Name of Seven Days in a Week
It's Monday tomorrow! We are going to meet our friends after a month’s vacation. Friday night means dinner in a restaurant! This is how significant days can be for kids. They wait for special treats and events in their daily lives and count days. To count days, one has to learn the number of days in a week in a calendar.
Seven Days in a Week
The weekdays are an important unit to measure time. Kids, at a very young age, learn to count the days and months first. They understand the meaning of tomorrow, today, and yesterday and then proceed to learn the day after tomorrow, etc.
To make it more convenient, they need to learn the numbers and names of days present in a week. Let us find out the names of days and their meanings first in a sequence we follow across the world.
Monday: It comes from Moon Day which means lunar day.
Tuesday: It is taken from the Norse God Týr and comes from ‘Tiw’s Day’.
Wednesday: It is derived from the name Wōdnesdæ. It is an old name of Odin. Hence, it is called the day of Odin, another god.
Thursday: This name is derived from Thor, a Norse God. Hence, it comes from Thor’s Day.
Friday: This name is derived from Frigg, another Norse God. It is derived from Frigg’s Day.
Saturday: It is derived from the name Saturn, a planet in our Solar System. It comes from Saturn’s Day.
Sunday: It comes from the name Sun and is derived from Sun’s Day.

Days in a Week
These are the names of the days in a week. We start a week on a Monday and go to school to learn new things. It ends when the clock ticks 12 AM at night. The next day, Tuesday, begins after 12:00 AM. Similarly, Monday begins after 12 AM midnight on Sunday.
Days and Week Rule
The cycle of days is simple. After Sunday, Monday comes and a new week begins. The routines for kids and adults are set by following this week's rule.
Every week begins on Monday and ends on Sunday. There are 5 weekdays starting from Monday and Sunday every week. Saturday and Sunday are weekend days.
Songs to Learn and Remember Days of the Weeks
One of the easiest ways to teach kids about the days of the week is:
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday too.
Wednesday, Thursday just for you.
Friday, Saturday that's the end.
Now let's say those days again!
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday!
This song can be sung following the tune of ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’. It is catchy and the rhythmic presentation of the days following the sequence will help kids memorise easily.

Sequence of Days in a Week
Importance of Learning Seven Days Name
Once kids start going to school, they will have to understand that there are seven days in a week. It is then they will develop a concept of time and follow a routine. Kids will learn to organise a proper schedule and follow it for physical and mental development.
Learning days will help them realise the sequence of days in stories and books. They will be able to follow the phases of stories and chapters and will be able to enjoy more. The use of days’ names can be seen in various subjects apart from English. Hence, learning the days’ names is very important.
They will also learn to see a calendar and understand the concept of time with bigger units.
Tips for Parents
Explain the days of the week with a song. Let the kids enjoy the gestures to grab the concept of days, tomorrow, today, and yesterday. It will also help kids to learn to count. Use images to explain what these days are.
FAQs on The Days of the Week: Learning Their Order
1. Which is the first day of the week?
The first day of the week is Monday.
2. What do you mean by tomorrow?
The day that comes after the present day is called tomorrow.
3. How can you easily remember the week days’ names?
Studying a rhyme or a song with the days’ names in it will help you remember all the days’ names.