NDA Exam Syllabus - Maths and General Ability Test PDF Download
Maths and General Ability Test
FAQs on NDA Syllabus 2023-24
1. Who is the conducting body of NDA Examination 2023?
Union Public Service Commission conducts the NDA Examination every year to select eligible candidates to the National Defence Academy. The notification for NDA 2023 examination had been released by the Commission on their official website.
2. How can I appear for the NDA SSB Interview?
To be eligible for the NDA SSB interview, one must have to sit for the NDA Written Examination that is conducted by UPSC every year. This interview is the final stage of the selection process and includes screening tests of the verbal and non-verbal skills, psychological skills and physical fitness of the candidate.
Candidates need to secure a minimum of 25% marks in all the subjects of the written examination to be eligible for the SSB interview.
3. Are the NDA Previous Years’ Question Papers available online?
Yes, the previous years’ question papers for the NDA exam are available online at various E-learning sites. Also, candidates can easily download free PDFs of solved NDA question papers by visiting the official website of Vedantu.
4. What are the subjects included in the NDA Written Examination?
The written examination for NDA is categorized into two parts i.e., Mathematics exam and General Ability exam. The General Ability exam consists of English and General Awareness topics along with Physics, Chemistry, General Science, History, Current events and Geography.
5. Is there any negative marking in NDA Examination 2023?
Yes, as per the latest NDA exam pattern, there is a negative marking for every wrong answer. For the Mathematics category, a negative marking of 0.83 marks will be deducted for each wrong attempt. While, for the General Ability section, 1.33 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
6. What are the topics covered in the OIR Test of SSB in NDA?
The questions that come in the OIR Test of SSB in NDA are generally based on the topic of Logical and Reasoning Skills. These are Maths-based questions that are picked from the verbal and non-verbal syllabus. Some of the topics are the problem of cube and dice, visualizing patterns, jumbled words, coding-decoding, figure matrix, odd one out, logical venn diagram, reconstruction test, paper cutting, problem on rank, one word substitution, etc. Students can refer to various reference books to build their concepts.
7. Which concepts are covered in the NDA History syllabus?
The NDA History syllabus includes the following topics:
A broad survey of Indian history (civilisation and culture)
Forces shaping the modern world
The freedom movement in India
Discovery and exploration, French revolution, Russian revolution and American independence
Impact of technology and science on society
Elementary study of Indian administration and constitution
Panchayati raj
Community development and co-operatives
Role of India in the modern world
Basic teachings of Mahatma Gandhi
Sarvodaya, bhoodan, welfare state and national integration
Socialism and communism, United Nations and panchsheel
8. What is the English NDA syllabus?
The knowledge and understanding of candidates in English is examined through the NDA English question paper. Students should consider various English grammar books to practice questions and learn basic rules. As English is a scoring and language subject, therefore students should not ignore it. The detailed syllabus of NDA English is given below:
Usage and grammar
Completion of para and sentence
Proverbs and idioms
Sentence improvement and correction
Cohesion and comprehension
Para jumbling
Spotting of errors
Cloze test
Fill in the blanks
Antonyms and synonyms
9. What is the curriculum for NDA Biology?
The syllabus for NDA Biology is mentioned below:
Common Epidemics and their causes and prevention
Achievements of Eminent Scientists
Elementary Knowledge of the Human Body and important organs
The Solar System (Meteors, eclipses and comets)
Reproduction and growth in Animals and Plants
Difference between the non-living and living food
Basis of Life (Protoplasms, tissues and cells)
Balanced diet
Source of energy for a man – food
These topics have to be studied by students from the NCERT book and other reference books for better understanding.
10. What is the syllabus for NDA Geography?
The concepts covered in the curriculum of the NDA Geography are listed below:
Types of climate
Longitudes and latitudes
Concept of time
International dateline
The shape and size of the earth
Main items of exports and imports of India
Main sea, air and land routes and important seaports of India
Mechanical and chemical weathering, volcanoes and earthquakes
Rocks and their classification and origin of the earth
Movements and effects of the earth
Regional geography of India
Ocean tides and currents
Atmospheric pressure and temperature