Overview: Assam CEE Exam Date 2022
Assam Combined Entrance Examination was set to be conducted in the month of tentatively in the month of June 2022. The application window for this examination has been opened on May 2022(Tentative), and is extended to May , 2022(Tentative). Assam CEE is an engineering entrance exam and through this examination, candidates will be able to get admission to the B. Tech programs in government and private institutions of Assam.
As all the events for Assam CEE 2022 had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the authorities of Assam Science and Technology University have published a revised schedule with the new dates for the events of Assam CEE 2022. The tentative new dates for the exam are given in the below table for the reference of candidates.
Assam CEE Exam Date- Important Dates
Assam CEE 2022 - Tips for the Exam Day
The instructions to be followed during the exam of Assam CEE 2022, will be mentioned in the admit cards of candidates. Candidates will be able to find the address of their respective exam venues on their admit cards. It is suggested that candidates should visit their exam venue a few days before the exam so as to avoid any confusion on the exam day.
They must bring along their admit cards and government-issued photo identity proof on the exam day and furnish it for verification at the exam venue. Failing to furnish the above-mentioned documents at the exam venue, will lead to the cancellation of candidature. It is advisable that candidates should arrive at the examination venue at least an hour before the examination so that they have enough time for the verification of documents. Also, they must bring a black ballpoint pen for answering in the examination.
Assam CEE 2022 - Important Details
The duration for Assam CEE 2022 will be 3 hours and there will be a total of 120 questions in the examination. Candidates will have to record their answers in OMR sheets, which will be checked by computer programs.
There is a set of eligibility criteria for Assam CEE 2022, set by the Assam Science and Technology University, and candidates are suggested to check the same before filling the application form. The application form for Assam CEE 2022 has to be filled in an online mode.
Candidates can find the application form on the official website of Assam Science and Technology University. Firstly, they will have to register themselves on the website with their email address, contact number, and password. After successful registration, they will have to fill in their personal, communicative, and academic details in the application form. Once they fill in the application form of Assam CEE 2022, they will have to take a printout of the same for future use.
The syllabus of Assam CEE 2022 includes chapters from 10+2 Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. There will be only multiple-choice questions in Assam CEE 2022, and every question will be provided with four answer choices. Candidates are suggested to focus on their time management skills for better performance in the examination.
The Assam CEE 2022 results will be released in an online mode and candidates clearing the cut-off scores as declared by the participating engineering colleges, will be invited for the counselling rounds.
FAQs on Assam CEE Exam Date 2023-24
1. When is Assam CEE 2022 going to be conducted?
The Assam CEE 2022 was previously scheduled to be conducted in the month of tentatively in the month of June 2022. According to the revised schedule it is now scheduled to be conducted on 4th week of June 2022.
2. When is the last date to submit the online application for Assam CEE 2022?
The application form for Assam CEE 2022 was released on 2nd week of July 2022(Tentative). The last date to fill the application form is 1st week of August 2022(Tentative).