Full-Form of LOGO is Language of Graphics Oriented. LOGO is a computer programming language that is used for functional programming. LOGO is an adaptation of the Lisp language. LOGO is a programming language and it is an artificial language designed to express computations performed by a machine, particularly a computer. Programming languages are mainly used to create programs that control the behavior of a machine, to express algorithms functionality, or as a mode of human communication.
The abbreviation LOGO stands for Language of graphics-oriented. The term LOGO is also a symbol that is used to recognize a public identification of a brand or company. The logo can be an abstract design or a symbol that represents a wordmark. Usually, a logo on a global level can represent a company’s name, trademark, or brand.
Example of Logo
Hp is the logo of a company that represents Hewlett Packard itself globally.
A symbol on a coin also represents which country it belongs to.
Origin of Logo
The logo came into existence as early as the 6th and 7th centuries when coins were used as a medium of payment (c.600BCE). Each coin was embedded with a symbol or mark which represented which country or kingdom it belonged to. In the early era, a logo was also used in cylinder seals (c.2300 BCE).
During the 6th century, logos used to be in the shape of an animal, bird, or any symbol embedded on coins or cloth to represent a kingdom or dynasty. By 1890, the US already had around 700 lithographic printing firms and had employed around 2000 people to work on it.
In the early 18th century and 19th century the logo was developed into printing technology, watermarks, silver hallmarks. In the late 19th century, photography and lithography made their way into the advertising industry thus promoting the use of logos on a global level. The first logo which was trademarked was the Bass red triangle in 1876.
7 Different Types of the Logo
Monogram logos
Pictorial marks
Abstract marks
The combination marks
The emblem
How to use a Logo
A logo symbolizes business. With the combination of typography and images, the logo gives a brand a different feel and recognition.
The Monogram Logos
This consists of letters usually brand initials eg: hp, Hbo, wb, LG, etc. These are the initials of famous businesses. With just 2 or 3 letters they have identified their brand globally. Since in this case only initials are used, the font in which these initials are printed is very important. It should be legible and attractive looking when printed on business cards or any other platform to grab attention and for better promotion.
The Wordmarks
This is a font-based logo design that focuses on the main business or company’s name, Eg: Nescafe, Disney, canon, google.
These are names of the businesses and companies in proper but represented in different fonts and styles thus creating an attractive look.
Pictorial Marks
This is an icon-based or graphics-based logo. The picture itself is enough to identify the brand. Eg: the panther of the Puma, or the iconic bird of Twitter.
These brands are so famous and established that a single picture representation is enough for their identification. Here the biggest challenge comes in which image is to be selected and which colour is to be used because the entire company, its reputation, and existence rely upon it.
Abstract Logo Marks
This is a pictorial logo which is an abstract mark or design. It can be an abstract geometric form representing your business. Eg: Chanel- with one proper C and other C in the opposite direction coordinating in between.
These types of abstract marks work well since they condense the company or brand into a single image that is unique. The abstract image is selected in such a way that it can represent what the company or business wants to convey through its symbol.
A mascot logo involves a colourful character or cartoon character which itself becomes the brand's promoter. Eg: pringles cartoon face with mustache and bow tie and McDonald’s joker. This creates an appealing and attractive atmosphere for families and children.
The Combination Mark
This combines a wordmark or lettermark with a pictorial or abstract mark or mascot mark, Eg: red bull which is a combination of wordmark and bulls pictorial mark, and Lacoste which is a wordmark with a crocodile pictorial mark.
These types of logos are a versatile combination thus improving the brand value and giving us an attraction to the brand.
The Emblem
The emblem logo comprises an icon or a symbol without a letter or wordmark in it. Eg: badges, coins, seals.
These types of symbols give a traditional appearance thus usually becoming a choice for many schools, universities, and government organizations. It has a classic style that even automobile industries are fond of. Eg: the symbol of BMW which is in the form of an emblem, or be it an emblem of oxford university which itself is unique to represent it.
What is LOGO Programming Language?
