Speech on Respect in English for Students
Respect is a universal act of displaying admiration and love for another person. Respect also inculcates a positive feeling in something or someone who you consider important or hold in high regard. Respect is sometimes very closely related to the ego of a person which if disturbed can cause problems to the person not Respected well .Respect can be individualistic which is Respect for one’s own self that is self-Respect, and the other one being Respect for others. In this article on Speech on Respect, we will take a look at different ways to speak about Respect. It can be given as Long Speech on Respect, Short Speech on Respect or Short Speech on Self Respect.
Long and Short Speech on Respect for Students
Long Speech on Respect
This form of Speech on Respect for Others is helpful for students in grades 8-12.
Good Morning everyone Respected the Principal, Teachers and my dear friends. I am here to speak about Respect. Since childhood, we hear from everybody about how it is important to show Respect to everyone in the family, grandparents, elders and teachers. Respect is basically a language that one expresses differently for every one they hold in high regard and feel Respectful towards.
Respect is shown differently in different cultures. In our country, India we say Namaste with our hands folded and bow or touch the feet to show Respect when we greet each other. This cultural tradition is an ancient one and everyone around the world also has adopted this way because of the meaning and value it holds.
Each and every individual is worthy of Respect regardless of their age, class, profession, color or gender.
And the meaning of Namaste also conveys the same, which means we are equal, and I Respect you by bowing down.
In the schools and colleges, we can also convey Respect by addressing our teachers as Sir and Ma’am instead of calling them by their first names. Whereas this form of addressing does not hold true for the corporate culture. In offices, it is encouraged to call each other by their first names to develop a healthy working relationship without any biasedness.
So much Respect is shown by physical gestures but much more can be conveyed by body language. One can also be Respectful to their friends and loved ones, by giving them undivided attention when they are speaking, being helpful, not using harsh words, opening the door for the one behind you, being kind is also a sign of Respect. Apologizing for one’s mistakes, saying sorry, please, and thank you is also a sign of Respecting the other person as well as yourself.
The other form of Respectful behavior also holds true as to how we behave with ourselves and that is called self-Respect. Self-Respect is basically leading your life with grace and dignity without hurting others in the journey. Self-Respect has nothing to do with humiliating others for fulfilling our own agendas. It means showing care towards self and others equally and living a fulfilling life.
In conclusion, I would like to say one need not be loud when being Respectful, these subtle gestures are enough to convey your admiration and love for the person. Respecting and honoring someone is truly a great sign of love; it makes the day positive. It also makes you feel better about yourself so choose your way of Respecting others and yourself and do not indulge in negativity.
Thank you.
Short Speech on Respect for Students
Short Speech on Respect can also be presented as Short Speech on Self Respect and this will be extremely useful for students in grades 4-7 that will help them learn about this topic in simple words.
Good morning everyone, I Abc (mention your name) feel very honored to speak on the topic of Respect which is something that is so important, universal and yet so personal. Respect is a sign language that conveys what you feel for the other person in a simple and positive way. There is a saying that goes, “treat others the way you wish to be treated”, and if you wish to be Respected it is important that you also treat others with equal Respect.
When you admire someone and hold them in high esteem it is natural that you tend to be more Respectful towards them. Being Respectful to others and treating them in an equal manner also means being Respectful to yourself. As anyone who displays Respectful behavior imparts positivity in everyday life and this way of leading life is more peaceful and less complex.
Respect can be displayed in many different ways depending on the relationship you have with the person you admire or the situation you are in. It is important to Respect everyone regardless of whether you disagree with them and have different opinions than them.
Being Respectful doesn’t require a lot of effort, rather one needs to do it with just good intentions and value the presence of another person and acknowledge their view. And the world would be a much better place if we just accepted and Respected our differences.
Thank you.
Respect Speech 3 Minutes
This Speech is useful for students in grades 1-3 as they can understand and speak about the topic in 10 Simple Lines.
