NTSE Exam Sample Paper 3 with Solutions
FAQs on NTSE Exam Sample Paper 3
1. What is the purpose of the NTSE exam?
The NTSE is a scientifically constructed talent assessment methodology for students of Class X. It evaluates a person's strengths and weaknesses based on concepts learnt in school. Nearly 300,000 students (which are mostly self-selected) take the scholarship exam every year, with 2,000 scholarships given and 775 of which are not even reserved. After an adventurous and impressive training tour, an NTSE scholar has a lot to look forward to in high school and beyond.
2. What is the eligibility for the NTSE exam?
The maximum age limit for NTSE test takers is 18 years old. The candidates who are enrolled in an open school for class 10 are qualified to take the exam. Candidates in class IX are also qualified to take the NTSE. The applicant must pass the class IX exam with a score of 60% or higher.
3. What is MAT and SAT in NTSE?
The NTSE 2021 syllabus is bifurcated into two parts known as the Mental Ability Test (MAT) and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). The NTSE SAT syllabus includes Maths, Science, and Social Science, whereas the MAT syllabus consists of Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning. The syllabus is the same for both the stages, which is, stage-I and stage II. There will be 100 questions in both MAT and SAT (Science-40, Maths-20, Social science-40). The duration of both the exams is 2 hours or 120 minutes.
4. How can I participate in NTSE?
Follow the steps given below to register for NTSE:
Visit the official website of NCERT.
Click on “Apply for NTSE 2020”
Fill in all the required details asked by the website, such as your name, date of birth, etc.
Click on “Submit”
Download the document and take a printout of the Application Form. You will also be able to acquire the form from the Liaison Officer of your State or Union Territory.
5. What is a good score in NTSE?
NTSE Qualifying cutoff for General category and OBC category is 40 and for the SC/ST category it is 32. Your scores can be fair enough to qualify for the first stage but the main selection for the second stage of NTSE will depend on the cutoff released by the authorities of your state. The Cutoff will be released or announced along with the result.