Study Materials for JEE, NEET and Other Engineering Exams
Competitive Exams
Other Entrance Examinations in India
FAQs on Entrance Examinations for JEE Main & Advanced, NEET and Other Engineering Exams
1. What is the list of the entrance exams for Engineering after the 12th?
There are various entrance exams for Engineering at the national as well as state levels. They are as follows:
JEE Main (Joint Entrance Examination Main)
JEE Advanced ( Joint Entrance Examination Advanced)
BITSAT (Birla Institute of Technology & Science Admission Test )
VITEEE ( Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Exam )
NATA (National Aptitude Test in Architecture)
MHTCET (Maharashtra Common Entrance Test)
AP EAPCET (Andhra Pradesh Engineering, Agriculture and Pharmacy Common Entrance Test)
KEAM (Kerala Engineering Architecture Medical Examination)
COMEDK (Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka)
WBJEE (West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination)
KCET (Karnataka Common Entrance Test)
UPSEE (Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Exam)
OJEE (Odisha Joint Entrance Examination)
IPU CET (Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Common Entrance Test)
CUSAT CAT (Cochin University of Science & Technology Common Admission Test)
For the rest of the information, you can log in to the official website of the Vedantu to stay updated.
2. What are the benefits of solving previous year's question papers?
There are a lot of benefits involved while solving these question papers which help a student to score higher and better.
It helps in prioritizing in order to understand which questions need to be solved first.
It improves the concentration level of the student.
It improves the stamina of the student to sit in the examination hall for 3 hrs.
If the student solves these question papers then it provides them with an idea about the pattern of the exam as well as the basic nature of the question going to be asked.
It improves their level of thinking and solving question papers regularly helps them to quickly attempt these questions.
3. What tips need to be followed for preparing for these entrance exams?
It is important for a student to have a proper solid plan for these entrance exams as there are a lot of competitors who attempt these. Still, these which are mentioned below will help you to score higher in the exams.
It helps in teaching you time management.
You need to first focus on important topics before starting the preparation.
You need to plan your day beforehand.
Practice and lots of practice.
Try to take the test after finishing and completing every concept.
Regular revision plays a very important role in memorizing the student and remembering every day about previous topics.
4. Where can I get mock test papers for JEE Main?
For all the students who wish to study engineering, it is indispensable for them to practice and give entrance exams like JEE Main. Students need a plan to attempt these exams and to score well. Vedantu provides you free access to JEE Main Mock Test Papers 2022. All you need to do is to click on this link and click on the JEE Main Mock Tests for 2022 - Free Online Series where you will get Test Paper from 1 to 5.
5. Does Vedantu provide a crash course for JEE Mains?
Vedantu provides you with JEE Crash Course which helps in targeting the JEE Mains and these courses are as follows:
JEE classes by IITans
CBSE board session with LIVE quiz
Test series which consists of more than 5000+ questions, which are designed by our experts.
JEE Tips/Tricks LIVE session by IITans
Doubt solving by experts
Recordings of LIVE classes.
Students who aim for JEE Main, Vedantu provides them free access to JEE Main 2021 Question Paper PDFs with Solutions. Just visit the official website of Vedantu.