BODMAS: Bracket, of, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction
The term ‘BODMAS’ stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. There are several signs in mathematics against every numerical calculation. To more straightforward the process of complex summation, the BODMAS rule is applied. This rule tells you about the first calculation, followed by the other. When dealing with a long yet complicated summation, BODMAS helps you the most.
There is another rule named PEDMAS. PEDMAS stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. It is very easy to deal with a summation with one or two operations and two or three numbers. But what if you are asked to solve a complex summation with several numbers and operations? Without a BODMAS abbreviation, you will get puzzled, and the outcome won't be correct.
How does the BODMAS Rule help to solve complex summations?
The full meaning of the BODMAS rule tells you to solve the issues with brackets then followed by Of. After that, you can start dividing the numbers. After that, multiply the number with the quotient and then add the next number. In the end, you will get the answer after you subtract the remaining number from the received sum.
Importance of BODMAS Rule
While solving a complex summation, it is not always possible to remember the actions according to the series. But if you remember the term 'BODMAS', it will make you remember the exact series following which you are meant to solve the problem. For example, if you accidentally multiply a number before dividing, you will end up receiving an incorrect result.
What to do if there is no bracket in the summation?
If there is no bracket in your summation, then you can omit the 'B' from the BODMAS meaning and then apply the rest of the rule as directed. Else, if you realize that there are no multiple signs in between you can skip that apart and start addition. There is no doubt that this rule is simple and easy to apply. Hence, before your math exam make sure to remember this rule.
What will happen if you don’t apply the BODMAS rule?
If you don’t apply the BODMAS rule then you may do the addition first and then the multiplication. No wonder, by doing this you will end up receiving the wrong answer. You should always start solving the summation with the numbers and operations inside the bracket. The BODMAS rule allows you to follow the right way of multiple operations.
Where can you apply the BODMAS rule?
You can only apply the BODMAS abbreviation rule where you are given several operations with numbers. For single mathematical problems, there is no use of the BODMAS rule. You will only find it useful while solving long complex summations with a series of operations.
Solving Math problems with just addition and multiplication or subtraction and division sounds quite simple. Knowing the BODMAS Full Form will help students understand the order of solving sums with these operations. It will help them to understand the concepts well and help them to solve every sum with multiple operations easily.
Conditions to solve the problems involved:
There are a few conditions that need to be followed to get a general simplification of the problems. These can be provided as follows.
· X + (Y + Z) = X + Y +Z : Open bracket and then add the terms
· X – (Y + Z) = X – Y – Z: Open the bracket and then multiply the negative sign with each term that is present inside the bracket. All the positive terms will become negative while all the negative terms will become positive.
· X (Y + Z) = XY + XZ: Multiply the term outside the bracket with each of the terms that are present in the bracket.
FAQs on BODMAS Full Form
1. What is the Difference Between PEMDAS and BODMAS?
The full form of PEMDAS is Parentheses, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction, on the other hand, the full meaning of BODMAS is Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. However, the process is the same. You need to start the operations from the left with the last operation on the left.
2. What Comes First? The Addition or the Multiplication?
If you follow the BODMAS rule, the ‘M’ comes before ‘A’. Hence, it is directed that you need to multiply first and then the addition with the subtraction in the end. It is not complex, just follow the meaning of the letters.
3. What are the Basic Four Rules of Mathematics?
The basic four rules of Mathematics are depicted in the BODMAS rules. They are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and subtraction. Follow the BODMAS rule and apply these operations to get the correct answer.
4. What is the full form of BIDMAS and BODMAS and how are they different from each other?
BIDMAS stands for:
· B: brackets
· I: integer
· D: division
· M: multiplication
· A: Addition
· S: Subtraction
Whereas the full form of BODMAS is:
· B: brackets
· O: of
· D: division
· M: multiplication
· A: addition
· S: subtraction
BIDMAS is a rule that is an alternative to BODMAS which helps to remember the order of operation. The only difference is the I letter which stands for integer.
5. What does the order of operation mean and does it affect the answers that are obtained?
Any math problem with two numbers has a basic operation of either addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. But the problem arises when there are more than two numbers and more operations involved in a sum. Then there is the confusion that arises whether to add or subtract or divide or multiply first. Due to this confusion, the BODMAS rule was created. This is the basic order in which the operations are to be performed in a given sum. It not only helps simplify the whole process of finding the answers but will also help students clear their confusion as to what to start first.
6. How to apply BODMAS in real life as a part of training?
There are also real-life applications that can be used to understand the topic well. As an example, you can imagine going to a shop and buying ten oranges and two of them cost rupees 10 each. However, the cost is not equal to each one of them. 4 of the oranges cost Rs. 5 each and the rest of the four of the oranges cost rupees 20 each. Hence this can be depicted as,
2 X 10 + 5 X 4 + 4 X 20 = 120
This can be quite tough to solve if there is no proper indication as to what to start first and what to do later. Hence this can also be written as follows:
(2 X 10) + (5 X 4) + (4 X 20)
This helps simplify the equation and hence helps to solve it further.