Terrorism is defined as the unlawful use of violence against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Terrorism has caused a lot of destruction around the world. According to a report, terrorism has killed around 8000 to 12000 people in a decade. Terrorism cause havoc in the life of common people. It is the biggest problem against world peace and many organizations around the world are trying to finish terrorism. United Nations office of drugs and crime(UNODC) has been constantly taking steps to finish terrorism.
Here we have provided a long and short speech on terrorism and along with that we have also given 10 line pointers about the speech on terrorism a global problem.
Long Speech on Terrorism in Simple English
Good morning to everyone present here. today I want to talk about Global terrorism, its origin, and its causes.
Terrorism could be defined as the use of destruction against civilians to accomplish a particular purpose. Over the past few years, the act of terrorism has increased.
If we think about terrorism the incidents that come to our mind are the 9/11 attack in New York or the Mumbai attack but what if I say you that terrorism subsisted for a long time in human history dating back to the Roman empire. An example of that is the Jewish Sicari wanted to abolish the Roman rule in the Middle east. When no one agreed to their demand they targeted Jewish supporters of the Roman empire.
Another example was in France when the Reign of terror took place. It was a period of violence during the french revolution that started with the conflict between two rival political factions. They even executed anyone who was supporting the opposite party. So terrorism has been on this planet for centuries it’s just that, thanks to the well-connected world we can get information about the terrorism happening around us.
Many of you are not familiar with the fact that terrorism is divided into four categories. This includes state-sponsored terrorism where the terrorist attack takes place in the state by the consent of the country. Dissent terrorism is a type of terrorism where the terrorist groups rebel against their government. The third type is religious terrorism, where the terrorists perform attacks because of the religious ideologies they have. The last one is criminal terrorism, where the terrorist groups attack civilians to aid in crime and illegal profits.
Terrorism causes a lot of problems all around the world. It affects the economy and the growth of the country. The tourism industry of the country is affected by terrorism.
The act of terrorism reached its peak on September 11, 2001, when the Twin trade towers and the Pentagon in the United States of America were attacked. The planes were hijacked by a terrorist organization called Al-Qaeda.
Over 3000 people were killed and more than 6000 people were injured within a few minutes of the attack. It became the biggest news around the world and from that day security was increased at airports. Terrorism affects the country and the family members of the people who were killed in the attack.
November 2008 is considered to be the darkest day in Indian history as we witnessed a terrorist attack in Mumbai, India.Ten members belonging to an extremist group organization attacked many innocent people. It caused the demise of 175 people and almost 300 were injured during that incident.
Many soldiers and civilians will be killed and the country will never forget that incident. India after that incident has taken a lot of security measures against terrorism.
Terrorist organizations such as ISIS and the ISI have caused a lot of problems around the world. They brainwash youth to believe in their religious ideals against other countries. They brainwash the youth by asking them to sacrifice their lives for the sake of religion but It is mentioned in every religious holy book that killing someone in the name of religion is a crime.
Terrorism is a harsh reality of modern times where many young boys are recruited in the name of religion or an agenda. Terrorists use fear tactics to develop terror in people’s hearts everywhere. They target civilians in places such as hotels, pubs, nightclubs, and other religious places.
So what is done to control or eliminate terrorism all around the world?. United Nations office of drugs and crime(UNODC) has taken many steps to stop terrorism everywhere.UNODC has established strong coordination and cooperation with governments of many countries all around the world to combat terrorism. Security has been increased at airports and many places.
I believe that terrorism is a harsh reality of modern times and it has had the worst impact on many countries. It is very important to bring a permanent solution to tackle and end terrorism from its roots and it could only be done by having a mutual agreement between countries. Thank you for listening.
Short Speech on Terrorism
Good morning to everyone present here. Today I want to give a 1-minute speech on terrorism and I hope it helps everyone to understand what we are tackling.
Terrorism is defined as the use of destruction against common people to accomplish a particular purpose. The act of terrorism has increased over the past few years. The terrorist usually targets crowded places such as bus stops, hotels, and religious places.
Terrorism affects the economy and the growth of the country. People feel terrified to visit a country that is not safe. This in turn affects the tourist industry of the country.
Terrorism is divided into 4 categories and they are state-sponsored terrorism, Dissent terrorism, religious terrorism, and criminal terrorism.
The most horrifying act of terrorism that happened in recent time was on September 11, 2001, where the twin trading towers and the pentagon in the united states of America were attacked. Al-Qaeda, a terrorist group organization caused these attacks by hijacking a plane and crashing at this place. Over 3000 people were killed and more than 6000 people were wounded within a few minutes of the attack. When it comes to India the one incident we Indians can’t forget is the attack on the Taj hotel on November 26, 2008. Over 175 people were killed and 300 people injured during that attack. Indian government after that incident have taken safety measures to make sure that the country is safe.
Terrorism is a harsh reality of the modern time where many young boys are brainwashed to believe that sacrifice themselves for the name of religion or an ideal will bring them close to god but it is forbidden to kill a living thing in many holy books all around the world. Terrorist organizations like ISIS and ISI have caused a lot of problems everywhere and measures are taken by the United Nations office of drugs and crime(UNODC) to end these groups.
Terrorism is the harsh reality of the modern world and it has caused only destruction. World peace has been affected because of terrorism and it is important that world governments should make a plan to eradicate it completely off the world. Thank you.
10 Lines About Speech on Terrorism
Terrorism is defined as the use of violence and destruction to provoke fear and terror in the heart of people.
Terrorists usually attack places like airports, hotels, or religious places. These places are attacked as there are more civilians.
Terrorism has caused a lot of destruction all around the world.
Terrorism has destroyed the peace of many families. Many soldiers have sacrificed their lives to protect civilians during terrorist attacks.
Terrorism is of four types. Criminal terrorism, religious terrorism, dissent terrorism, and state-sponsored terrorism.
Terrorist groups like ISIS and ISI usually brainwash young boys to sacrifice their lives in the name of religion or an idea.
The most horrifying act of terrorism was the attack on the twin trading towers in New York on September 11, 2001.
The main aim of terrorists is to destroy world peace and hurt people.
The global death toll due to terrorism is between 8000 to 10000 people in the last decade.
The most horrifying act of terrorism that happened in India was the attack on the Taj hotel on 26 November 2008. Over 150 people were killed with over 300 people injured.