Significance of ‘Mean’
Mean is the other name for average. Finding out the Mean is very easy, we just have to find the sum of all the numbers and then divide them by the total number of numbers that we have. Mean Deviation formula is also a measure of central tendency which can be calculated using Arithmetic Mean, median, or Mode. It lets us know on average how far all the observations can be from the middle. Each Deviation being an absolute value ignores all the negative signs therefore it can rightfully be called an absolute Deviation. Also, the Deviations must be equal on both sides of the Mean. The Mean Deviation formula of the observations or values is actually the Mean of the absolute Deviations from a suitable average. This suitable average can be the Mean, median, or Mode.
Meaning of Mean Deviation
In Statistics, the Deviation is defined as the difference between the observed and predicted value of a Data point. As a result, Mean Deviation, also known as Mean Absolute Deviation, is the average Deviation of a Data point from the Data set's Mean, median, or Mode. The term "Mean Deviation" is abbreviated as MAD.
Benefits of using Mean Deviation
The benefits of making use of Mean Deviation are:
As it is based on all of the Data values provided, it will provide a more accurate assessment of dispersion.
It is simple to comprehend and compute.
Drawbacks of using Mean Deviation
As Mean Deviation cannot be further Algebraically treated, it has lower usefulness. The following are some of the other drawbacks of Mean Deviation:
It can be determined with respect to Mean, median, and Mode, therefore it isn't strictly defined.
This metric is rarely used to assess Data in sociological studies.
As we use the absolute value, we ignore both negative and positive indicators. This may result in inaccuracies in the final product.
Example of Mean Deviation
Let's say we have a series of observations with the values 2, 7, 5, 10 and wish to determine the Mean Deviation from the Mean. The Mean of the Data given by 6 is found. After that, we subtract the Mean from each number, sum the absolute values of each result, and obtain 10. Finally, we divide this number by the total number of observations (4) to arrive at 2.5 as the Mean Deviation.
Formula of Mean Deviation from Mean
We will find the formula of Mean Deviation from Mean for individual series, discrete series, and continuous series.
1) Individual Series: The formula to find the Mean Deviation for an individual series is:
MD=\[\frac{\sum \mid X-\bar{X}\mid}{N}\]
∑ = Summation
X = Observation / Values
X¯ = Mean
N = Number of observations
2) Discrete Series: The formula of Mean Deviation from Mean for a discrete series is:
MD=\[\frac{\sum f\mid X-\bar{X}\mid}{\sum f}\]
∑ = Summation
X = Observation / Values
X¯ = Mean
f = frequency of observations
3) Continuous Series: The formula to find the Mean Deviation for a discrete series is:
MD=\[\frac{\sum f\mid X-\bar{X}\mid}{\sum f}\]
∑ = Summation
X = Mid-Value of the class
X¯ = Mean
f = frequency of observations
Mean Deviation From Median
1) Individual Series: The formula to find the Mean Deviation for an individual series is:
MD=\[\frac{\sum \mid X-{M}\mid}{N}\]
∑ = Summation
X = Mid-Value of the class
M = median
N = Number of observations
2) Discrete Series: The formula to find the Mean Deviation for a discrete series is:
MD=\[\frac{\sum f\mid X-{M}\mid}{\sum f}\]
∑ = Summation
X = Observation / Values
M = median
f = frequency of observations
3) Continuous Series: The formula to find the Mean Deviation for a continuous series is:
MD=\[\frac{\sum f\mid X-{M}\mid}{\sum f}\]
∑ = Summation
X = Mid-Value of the class
M = Mean
f = frequency of observations
Mean Deviation from Mode
1) Individual Series: The formula to find the Mean Deviation from Mode for an individual series is:
MD=\[\frac{\sum \mid X-{Mode}\mid}{N}\]
∑ = Summation
X = Observation / Values
M = Mode
N = Number of observations
2) Discrete Series: The formula to find the Mean Deviation from Mode for a discrete series is:
MD=\[\frac{\sum f\mid X-{Mode}\mid}{\sum f}\]
∑ = Summation
X = Observation / Values
M = Mode
f = frequency of observations
3) Continuous Series: The formula to find the Mean Deviation from Mode for a continuous series is:
MD=\[\frac{\sum f\mid X-{Mode}\mid}{\sum f}\]
∑ = Summation
X = Mid-Value of the class
M = Mode
f = frequency of observations
Mean Deviation Examples
Example 1) Calculate the Mean Deviation and the coefficient of Mean Deviation using the Data given below:
Test Marks of 9 students are as follows: 86, 25, 87, 65, 58, 45, 12, 71, 35 respectively.
Solution 1) First we have to arrange them into ascending order, i.e., 12, 25, 35, 45, 58, 65, 71, 86, 87.
