What Is The Significance Of Should In English Grammar?
Should have a great significance in English Grammar, it is a modal verb that is used with the base form of the verb. We use the verb “should” when we stating what would be the right thing to do or the right state for something to be in. For instance, you should complete your work on time.
There is another modal verb called “must.” For instance, you might do your homework on time.
Here, the difference between the verb should and must is, while using should in a statement, we don’t put compulsion on someone to do something, which means the second person has the choice to do it or not. It is just like giving suggestions to someone or advise with politeness. However, must is a verb that is used when you are emphasising on someone to do something. It is just like a piece of string advice with compulsion or less politeness.
So, on this page, we will understand more about the structure of should and the use of should in English grammar with the help of illustrative examples.
Forms Of Should
Following are the forms of should:
Negative, and
Question form
Affirmative Form Of should: Examples
The formula for Affirmative form of should - Grammar > Verbs > Modal verbs and modality > Should
Should comes first in the verb phrase, i.e., after the subject and before another verb; for instance: I should go to the office now.
We cannot use should with another modal verb; for example, It should probably be rainy at that time of year.
The negative form of should: Examples
The should negative form is should + not = shouldn’t. Please note that we don’t use the following with should:
There shouldn’t be a hurry for a party today.
We use the full form should not in informal contents or when we want to highlight something:
Example: We should not forget our warriors who gave their lives for Independent India.
The Question Form Of Should: Examples
We can use both should and shouldn’t in question tags such as:
I shouldn’t have told her the fact, should I?
They should be coming back this Sunday, shouldn’t they?
The structure of the verb should talks in detail about the uses of should in day-to-day English conversation, so let’s understand how it should be used:
The Structure Of Should: English Conservational Usage
Now, let us go through the list of examples to understand the uses of should in real life:
List Of Examples Of Should Uses In Real Life
To give polite advise, a recommendation, or a suggestion to someone
Should as an advise or a suggestion is to state something is the right thing to do or the correct thing.
Does your wound still hurt? You should get an appointment with your family doctor.
I think you should dedicate long hours of preparation to crack an entrance so with a good score.
Your skin tone is darkening. You should cover your face when walking under the Sun.
You really should go for a walk to reduce your stress level.
Talks about a situation that is likely happening in the present
Your wife should have reached home safely by now. Ask for her safety reach.
He should have prepared the work report by now. I sent him a new task for the next few weeks.
Expresses or predicting a situation is likely to happen in the future
They should bring a gold medal in this Olympic game because they promised to do so.
I posted the appointment letter yesterday, it should reach you by Saturday.
It should be having multiple projects in the pipeline by the end of this year.
Expresses a compulsion that is not as strong as Must.
Should is used in place of Must to make rules, orders, or instructions that are polite. You may find ‘should’ appearing more frequently on formal notices or on information sheets.
On hearing the siren, players should start running on the ground.
Passengers should check-in at the airport at least 2 hours before the departure time of the flight.
You should never hide your facts from the doctor and the lawyer
You should pay all your taxes before the deadline to avoid a rush.
You should exercise daily before 8 a.m.
Point To Note:
All of the above example sentences can have must in place of should making the strong advise and less polite.
Something was anticipated to happen in the past but didn't happen Formula: (should + have + past participle)
This statement expresses the notion that the subject did not fulfill its responsibility in the past or did not act sensibly.
You should have made up your mind to continue working there when you were asked about it yesterday.
I should have dedicated more time to collect the facts on this project.
Did not fulfill an obligation (should + be + verb - ing)
This expresses the idea that the subject is not accomplishing its obligation or is not acting sensibly.
You should be wearing your seatbelt while driving on the Yamuna Expressway. (The person isn't wearing it right now)
You should be preparing for the Reasoning test before the exam date comes. (You are not preparing right now and you should)
Often should modal verb is replaced by ought to without variations in meaning. We must understand that “ought to” sound more formal, but used less frequently.
We ought to pay homage to our freedom fighters. (= we should respect our courageous freedom fighters)
We ought to celebrate Diwali with our family. (= We should celebrate Diwali with our family)
They ought to stop playing tricks on us. (= They should stop playing tricks on us)
Uses Of Shouldn’t (should + not): Facts And Information
We use shouldn't to advise someone to not do something or some activity, because that activity is wrong to do.
You shouldn't throw the peel of an apple on the road.
We shouldn't leave the office without informing our boss.
He shouldn't practice advanced biking techniques until he is trained.
Are you tired? You shouldn't participate in games until your body allows doing so.
You shouldn't walk the talk until you have implemented the same in your life.
So, we understand that should is a polite advise/recommendation/suggestion, while the verb must is strong advise with less politeness. However, “ought to” is also used in place of should without any alteration in the meaning.
FAQs on Structure Of Should
1. Explain the types of modal verbs and their uses.
Modal verbs are one of the kinds of auxiliary verbs that shows the following attributes:
Obligation, and
The examples of modal verbs are as follows:
Should, and
Please note that when you use the Modal verb, the verb that succeeds it must always be in its base form.
2. Is should a past tense?
Should is the past tense of the 'shall’ word. While using the word 'should have,’ we talk about something in the past that you 'ought to' or 'might have’ done. For instance, "I should have appeared in the 2020 teaching exam."
3. What are base verbs?
The base verbs are versions of verbs without any endings, such as - ed, - s, and - ing, etc. These forms are likewise the infinitive form, for example, to walk, to paint, but without ‘to’ such as walk, talk, etc.