AMUL - The Taste Of India
AMUL is a renowned brand in India. The tagline of Amul claims itself to be the ‘taste of India’, indeed is genuine. AMUL or Amul is a milk product cooperative dairy company. They are originally based in the small town of Anand in the state of Gujarat, India. Amul is known as the largest milk producer in the country. Amul also has varied milk products serving in India.
The organization is credited for bringing the white revolution to India. The company, Amul is hailed as a successful cooperative business model which has notably empowered the men and women from the village sectors. Amul was successful in creating mini-entrepreneurs out of ordinary village women.
Amul Full Form
Well, you must have tasted all the Amul Dairy products, but did you know Amul is actually an acronym? Amul’s long-form or Amul full form name is Anand Milk Union Ltd. Also, Amul milk long-form and Amul milk full form will have the same expansion as the acronym AMUL.
Also, do you know what GCMMF is? Or its full form?
Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF full form) is actually a farmers' cooperative structure in India. The cooperative structure markets the dairy products of the milk cooperatives in the State of Gujarat. The cooperative is a successful enterprise, and its flagship brand known as Amul has become one of the recognized, popular brands in India.
So, here you know AMUL long-form and GCMMF full form. Next time you ask for any Amul product, know that you are actually using the acronym and the origin of this brand is Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF full form).
Amul – an Established Brand
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Today, AMUL is a popular brand that is well managed by the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (abbreviated as GCMMF). Amul full meaning is actually the place Anand in Gujarat where the white revolution actually began.
Amul, the cooperative body, is owned by more than three million milk producers and Amul products are literally available in over forty countries. In the years - 2014 and 2015, the company’s revenue was even more than three billion dollars.
The History Behind the Taste of India
Amul was established in 1946 as a cooperative dairy unit. This originally was formed in the small town of Anand in the Khaira district located in the state of Gujarat. The company was founded by Dr Verghese Kurien and this initiated the start of the white revolution in India. Presently, R.S. Sodhi is the CEO of Amul.
Amul Products
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Amul produces a wide range of milk products. Among many special products, the best ones are as follows:
Flavoured Milk
Milk powder
Ice cream and many other types of dairy products.
Amul has also launched a brown beverage called Amul Pro which is quite similar to Horlicks and BournVita. In the year 2006, Amul launched its first-ever sports drink and the name was Stamina. Well, the most famous product of Amul is Amul butter.
Amul gains much appreciation with a new poster or a billboard every month for the last 50 years. The inspiration behind the poster every month is based on a current event, idea or simply what is happening.
How UHT Products Have Impacted Amul?
Over the years, Amul witnessed good growth in its own portfolio. The segment grew by 53%. The long-life UHT products for the urban populations, like Amul Taaza, that are being packed in the form of Tetra pack cartons underwent UHT treatment. This treatment removed all harmful microorganisms while they retained only the nutritious milk in the carton.
Today, Amul sells around 4,00,000-5,00,000 litres of milk in the form of UHT and other value-added products per day and this forecast the demand to continue their growth at around 25%. These UHT products have enabled Amul to position itself as the biggest market leader in the segment of packaged milk without the need of maintaining the cold supply chains. In the year 2019, Amul celebrated its 73 years of ruling and is currently India's biggest FMCG with its Annual turnover exceeding Rs 50000 crore ($7 billion).
Longest Running Ad Campaign – the Famous Amul Girl
In the year 1966, Amul did hire Sylvester da Cunha, who is the managing director of the advertising agency. He designed his ad campaign for the brand Amul Butter. Da Cunha designed a campaign as a series of hoardings with topical advertisements, related to the day-to-day issues that engaged the society. The advertisement campaign was world popular and it earned a Guinness World Record for the longest-running ad campaign in the whole world.
In the 1980s, a cartoon artist named Kumar Morey and a scriptwriter named Bharat Dabholkar had been continuously involved with sketching the Amul advertisement. The brand rejected the trend of using any celebrity figure in their advertisement campaigns.
Even after encountering many political pressures on many occasions, Da Cunha's agency has made it a policy of not backing down, and keep continuing to make their advertising campaign. Some controversial Amul ads included one commenting on the Naxalite uprising in the state of West Bengal, on the Indian Airlines employees strike, another one depicting the Amul girl who is wearing a Gandhi cap.
In the year 2013, Amul tweeted a picture that featured the Amul Butter Girl.
On 17 October in the year 2016, Amul butter girl celebrated her 50 years when she first appeared in the topical ad which was titled "Thorough bread". This ad showed a jockey holding a slice of bread during the horse race season in the year 1966.
The Amul girl had further appeared for the first time even before that, with her offering the bedtime prayers with a wink and a lick of lips, saying the following -"Give us this day our daily bread: with Amul butter".
Their Ad on Aagey Badhta Hai India had an excellent and remarkable response from the audience. The ad basically portrayed how Milk is seen as a daily household product with its obvious catchy tune associated with it. It got over 39 lakhs to 4 million views on YouTube.
A Film Based on Amul
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As known, the establishment of Amul initiated the White revolution in our country.
The White Revolution had been said to have inspired many famous Indian filmmakers, namely Shyam Benegal who based his film named Manthan (in the year 1976). The film got its finance by over five lakhs (which is half a million). Interesting fact, the rural farmers in Gujarat contributed ₹2 each to the budget of making this film. Upon the release of this film, the farmers went in their truckloads to watch 'their' own film. This altogether made it a commercial success. Manthan even won the National Film Award for the best-featured film in Hindi in the 24th national Film Festival in the year 1977.
FAQs on Amul Full Form
1.What Are UHT Products?
Ans. UHT product is a typically processed product that is now widely used for producing 'long life' or long shelf-life of the products like cream, custard and even flavoured milk. However, this process is not suitable for making cheese as the curd from UHT milk takes quite a long time to set and then retain a high amount of moisture, which gives a very soft and unacceptable kind of cheese.
2.What is a White Revolution?
Ans. The White Revolution initiated in India referred to the concept of really an unexpected increase in the quantity of milk production. While the milk-producing farmers based in Kheda, together they formed a cooperative society in the year 1946 in order to oppose the exploitative policies ruled out by the private firms. Verghese Kurien was the man behind this White Revolution in India.
3.What Are FMCG Products?
Ans. The full form of FMCG is Fast Moving Consumer Goods.
They are also known as consumer-packaged-goods (abbreviated as CPG), they are the products that get sold quickly at a relatively reasonable cost. Examples of FMCG are non-durable household goods like packaged foods, beverages, candies, cosmetics, toiletries, over-the-counter drugs, dry goods, and other consumables items.