Two Important Points that You Have to Know About the BPL Full Forms
If you are looking for the bpl full form, then you must know that there are two complete forms for this acronym. It stands for both Below Poverty Line as well as British Physical Laboratories Group. You have to read carefully to know what are these two BPLs and what importance they hold in Indian society. Most of you must be aware of both the terms as the first one is a regularly used term, and the second one is a renowned brand.
Learn More About the BPL Acronyms:
1. Below Poverty Line:
Poverty estimation in India is done based either on the income level or the expenditure level. It is done by the NITI (National Institute for Transforming India) aayog with the help of the data collected by NSSO(National Sample Survey Office) which works under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. NITI aayog replaced the earlier planning commission which used to make poverty estimates. The need for a poverty line and estimate is to integrate the beneficiaries with the suitable welfare schemes and it is also a constitutional requirement. The first full meaning of bpl that can be discussed is Below Poverty Line. Many of you who have been a student of sociology or economics must have read about this particular term. For others, let us simplify it. The term Below Poverty Line is an identifier or a benchmark to demarcate people in the Indian society who are economically weaker and do not have enough earnings to meet their regular needs. The Government of India extends its financial help to them.
There are various schemes introduced by the government to give them the necessary provisions which differ from region to region and country to country. The Suresh Tendulkar Committee, in 2011, had brought the full meaning of bpl into prominence when he had declared that a person would be considered to be living below the poverty line if he earns Rs.33.3 a day (in urban areas) and Rs.27.2 a day (in rural areas).
How can Below Poverty Line be Detected?
As you know what BPL stands for so let us take a look at how you can detect a person living under this economic line.
Sanitation and Hygiene: there is a considerable lack of proper hygiene in many areas where there is not even a washroom within a mile.
Level of Literacy: people who do not even know how to sign their names and still use their thumbprints.
Food, Clothing, Housing: these necessities are not met, and they live in abject poverty without getting a square meal a day.
The Tendulkar committee and the Rangarajan committee reports are two important reports regarding poverty estimation in India. The Tendulkar committee was formed in 2009 to improve the poverty estimation methods and also to solve the previous shortcomings. The Rangarajan committee was a result of people’s outrage against the planning commission’s poverty estimate. It was formed to study the international poverty estimation techniques and choose a suitable method for India.
Way Forward:
There have been many changes in the price levels, production process, and consumption patterns in the economy. Hence, there is also a need to make another estimate of poverty in India as we are turning to a middle-income economy. the international poverty estimate line is 68 times higher than the Tendulkar committee report. The poverty line should include two square meals per day and all the necessities for human life while making an estimate. The new estimate method should include measuring the poverty levels relatively with other countries and also based on international standards. The government should start giving preference to essential goods rather than giving subsidies.
2. British Physical Laboratories Group:
Those 90’s kids, will be pretty familiar with the BPL full form and meaning that stands for this strong consumer brand. It has its headquarters in Bangalore, India, and Mr. Ajit G Nambiar is the Chairman and Managing Director as of 2016. A few of their trusted products are televisions, light bulbs, digital switches, medical equipment, etc.
If you have understood what BPL stands for, then you will surely agree to the fact that both these full forms are quintessential pieces of information for all Indians. These will help you to know more about your own country and if you wish you will also be able to help a person with major economic crises.
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FAQs on BPL Full Form
1. What is bpl?
The full form of BPL is Below Poverty Line. The government of India has set this benchmark for people belonging to the economically weaker sections of the country. This line is based on a certain threshold income and people whose income is below this threshold, are provided with a BPL card.
2. What is the upper limit of income for a bpl card?
The upper limit of income for a family living in rural areas, to get a BPL card, is 326,000 INR. The families with 15 or fewer marks out of 52 marks are identified as BPL and the total number of BPL families is 318,000.
3. What is the difference between a ration card and a bpl card?
The government of India has allotted certain entitlements for every family whose members have ration cards. But under the Ujjwala Scheme people who are eligible for a BPL card, are entitled to some special grants such as free connection for cooking gas.
4. What are the challenges faced in poverty estimation?
Poverty estimation in India is generally done based on the income and expenditure level which considers the material well-being of people. Yet, there are many hurdles that experts face when they try to estimate poverty levels in India:
Generally, basic goods and necessities for a human being are considered to estimate the poverty line but the price of these goods differ from place to place and also over time. Foodgrains might be cheaper in rice-growing states and costly in arid regions. This makes it difficult to calculate the price of a common basket of goods
On the other hand, consumption patterns, market trends, and production patterns are very dynamic. What we consider to be essential goods today might be out of use tomorrow, so it is difficult to form common goods important to all.
Few states follow one poverty estimate given by a committee and some states follow another committee’s estimate. This is tough when the national aggregate is calculated. States like Odisha and West Bengal accepted the Tendulkar committee’s estimate fixed at 27.2/- for people lib=ving in the rural areas and 33.3/- for the people living in urban areas per day. Anyone spending below this amount is considered to be poor. On the other hand, some states follow estimates given by the Rangarajan committee.
5. What are the recommendations given by the Rangarajan committee regarding the poverty estimation?
Rangarajan committee was formed when the people in the country were outraged after the planning commission released a poverty estimate. It stated that any person who lives in a rural area and can not spend 22 rupees per day is considered to be poor. Following are some of the recommendations given by the Rangarajan committee:
To review international poverty estimates and find out the best suitable estimation method for India
It was formed also to find out the best methods to link the beneficiaries to the central government schemes based on the economic standards.
It surveyed the individual households on a large scale and considered them poor if they are unable to save money for their future
It considered what people consume in their daily diet and also measured how nutritious is their diet.
It set a standard regarding fats, protein, and calories to be consumed every day according to the Indian council of medical research (ICMR) guidelines.
According to this, a person living in a rural area has to consume 2155 calories and a person living in an urban area has to consume 2090 calories and anyone who consumes less than that is considered to be poor and undernourished.
It followed the concept of the modified mixed period which has different reference periods for different goods.
But this committee was criticized for missing multidimensional poverty including freedom, unequal access to resources, etc,