Then we have to find out the median so,
median = Value of the \[\frac{(N+1)^{th}}{2}\] term
Value of the \[\frac{(9+1)^{th}}{2}\] term = 58
Now we have to calculate the Mean Deviation
MD=MD=\[\frac{\sum \mid X-{M}\mid}{N}\]
Lastly, we have to find the coefficient of Mean Deviation from median so,
Coefficient of the Mean Deviation from median =\[\frac{M.D}{M}\]
Example 2) Calculate the Mean Deviation about the Mean using the following Data
6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 4, 8, 12.
Solution 2) First we have to find the Mean of the Data that we are provided with
Mean of the given data=\[\frac{Sum of all the terms}{total number of terms}\]
Next, we have to find the Mean Deviation
Mean deviation about mean=\[\frac{\sum \mid X_{i}-{\bar{X}}\mid}{8}\]
3. Find the mean data deviation values for 5, 3,7, 8, 4, 9.
Answer: The Data values are 5, 3, 7, 8, 4, 9, and so on.
The process for calculating the Mean Deviation is well known.
To begin, calculate the Mean of the Data:
5+3+7+8+4+9/6 is the average.
\[\frac{36}{6}\] = \[\frac{36}{6}\]
(= 6)
As a result, the average value is 6.
Subtract each Mean from the Data value, ignoring any minus symbols that may appear.
6 + 5 = 1
3 – 6 equals 3
1 = 7 – 6
2 = 8 – 6
2 = 4 – 6
3 = 9 – 6
The resulting data set is now 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3.
Finally, calculate the Mean value for the Data set you've gathered.
As a result, the standard deviation is
/6 (1+3 + 1+ 2+ 2+ 2+3)
12/6 =
+ 2
As a result, the Mean Deviation for the numbers 5, 3,7, 8, 4, 9 is 2.
FAQs on Formula for Mean Deviation For Ungrouped Data
1.How to calculate mean deviation?
There are a few steps that we can follow in order to calculate the Mean Deviation.
Step 1: Firstly we have to calculate the Mean, Mode, and median of the series.
Step 2: Ignoring all the negative signs, we have to calculate the Deviations from the Mean, median, and Mode like how it is solved in Mean Deviation examples.
Step 3: If the series is a discrete one or continuous then we also have to multiply the Deviation with the frequency.
Step 4: Our step 4 will be to sum up all the Deviation we calculated
Step 5: This will be the final step and we have to apply the formula to calculate the Mean Deviation.
2.What is the coefficient of mean deviation?
The comparison between the Data of two series is done using a coefficient of Mean Deviation. We can calculate the coefficient of Mean Deviation by dividing it with the average. If the Deviation is from the Mean, we will simply divide it by Mean. If the Deviation is from the median, we will divide it by median and if the Deviation is from Mode, we will divide it by Mode. Let us see the formulas to calculate the Mean Deviation from the Mean, median, and Mode.
The Formulas for the Coefficient of the Mean Deviation
Coefficient of Mean Deviation from the Mean: M.D/X̅
Coefficient of Mean Deviation from the median: M.D/M
Coefficient of Mean Deviation from the Mode: M.D/Mode
3.What is the mean deviation for discrete distribution frequency?
By discrete, we imply distinct or non-continuous, as the term implies. The frequency (number of observations) supplied in the set of Data is discrete in nature in such a distribution.
The discrete distribution of frequency is a representation of Data that consists of values x1,x2, x3.........xn, each occurring with a frequency of f1, f2,... fn, correspondingly.
The steps for calculating the Mean Deviation for grouped Data, and especially for discrete distribution Data, are as follows:
Step I: Determine the measure of central tendency from which the Mean Deviation will be calculated. Let's call this one a.
Step II: Using the measure of central tendency computed in step one, calculate the absolute Deviation of each observation (I).
Step III: Using the formula, the Mean absolute Deviation around the measure of central tendency is computed.
4.What is the meaning of Mean Deviation for frequency distribution?
We group the Data and note the frequency distribution of each group to offer it in a more compressed format. Class intervals are the names given to these groups.
There are two methods for grouping Data:
Discrete Frequency Distribution is a type of frequency distribution that is made up of discrete
Frequency Distribution in Continuous Time.
Discrete Frequency Distribution: By discrete, we imply distinct or non-continuous, as the term implies. The frequency (number of observations) supplied in the set of Data is discrete in nature in such a distribution.
5.What is the Mean Deviation about a median and the different ways to find it?
The Mean Deviation about the median and the Mean Deviation about the Mean are comparable. Find the median value by organising the Data values in ascending order and then finding the middle value instead of computing the Mean for the given set of Data values. After you've found the median, remove it from each Data item before calculating the average.
The following are the three methods for calculating Mean Deviation:
Individual Series can be used to calculate the Mean Deviation.
A succession of discrete events
A series that never ends