CBSE Important Maths Formulas for Class 12 PDF Free Download
FAQs on CBSE Maths Formulas Class 12
1. Why do Students Find it Difficult to Recite Maths Formulas?
Maths formulas can be extremely difficult to understand and revise. However, there’s no shortcut to revising maths formulas. Students have to regularly jot down the formulas and memorize them to ensure that they don’t forget the formulas before their exams. Students must avoid mugging up these formulas right before exams as they may not only forget the formulas but also jumble up the formulas. Thus, students must take time out to understand how formulas are created. This can sound illogical but can help students learn how to derive the formulas.
2. Why Should You Refer to Class 12 Maths Formulas?
The prime perk of referring to the class 12 maths formula PDF is eliminating the need to recite problems and learn how to solve them instead. Students can directly refer to these formulas instead of going through the textbooks to save time to prepare well for their exams. Writing down each one of these formulas can be a tedious task. However, referring to them online can help you encounter a fun-loving and inspiring learning experience.
3. How many formulas do I need to remember for the Class 12 Maths exam?
There isn't a specific number of formulas you need to memorize. It's more important to understand the concepts behind the formulas and how to apply them in different situations. However, remembering key formulas will definitely save you time and effort during the exam.
4. What are some tips for memorizing maths formulas class 12 effectively?
Here are some tips for memorizing formulas effectively:
Don't just memorize the formula, try to understand the logic and derivation behind it. This will help you recall the formula more easily and apply it correctly.
Solve problems from your textbook or other resources that involve the formulas you want to learn. This will help solidify your understanding and build confidence in using them.
Organize the formulas in a way that works for you, like flashcards or mind maps. This can help visualize the relationships between different formulas and make them easier to remember.
Don't try to cram all the formulas the night before the exam. Regularly revise them throughout your preparation to ensure they stay fresh in your memory.
5. Are there any maths formulas class 12 that are more important than others?
While every formula has its place, some formulas are used more frequently or are crucial for specific topics. Focus on understanding formulas in these areas:
Algebra: Quadratic equations, complex numbers, permutations and combinations.
Calculus: Differentiation and integration rules, applications of derivatives and integrals.
Vectors and 3D Geometry: Dot product, cross product, distance formula, direction cosines.
Probability: Conditional probability, Bayes' theorem.