LOGO is a programming language that was actually developed as an educational tool. LOGO is a dialect of the functional programming language, Lisp. LOGO language is interactive, modular, flexible, and extensible. The main purpose and function of LOGO is to teach children about programming with simple steps and directions. LOGO is generally implemented as an interpreting language.
History of LOGO
LOGO was first created in 1967 at Bolt, Beranek, and Newman (BBN), a Cambridge, Massachusetts research firm, by Wally Feurzeig and Seymour Papert. LOGO’s intellectual roots are in artificial intelligence, mathematical logic, and developmental psychology. The use of virtual Turtles in LOGO language is allowed for immediate visual feedback and debugging. The first working turtle robot was designed at MIT in 1969. A display turtle precedes the physical floor turtle. The modern LOGO concept has not changed too much from the basic concepts before the first turtle. The first turtle was actually a tethered floor roamer, not radio-controlled or wireless.
Importance of LOGO
Initially, LOGO was not designed to create industry-grade software, instead, it was designed as a tool to help children learn an important skill, one that is as important today, the skill of learning how to learn. There are various new language features that the industry has demanded that are irrelevant for helping people learn to learn. Many other languages are designed that revolve around abstract concepts in computer science, but LOGO is designed around how people learn. The basic purpose of LOGO is that education should focus on learning, not teaching and that learning happens best when the learner is mentally engaged in a construction project. The LOGO language is not designed as the subject to learn, instead, it is a tool to explore ideas in areas such as art, music, mathematics, intelligence, and language.
Advantages of LOGO
LOGO makes it easy to start programming as soon as the LOGO environment starts. Every instruction that is typed will run immediately, giving instant feedback on instructions, whether they do what is expected or not. Another advantage of LOGO is its connection with Turtle Graphics. Turtle graphics is basically a simple and powerful set of commands used to manipulate a screen object called a turtle. The main idea behind turtle graphics is programming by giving instructions to a turtle and these instructions make the turtle walk around on the screen, drawing a line wherever it goes. By using a few keystrokes, one can program the computer to draw a line on the screen. Taking an example like FD 100 means turtle, walk 100 steps forward. By adding more instructions, like this, one can program the computer to draw complete pictures.
FAQs on LOGO Full Form
1.Why should Students learn the Logo Language?
Students should learn LOGO language because :
LOGO language is a fun programming language.
LOGO language enhances the logical sense of students.
LOGO language helps in developing programming skills.
LOGO language is real Computer Science.
LOGO is a very easy and interesting programming language to learn and has enough depth to virtually do anything that can be done in any other computer programming language.
2.What are the Features of LOGO?
The LOGO Programming Language is a dialect of Lisp, and was designed as a tool for learning. LOGO features are: Interactivity - Interactivity is generally implemented as an interpreted language and the interactivity of this approach provides the user with immediate feedback on individual instructions. Modularity and Extensibility - LOGO are the programs that are usually collections of small procedures and these procedures are defined by writing them in a text editor. Flexibility - LOGO usually works with words and lists and a LOGO word is a string of characters of data types.
3.What are the Advantages of the LOGO Language?
LOGO enables a child to start learning programming at a stage in their initial development before they understand symbolic reasoning. LOGO has a simple syntax that usually requires less typing than other languages and this is especially important for children who are not yet confident typists. LOGO can be used to do tasks like Drawing figures, Type Text, and Solving mathematical problems.
4.What are LOGO Commands?
Some examples of the most commonly used LOGO commands are :
FORWARD 50 - For moving forward 50 steps.
BACK 50 - For moving backward 50 steps.
LEFT 90 - For turning 90° left.
RIGHT 90 - For turning 90° right.
PENDOWN - For lowering the pen and begin drawing.
PENUP - For raising pen and cease drawing.
5.Where can students find useful Information regarding the LOGO?
Students can find everything they need on the Vedantu app or website. These study materials are created by professionals and the content is accurate and reliable. These study materials are completely free and there is no cost at all. All students just have to sign in and then they will be able to download what you want in pdf format. Students can find information regarding the LOGO and a whole lot more!