where can I find a speech on the depletion of natural resources in India?
A speech on the depletion of natural resources in India is available on Vedantu’s website, the speech is prepared through extensive research and is available for free download. Reading the speech can give students an idea of how to form their speech and they can use some facts and important pointers and form their own.