Respect is an emotion one feels for something or someone, that can also be a form of admiration.
Respect can be expressed and conveyed to people in different ways.
Everyone is worthy of Respect, regardless of our differences.
Conveying and showing Respect makes one feel honored and valued.
When people are treated with Respect their day becomes positive.
Respect shows sincerity towards others.
Self-Respect is the way of Respecting oneself and not compromising others.
Self-Respect and Respect are the two sides of the same coin.
Respect for all kinds shows your confidence, maturity and belief in yourself.
In a world with so many divisions, it is important to have Respect for one another to have healthier relationships.
Respecting and being Respected is an intangible wealth that one possesses. It is a coherent trait that is mostly the outcome of proper guidance and proper parenting. It is not only shown by mere physical actions but must also be evaluated at heart. Respect for others is very important for the individualistic growth of a person, it not only shows that the person is very modest and humble but also presents a very comprehensive and clear picture of his personality. The trait of Respecting is very admired on a professional and personal level. It helps in building healthy and consistent relations with our peers and friends.
Respecting others and being others also affirms the stature of a person as a human in the society. It establishes the presence of intellect, modesty and decency in a person. It is always very loved and admired by others also, a person who Respects others is always Respected by others as well. When we Respect or disRespect others, we are reflecting the parenting and guidance that we have received from others and as such can be the cause of pride or prejudice to the Respect and dignity of our parents. Proper parenting and proper guidance is very important for the development of a great personality. Education also plays a very important role in our ability and understanding of Respect for others. However it is not necessary that only educated people will Respect others or an illiterate person will not Respect others.
Respect is not based on the amount of money one has or on the position of power that one may hold. IrRespective of the social hierarchical position, Respect should be equal to everyone and doesn’t discriminate on the basis of social differences. Often doctors, politicians and rich people are seen to be Respected but the others with low wealth, no power and doing menial jobs equally deserve the same level of Respect.
Humiliation and disRespect to a person on the basis of any distinctions is injustice. Not Respecting others may restrict the person from enjoying his fundamental rights and thus account for a violation of law. Our constitution also directs us to maintain the dignity of every individual and not violate the integrity and dignity of an individual. The constitution makes no discrimination in this regard and thus mandates that we Respect all people. The fundamental duties in our constitution also direct to maintain the Respect of ourselves and others and not to bias on any ground.As a citizen, it thus is our duty to Respect all people and make them feel equally safe and secure in their country.
Most of the traditions and cultures around the world very precisely put forward the regards to Respect others and to seek Respect. The traditions also don’t discriminate on any ground here. The societal stigmas present in society may sometimes not be in line with our constitutional principles or traditional directions. There are certain societal dogmas like caste distinctions, wealth differences, age etc that come out to be derogatory and disRespectful to other people. These dogmas and beliefs, caste distinction and wealth differences, age need to be put aside and minds should be enlightened that humans are equal.
Age is also not a factor in deciding whether a person should be Respected or not, children also deserve to be Respected and appreciated. It falls upon the shoulders of their parents to make sure that they Respect their children and also make sure that others also don’t disRespect them. Wherever such an event comes up where the parents feel that their children are not Respected well, they must act accordingly and make sure their children don’t feel disRespected and insulted. Children are very vulnerable to negative effects and disRespecting them can have physical and mental effects on them.
People can be seen disRespecting other people in front of them or behind their backs, that is not Respect, that is hypocrisy. Respect for others should be deeply embedded in the hearts and minds. Be it for a sweeper or a cobbler, politician or a doctor, all deserve equal Respect as a human and no one deserves to be humiliated and disRespected. Not Respecting others may also have effects on the children of these people because they’ll feel as if they are someone at a lower level, of a lower kind or less human. This is not a proper direction to move in and may lead to severe consequences on these children.
A person who Respects others is very much loved and cared for by all people. A Respectful person also becomes a role model for other people, especially for the students and hence we must strive to become better of ourselves and always be in the form to Respect others.