The Television
The television is a popular entertainment device. It is very common and is found in almost all households. When the television first started broadcasting, it was known as the "Idiot Box” because at that time, the only purpose of television was to provide entertainment. Now, with the advancement of technology and creativity, television has emerged as an important mass media. There are many learning and informative channels on the TV today which act as the source of knowledge as well as entertainment.
The word "Television" comprises two words: "tele" and "vision". Tele is a prefix of Greek origin, which means far-off, which is used in creating names of instruments for operating over long distances, whereas vision means the act or faculty of seeing. “Television” can be termed as a device with a screen for receiving signals.
The Perspectives of Television
The television was first invented by a Scottish scientist, John Logie Baird. Originally, it was capable of displaying monochromatic motion images (or videos). With advances in technology now, we have coloured TVs and even smart TVs. Children and adults depend on television for their entertainment. People spend a lot of their leisure time watching television. This may lead one to wonder whether it is really a good practice to spend so much time on the television. There are certain advantages and disadvantages of television beyond doubt.
The Advantages of Watching Television
An Inexpensive Source of Entertainment: Television is now a very cheap mode of entertainment. Televisions are not very costly, and apart from a very minimal service fee, one needs nothing more to be entertained. Televisions are a great entertainment option for people who live alone or cannot go out often. Televisions are cheap enough to be affordable for all.
Provides Knowledge: Television has a number of services, like news channels and so on. These channels and services help us stay up-to-date with the latest news all around the world. Television also offers educational programs, which help us expand the horizon of our knowledge. We get to learn about science, wildlife, history, and so on.
Gives Motivation: There are programs on television which motivate people to develop certain skills. There are programs of motivational speakers which inspire the viewers to push themselves to excel in their line of work.
The Disadvantages of Television
Like every other device, television too has some demerits alongside its advantages.
Inappropriate Content: Television has barely any measures to prevent segregation of mature and adult audiences from younger audiences. Thus, when a piece of content is aired, it can be viewed by all. As a result, the younger section of the audience is exposed to inappropriate content.
Addiction: Studies have shown that watching a lot of television can get addictive. Television addiction helps lower social activities and promotes inactivity. This makes children more susceptible to mental as well as physical illnesses.
Fake Information: A lot of television content is aimed to spread misinformation for views and ratings. This kind of misinformation can hinder social and communal harmony. The misinformation can also leave a lasting impression on the audience who are of a vulnerable age.
Short Essay on Television in English (200 words)
Television is a great medium of entertainment for people from every age group. It provides enjoyment for the whole family. There are many channels, including news channels, sports channels, and channels of films, cartoons, or songs. Television also contains many programs and shows for kids. Television is a device that entertains the public and informs us about the country and the world.
Television is an amazing invention of science. Watching television makes us fresh, and we forget our worries and fatigue with its magic. Nowadays, the satellite technology and the cable network are far more powerful than ever. A variety of content is available on television and we can watch a channel of our choice. Television also has a great educational value as there are so many channels reserved for educational purposes. Many companies in the world prepare graded programmes.
However, television has a dark side too. Watching too much television can be harmful. Generally, kids are very fond of watching television, but continuously watching television can affect their eyes. Furthermore, it has an adverse effect on their studies. Students will not get enough time to study well if they stay busy watching television, and it makes them less imaginative. In spite of its dark side, television has become a vital means of transmitting both education and entertainment.
10 lines on a Television Essay in English
Television is an effective medium for communication.
Television is a vast medium of entertainment, information, and education of the modern age.
Television was invented in 1925 by John Logie Baird.
Television enables children to learn moral lessons in a fun way with special channels and programs meant for children.
The television shows, live matches, movies, music, cartoons, etc. are sources of our entertainment.
Television is considered an amazing invention of science.
We can enjoy a cinema, a football or cricket match, news, serials, and many other programs.
It is called Doordarshan in Hindi because it gives the vision of distant objects.
Television is also used to teach children in school
We can watch and hear the news of the world through television.
Whether television is good or bad for the viewers can be a long debate. However, one must always bear in mind that a device is not good or bad, it is merely a device. How one uses that device is what determines its effect. If we judicially use the television and control our television viewing time, we can get the benefits while avoiding the shortcomings.
FAQs on Television Essay: The Influence of TV on Society
1. What is the importance of television?
Television has helped immensely in broadcasting a lot of information since its inception. Television is a great medium for people, which is used as a means of delivering entertainment, advertising products, and services, right in the comfort of the home. Television is also helpful in delivering news swiftly across the people and many programs are designed to serve as education and a source of knowledge, which is designed for all the age groups. Recently, most households have a television set and many of them have more than one television.
2. What is the history of television?
Television comprises both hearing and watching. Things can be seen from a great distance by means of the television. Television enables us to watch the live images of a person dancing, singing, or talking at a great distance. The television was invented by a scientist named Baird in 1925. Since its invention, television has gone through a lot of development and improvements. Initially, the sound and picture were not clear, and even images were mono-colored. But today, televisions have crystal clear sounds and images in actual color.