Introduction Speech on Life After School
The anticipation of life after school brings a lot of excitement and fun energy for the students. In their innocence, they view life through the rose-tinted glass. And along the way they later realize life, after all, entails a lot of ups and downs. Life after matric changes in so many ways academically and personally. And in this English Speech about life after matric article, we will delve into ways of presenting this speech. It can be a long speech about life after matric or a short speech on life after school.
Long Speech on Life After School
In this type of 5-minute speech, the students in grades 8-12 will find it very valuable as they can articulate themselves in a detailed manner.
Good Morning and a very warm welcome to the respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends. Thank you for giving me this golden opportunity to speak about life after school, I do have a lot to share. After our matric or our boards, we will part our ways. From our friends, this school, the teachers, friends and everyone. We will no longer be school children, we will start our higher education and become college-going students.
I never thought of myself as being a person who rides along with any emotion, but when I think about the time after school it makes me sad and excited at the same time. My friends and I had a lot of memories together, and we did many mischievous things together. We were not good at hiding it so our teachers always caught us. Even in happiness or punishments, we were together guiding each other. Our teachers were always by our side and taught us right from wrong.
In our independent lives after school, nobody else will be the guiding light, we have to be our own moral ground. We will have to decide for ourselves and make important choices. And also learn to take accountability for our actions and deal with the consequences.
I have seen my older brother deal with things responsibly. He is the one who shares these learnings from his experiences with me. Yes, life will be different from what it is today and what has been till now. But it will be our choice to decide what to make of it, whether to lead a good life or get swayed by trivialities of youth.
Not everyone will be helpful, most times we will be on our own which will be the crucial time where we have to apply our learnings in real life. We will no longer be innocent but we will gain wisdom. And that is an important virtue to live by.
The most important thing to remember is to work hard to achieve our dreams and goals because there are no free lunches in the world. Everything requires effort, and we must be willing to put in a lot of it. We will face many tough situations so it is important to cherish what we have now.
These are truly the best and happiest days of all our lives. We will never be this carefree and stress free ever. With ample time in our hands now to be children, we must enjoy them to the fullest. And work towards a better life, staying true to our core values and learning all that this school and the school life has taught us. Good luck.
Thank you.
Short Speech on Life After School
This format of speech about life after matric will be helpful for students in grades 4-7 to understand and present because it's short and simple.
Good morning everyone, the respected principal, the teachers and my dear friends I Abc (mention your name) are here today to speak about life after school. In a few years when we will give our matriculation exams, our school life will come to an end. But we will always remain a student in life, learning every day from our different experiences.
We have our close friends near us now, after school we will all be on our journey to start another chapter of our lives. It is all a part of growing up to deal with the challenges of life on our own. The friends we make then will be our own chosen family. We will have responsibilities towards ourselves and our families.
Life is a culmination of many peaks and valleys and everyone we meet in this journey has something to teach us. We will never be this free and relaxed where we only get to study, eat and play without anything to worry about. In our busy lives after school, we will have to create time for such activities as games and other hobbies that we take for granted today.
So let’s have gratitude and value for this carefree life that we are living now. Now is all we have, and if we work hard today and enjoy the work while doing it, it will only be of value and enrich our lives. Let us make time for everything that matters.
Thank you.
10 Line Speech About Life After School
This is helpful when one needs to give a 2-minute speech using simple words in a short format.
1. School life is the best life and the golden period of our lives.
2. There will not be a time in life where we get to be this free of stress as we are in our school life.
3. In our school life, we have a lot of room to make mistakes.
4. And our teachers, elders, parents and friends guide us and enlighten us to take lessons from our mistakes.
5. After school, our friends are on their own, we too become adults so a lot is expected from us.
6. We shoulder many responsibilities and duties after school.
7. There will always be consequences to even a minor mistake.
8. We must take it in our stride and learn from them without losing our hearts.
9. In the real-life after school, there will be competition in every aspect of our lives so we must be well-prepared.
10. Let’s learn, have fun and value our life and the people in it.
Life After School – Speech
Every child in their school life wants their school life to be filled with excitement and fun. It is considered the most cheerful year of life. And during this stage, you must remember the importance of the study, the value of the people in school and most importantly, your teachers. Once you enter college, you understand how school life and college life is different. Once a student leaves school, they learn how life is about striking balance. In this phase, a student must balance work and life. It is not about continuously studying for something or trying to master the skills but instead striking the balance between everything.
One must always take time for their hobbies as well or else they can get exhausted. We must remember that excess of anything is not good and it can instead be harmful to us. Therefore, we shouldn’t feel pressurised by our surroundings as it can instead hamper our health, both physical and mental. A student should make the habit of keeping a schedule and setting goals that are big or small. The period of school life is considered a golden period and students must enjoy it and also learn from their fellow students and value teachers. Every phase in our life teaches us something, be it small things or huge ones. We shouldn’t neglect the important things in life and should always strive to be good human beings. One must learn to stand on their own feet and make themselves proud before anyone else.
FAQs on Speech on Life After School: Preparing for the Future
1. How to start a speech properly?
It is always good to start a speech by giving a relevant quote that can grab the attention of your audience. Speak confidently as this will automatically grab the attention of the listeners. It is also good to interact with your audience if required. You can give good examples of things that are related to your speech and many factual data as well. It is also great to end your speech with a powerful phrase or statement.
2. How do we build a career after school?
After School life ends, we are the ones who have to decide the choices that are best for us. It is important to build a career so that we can have a bright future. In order to build a career, one must set goals that are achievable. The goals can be short or long-term and must be of the interest of the one setting it. This can ensure success in building a career. One cannot excel in a career that one doesn’t find interesting.
3. How do you balance life after school?
One must remember to maintain a schedule that can help the person to complete everything on time. One must make sure they have time for their hobbies. One must remember to take short breaks otherwise it can lead to exhaustion and lesser productivity instead. You can always take time to spend time with your loved ones and friends. It is also suggested to do yoga or other physical exercises which will help you in keeping your body and mind refreshed and active. Your goals and schedule shouldn’t be rigorous and should be feasible so that it is easier for you to achieve it.
4. Can I get both short and long speeches on ‘Life after school’?
Yes, you can get short and long speeches on this topic. They are well-written and you can read them as a reference for your speech. We have covered all the important topics that are required for the speech which will help you grab the attention of the audience and also help you to stand out. It is free of cost and you can simply access it by visiting the website of vedantu.
5. What can we do after we come back from school?
After we come back from school, we can do plenty of things. We should start by eating something healthy and should hydrate ourselves by drinking plenty of water or juice. We can also take time to do our hobbies like baking something, painting, playing musical instruments, sketching and going for walks. We can also take time to do exercises and meditate. We can also study novels or short stories that can help improve our speech and vocabulary skills. We can also take time to solve puzzles which can train our brain and improve our memory and problem-solving skills.