Check the Latest News, New Exam Dates, Registration Date, Admit Card and Eligibility Criteria on KVPY Exam
KVPY is called the Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana. It is a basic science national-level fellowship programme. The Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc), Bangalore conducts the KVPY Aptitude Test every year. The Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) is funded by (DST) the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. Moreover, the KVPY fellowship program was launched in 1999. The main aim of this program was to encourage students to take active participation in research, science and innovation related careers. The KVPY program also offers scholarships and grants to all the eligible students until pre-Ph.D. level.
The KVPY Exam Dates - KVPY Important Dates to Note
Earlier the KVPY exam was to be held on November 07 2021 but due to the COVID-19 guidelines, the exam was postponed to January 09, 2021. Later the exam was held according to the KVPY new date, which was May 22, 2022. You can also check the KVPY exam dates 2022 below for better clarity.
KVPY Registration Date and Application Form 2022
Before jumping onto the details about the application, you should know about the KVPY last date of registration 2022, which was September 6, 2021 for students of Class 11th, Class 12th and 1st year UG students. All aspiring candidates from general and OBC category were required to pay Rs. 1250/- and for ST/SC/PWD category, the application fee was Rs 625/-. You can find all the details below regarding the application form according to KVPY latest news.
Steps to Fill the KVPY Applications Form
The KVPY application forms are released online on the official website. You should fill the application forms before the KVPY exam date to avoid last minute errors. Follow the below steps to fill the application form for the KVPY exam.
Go to the official website and open the application form page.
Register on the website by entering a valid mobile number and e-mail ID.
Now, log in by entering email ID, password and other academic details.
Then, upload the necessary documents including a scanned photograph, medical certificate, signature, and caste certificate (if required).
Lastly, you can download the application form for future reference.
KVPY Exam Updated Timings and Schedule
According to the KVPY latest news, given below are the KVPY exam updates including the latest reporting timings, shifts, and streams.
Latest Eligibility Criteria for KVPY Exam
Before appearing for the KVPY exam, it is very important to know about the eligibility criteria for all the streams. The latest KVPY exam date 2022 eligibility criteria are as follow:
Eligibility Criteria for SA Stream
If you are applying for the KVPY exam (SA stream), you must be in Class XI studying in the science stream.
To be able to appear in the exam you must score a minimum of 80% marks (70% for ST/SC/PWD) in Science and Mathematics in Class X.
You have to pursue the following courses (B.S./BSc./B.Stat./B.Math. or Integrated M.S./M.Sc.) in the academic session 2021-2022 with a minimum score of 60% in Class XII from Science stream
Eligibility Criteria for SX Stream
If you are applying for the KVPY exam (SX stream), you must be in Class XII in the Science stream or you must be in the 2nd year of Cambridge International Examination Board.
You must have scored a minimum of 75% marks (65% for ST/SC/PWD) in Class X in Science and Mathematics streams.
You must pursue a B.S./B.Sc/B.Stat./B.Math. or Integrated courses like M.Sc./M.S. after securing a minimum score of 60% in class XII in Science stream.
Eligibility Criteria for SB Stream
If you are applying for the KVPY exam (SB stream) you must have studied the first year of your undergraduate program in the following courses, which are B.S./B.Sc./B.Math./B.Stat. or Integrated courses like M.Sc./M.S.
You must have scored a minimum of 60% marks in Class XII (for general category) and 50% marks (for SC/ST/PWD category) in the science stream.
If you are a student of the Cambridge International Board you must score 75% marks in Class X in Science and Mathematics streams. In addition, a score of a minimum of 60% marks in Class XIl in Mathematics and Science streams is compulsory. If you belong to the ST/SC/PwD category, you are given relaxation of 10%, 65% and 50%, respectively.
KVPY Admit Card 2022
The KVPY admit card 2022 release date was May 5, 2022. In addition, before the postponed date, the KVPY admit card was supposed to be released between October 7-December 22, 2021. Students can now get the admit card on the official KVPY website (kvpy.iisc.ernet.in.) and download it after logging in to their account.
Steps to Download the Admit Card
Visit the official KVPY website
Click on the bar or link 'Admit Card Download'
Enter your password and other log in details, and click on the login button
The KVPY admit card will appear on the screen
Click on the download button
Save and print the admit card for future reference
Lastly, we hope this article clears all your doubts regarding when is the kvpy exam? Also, it should have helped you in understanding the eligibility criteria, application form, and exam schedule in detail.
FAQs on KVPY Important Dates 2022
1. What is the medium of language for the KVPY exam?
There are two languages in which students can give the KVPY exam. All KVPY exams including all the streams (SX/SB/SA) are both in English and Hindi. Students can choose to give the exam in the medium they are comfortable in. KVPY has all the exams in two mediums to ease the language barrier problem and make it easy for the students to give the exam in their preferred language. There is no restriction to give exams in any one particular language.
2. What is the cost of the Application form of the KVPY exam?
The KVPY exam application form’s cost differs for general and other categories. For the general category, the application cost is INR 1250 and for ST/SC/PWD/PH category, the application cost is INR 625. All the candidates have to pay their respective fees at the time of submitting the application form.
3. What is the selection criteria for the KVPY exam?
The selection criteria for the KVPY exams is divided into two different stages, which includes an aptitude test and a personal interview. Aptitude test contains questions from different streams including Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology which candidates have to solve within 180 minutes. In the personal interview round, candidates have to answer a few questions of the jury members in order to clear the KVPY exam.