Full Form of CV
CV - you have come across these two letters quite a number of times. But, what is the full form of CV? Curriculum Vitae. CV is required in order to highlight your background, specifically the career and the educational background. A good CV can earn you a job hence it is important we know what is CV, how can you create a good CV and so forth.
In this section, our discussion will be centred on the expansion of CV and its related requirement to make one.
CV Full Form
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What is the full form of CV? We have answered it already as mentioned above is Curriculum Vitae. Now we will know from where the CV has originated.
CV full form - curriculum vitae originated from a Latin phrase which means “course of (one's) life” or “a short account of one's career and qualifications prepared typically by an applicant for a position”. Full form of CV is Curriculum vitae, while the pluralized form is Curricula Vitae. Students are asked to pay attention here, and not confuse CV with Resume. Now that we have discussed the CV’s full name, we will further discuss what exactly is a resume and how it is different from a CV in a later section.
What exactly should a CV contain?
CV is a written overview that helps the companies in the process of hiring any person. CV helps them to check through the person's educational qualifications and his other experiences. CV works as a complete profile of a candidate which includes his full name, phone number, email id, address, educational qualifications, hobbies, achievements, languages known, soft skills, computer skills, career objective, marital status, and other relevant information required. An ideal CV should not contain more than 2 or 3 pages. Also, the size of the page should be an A4 size.
In a CV, uploading or sticking a photo is not required. There should be no references and the reason for leaving your previous job in the CV. All these details are to be provided separately to the employer hiring the candidate only when the same is being requested.
In countries like Ireland and the United Kingdom, an ideal CV does not contain more than 2 pages. In those countries, CV only includes the summary of the job seeker’s employment history, educational information, and some other required personal information while in some parts of Asia CV requires a photo of the applicant, date of birth, and his recent salary or pay-scale information.
Writing Tips for a CV
Here in this section, we will list down some common suggestions or say, tips for writing a good CV:
Match your CV to the position: Here, one should highlight the education, work experience, and skills which are only related to the job that one is applying for.
Keywords: Methodically include the keywords from the job description in your CV to reflect your suitability as a candidate for the job.
Template: Use a suitable and standard template to structure the CV. Writing a CV in a correct template helps the employer quickly and priorly notice the experience and qualification one wants to show.
Proofread: After making the CV, one must thoroughly check the CV to ensure there are no spelling or grammatical mistakes. It is suggested that one should install any app which will help them to correct grammar or spelling errors initially while writing.
CV Vs. Resume
People might use CV and Resumes like synonyms with each other but basically, both are very much different and also intended for a different purpose. CV (long-form being Curriculum Vitae) is actually a Latin word meaning "course of life." In contrast to this, a resume is a French word for the English meaning of "summary." Both these CVs & Resumes have similarity in:
They are tailored for the specific type of job/company that you are applying to.
Both should represent you, being the best and qualified candidate.
Both of these can be used to get you an interview.
While both of these do not generally include any such personal interests.
If anyone is applying for both academic as well as industrial work positions, one will definitely need to prepare both a resume and also a CV.
But what are the differences between them? We will find this out in the following section:
Moreover, it emphasizes skills.
It is used while applying for a position in the industry, basically non-profit, and public sector industries.
The resume is no longer than 2 pages, also it has an additional page for the publications and/or poster presentations if the same is highly relevant to the job
Resumes include a year of industry experience, other leads with work experience, and the place education section at the or near the end, depending upon the qualifications required.
Moreover, emphasizes academic accomplishments.
CV is used while applying for positions in the academic field, fellowships, and other grants.
The length of the CV depends upon the experience of the person. This includes a complete list of other publications, posters, and presentations as well.
The CV should always begin with education and can include the name of the advisor and dissertation of the title or summary. CVs are also used for merit or tenure review and for sabbatical leave
CV Full form in English
In English language usage, a Curriculum vitae is actually a Latin originate for the English meaning "course of life", this is often shortened to CV, in Latin which means ‘life’. CV is a short-written summary of a person's career, qualifications, and educational values. CV is both used for which has a short summary and is the most common usage in both languages of North American and in the British English. In the North American language, the term resume acts as a synonym for CV, this happens in North America only. In this sense, it means a short career summary of applicants.
The term curriculum vitae (abbreviated as CV) is also used in academics to refer extensively or even complete summaries of a person's career, qualifications, and education. CVs can also include publications and other relevant information. Nowadays, this has caused the widespread misconception that it is incorrect to refer to short CVs as CVs in American English and hence the short CVs are to be called résumés, but this concept is not supported by the American dictionaries.
The University of California Davis specifically points out that “In the United States and Canada, CV and resume are sometimes used interchangeably" this is done while describing the common distinction that has been made in North American academia. The use of these terms is done to refer to the documents including different contents and lengths.
While in many countries, a short CV is generally the first information that a potential employer receives from the job seeker. This is typically used to screen the applicants who applied for the post, and later this is often followed by an interview. CVs can also be requested for the applicants to the postsecondary programs, for the scholarships, for different educational grants, and bursaries. Since the year 2010, it became popular for applicants to provide an electronic version of their CV to the employers using their mail ID. CVs are also uploaded on many jobs-seeking social media platforms.
FAQs on CV Full Form
Q1. Name Some Job-Seeking Social Media Platforms.
Ans. Networking or Channelling can be regarded as one of the most important components of a job hunt. This proves to be one of the top ways for job seekers to get hired. Networking whether in-person or online or using any social media to grow your career always proves worth it. There are many ways that social networking can help you get hired by companies. Some social media platforms which can help you get the job are as follows:
Q2. What do You Mean by Bursaries?
Ans. A bursary can be defined as the monetary amount or award which is made by any educational institution or by a funding authority to individuals or to groups. This is usually awarded to help a student to attend his school, university, or college when the student might not be able to do it, otherwise for their poor condition. Some of the wards are also aimed at encouraging specific groups or individuals into higher studies.
Q3. What are the Important Sections to Include in a CV?
Ans. A CV must include:
An objective and his personal statement.
Own achievements.
Own interests.
Job-specific information (for example, a manager would put their managerial skill in their CV).