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KCET 2019 Previous Year Question Paper for Biology


Karnataka CET 2019 Previous Year Question Paper for Biology - Free PDF Download

A scholar who is looking for the best preparation of the KCET Biology Previous Year Question Paper 2019 will have to realize the consequence of the marking system and the quality and level of questions in exam papers first.

These Are Some of the Facts Mentioned Below About the Kcet 2019:

  • Candidates need to answer the questions that come from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology. Each question will be of one mark and the total mark of the exam will be 60.

  • Candidates will have 80 minutes to solve the questions. There are four options for each question. Candidates must pick only one option which is correct out of the four options.

  • In KCET, there is no Negative Marking system. For multiple answers to a question, no marks will be granted. 

  • The exam is offline-based.

Candidates will take the Kannada Language Test from Gadinadu and Horanadu Kannadiga.

KCET 2019 Previous Year Question Paper for Biology

KCET Biology 

Biology Answer Key 2019 Is Provided Below.

Q1. Determine the Percentage of White-Eyed Miniature Winged Recombinants In F2​ Generation in Morgan's Experiments on the Linkage.

(A) 98.7%

(B) 37.2%

(C) 1.3%

(D) 62.9%

Ans: (B)

Multiple tests were conducted by Morgan and his students and they have found that linked genes display varied recombination. Also, some of them are more tightly linked than others.

(i) They have done some crossings between yellow bodied (Y) white-eyed (W) females with brown bodied (Y+) red-eyed (W+) male which produced a brown bodied red-eyed product in Drosophila cross.

Also, Morgan detected that the two genes did not separate independently of each other on inter-crossing of F1 progeny. That is why the F2 ratio diverged expressively from the expected 9:3:3:1 ratio. Morgan concluded the amount of 98.7% to be parental and only 1.3% recombinants. 

(ii) Morgan also performed a second cross in Drosophila. This time the crossing was between white-eyed and miniature winged (wwmm) females with wild type or red-eyed normal winged (w+w+m+m+) males. The result of the crossing showed that all the F1 were found to be of wild type, i.e., red-eyed and normal winged. 

From the previous experiment of Morgan and his crew, an F1 female fly was cross-tested with a white-eyed and small, winged male. About 62.8% of the progeny was of parental types while 37.2% were recombinants. So, the right choice is '(B) 37.2'.

Q2. Which of the Following Disorders Is the Odd One?

(A) Thalassemia

(B) Phenylketonuria

(C) Sickle-cell Anemia

(D) Haemophilia

Ans: (A) 

Thalassemia is recognized as a group of a hereditary blood disorder which constrains the ability of the body to harvest haemoglobin and RBC.

Phenylketonuria: Phenylketonuria is recognized as a recessively inherited disorder. The patients having this disease suffer from a deficiency of the capability to synthesize an enzyme to convert the amino acid phenylalanine into tyrosine.

Sickle Cell Anaemia: Sickle Cell Anaemia is recognized as an autosomal recessive disorder. A single amino acid substitution is caused by the recessive allele in the beta chains of haemoglobin. The sickling of cells happens when the concentration of oxygen is low.

Haemophilia: People who have haemophilia shall possess a collection of diseases in which their blood doesn't clot normally. In the clotting of blood, many factors are involved. People having haemophilia have lacked the normal factor VIII. So, they are said to have haemophilia.

The above-mentioned disorders of haemophilia, phenylketonuria and Sickle Cell anaemia belong to the Mendelian type but Thalassemia is very much unlike. Therefore, the right choice of this question is A, Thalassemia.

Download KCET Biology PYQP PDF

There is a link provided for the students so that they can avail the best knowledge by visiting our website. Download KCET Biology PYQP of 2019 PDF from our website.

Why Choose Vedantu for KCET Biology Previous Year Question Paper?

There are optimum choices that Vedantu is proposing to their aspirants of the KCET to have the KCET previous year question papers. Vedantu is the best online school that delivers students with the prearranged marking plans and questions’ build quality that appears in the Karnataka common entrance test. 

Vedantu offers plenty of benefits to those who avail the course in online study platforms. We have faith in the work of excellence. In this reasonable period, students are required to be directed properly so that their knowledge can help them face competitions.

Given Below Are the Salient Features of Vedantu Proving That We Give the Best for the Kcet Syllabus:

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FAQs on KCET 2019 Previous Year Question Paper for Biology

1. How Can a Student Perform Well in the KCET 2020?

All a student needs is a specific plan for achieving good marks in the KCET. The competition is quite tough. They can give their time to every subject and cover the course within the perfect time.

Students must clarify the concepts of specific subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics and do well in the exam.

2. Is the KCET Tough for Students?

Vedantu has developed a report that clearly states that a student should focus on his/her studies for at least 8 hours. The perfect time-saving skill can bring a student to achieve success securing above 80-90% marks in KCET. Students need to reschedule their time-table and give focus on each subject so that the syllabus of the KCET can easily be covered.

3. What Is Vedantu Offering for Your KCET Preparation?

Vedantu learning program is helpful for students. Some key features are mentioned below:

  • Vedantu assures about the worthy score of a student.

  • Vedantu helps to build a time relevant study.

  • Vedantu creates a healthy and competitive mind as per the exam point of view.

4. What Is the Speciality of the Karnataka Common Entrance Test?

The KCET can be a very challenging entrance exam. This examination needs a solemn pledge to be thorough with the syllabus. 

  1. The Karnataka board offers the best program to crack the KCET. 

  2. It can be excelled with correct leadership and knowledge.

  3. Students can tackle the inflexible part and score well.