Here we will tell you everything you will need to know about SONAR. Before anything, let's know about the full meaning of SONAR, it’s abbreviated as Sound Navigation and Ranging. It is used for communicating, navigate, and detect objects underwater. SONAR is beneficial for NOAA scientists to avoid any underwater hazard or navigate objects on the seafloor.
This technology of the SONAR acronym uses radar, light weaves, and sound weaves to detect an object.
What are the Types of SONAR?
There are two types of SONAR, Active and Passive.
Active SONAR is the same technology as the ultrasound, it has a transmitter and receiver.
The transmitter sends high-frequency sound weaves to aim at the target, and the target receives the SONAR abbreviation.
Some of the marine animals two use this technology that helps them to target their food underwater. For example- whales, dolphins, etc.
The passive SONAR full form only has a receiver.
This type of SONAR finds the source of sound that comes from the object. It considers only the sound weaves underwater with the receiver and can’t generate any sound weaves.
This technology helps the scientific mission underwater.
What are the Advantages of SONAR?
Now that we know what SONAR stands for and used for lets check out any benefits of this technology.
As said before, the SONAR technology helps to find or detect underwater objects. This is the only and the best method to find a specific object un the depth of water, without any difficulty. So, as you can see, this method is much useful for underwater activities.
SONAR helps you to perform various activities underwater.
Unlike the light weaves and the radar, SONAR sound weaves does not get weakens in the deep sea or ocean.
The best thing is this technology is very cheap. You can install this technology in an affordable price compare to the light weaves and radar methods.
It is one of the most used technology due to its capability and non-damaging and non-intrusive features.
Application of SONAR
As stated in the SONAR full form, it helps to detect an object underwater. So this technology can be used to find a group of fishes.
It can help to detect a warship.
For the advancement of science, scientists can use this method for various scientific research and application.
And at last, it can be used for navigating purposes.
After knowing SONAR meaning and its many advantages, it is safe to say that SONAR is one of the most advanced and help technology for underwater activity. People can easily see what’s ahead of them with the sound weaves, and it is truly a remarkable aspect.
FAQs on SONAR Full Form
Q1: How Accurate is SONAR?
SONAR abbreviation is fairly accurate for bare-water depth measurements. You can get almost the exact size and measurement of an object that is underwater. But there are few conditions which can differ this method to work correctly.
Q2: Can SONAR Kill You?
Yes, this technology can kill you if you are too close. Some country's submarines use the utter pressure of 235 decibel sound weaves that can easily rupture your lungs. So, a country can easily protect itself from any foreign invasion if they cross the borderline.
Q3: Which Waves are Used in SONAR?
As the full meaning of SONAR states, it uses sound waves and radar to detect objects deep in water. The detector uses radio weaves that are a type of electromagnetic energy. SONAR uses the echo technology with the help of sound weaves to locate an underwater object.