UML stands for Unified Modeling Language. This language is used by software professionals which comprises of a set of diagrams which is developed to help the software developers for visualizing, documenting the tools for software systems useful for business modeling and other non-software systems as well. Using the UML enables the software professionals and the project teams to explore probable designs, and approve the constructive design of the software. In simple words, it is a modern way of sculpting and documenting software and is considered as popular business modeling techniques.
UML was designed and developed by Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson, and James Rumbaugh at rational software in the year 1994-1995. Further development was done by them through 1996. Later in the year 1997, UML was accepted as a standard by OMG( Object Management Group ). This is the organization that has managed the UML ever since. In the year 2005 UML was published as an approved ISO standard. Ever since the standard has been regularly revised to update the latest revision of UML.
The value of updated software increases for many companies, hence the industries try to figure out methods to regulate the production of software to enhance quality and reduce the cost which is beneficial for business. Those businessmen who do not know about code, for them UML becomes an easy platform for communication between the non-programmer’s requirements, functions, and processes of the system. UML also helps to promote better developmental concepts such as patterns, frameworks, etc. UML helps to furnish its users with a better demonstrative visual modeling language so that they can establish and promote meaningful models. It also provides better mechanisms to hold out the concepts.
Types of UML:
UML comprises of 13 types of diagrams which are categorized under 2 groups which are,
Structural diagrams and behavioral diagrams.
Structural diagrams: As the name suggests these diagrams depict how the system is structured which includes classes, components, packages, objects, etc.
Class diagram: This shows a steady structure of a system including the classes their aspects and the relationship between each class.
Component diagram: This is an advanced version of the class diagram. The component diagram dissolves a complex system into smaller components and contemplates the relationship between those components.
Deployment diagram: These exhibits how software is deployed on the hardware component in a system.
Composite structure diagram: They represent the internal components of the hardware to understand clearly regarding the inner workings.
Object diagram: The object diagram is formed to gather information about model elements and their links.
Package diagram: Package diagram is present to show that in a system how dependent different packages are upon each other.
Behavioral UML diagrams: These diagrams depict the behavior of the system and how it interacts with itself and with users.
Timing diagram: This diagram shows how the objects link with each other in the provided timeframe.
Interaction overview diagram: As the name suggests this diagram help survey the flow of control between the interacting nodes.
Communication diagram: This represents how objects are linked with each other.
State diagram: This portrays states and transitions.
Use case diagram: This is useful when it comes to explaining the non-technical audience regarding the system.
Sequence diagram: This shows the order in which the objects interconnect.
Activity diagram: This shows the powerful behavior of the system, mainly used in business process modeling.
How to make UML diagrams and UML compositions:
UML diagrams follow some basic set of rules and regulations and shapes to correctly built each type of diagram.
There are 2 ways of modeling UML composites: aggregation and composition.
The composition can refer to the relationship between types and types that can further be divided into composite and non-composite types. It is presented in the form of filled diamond or a line, it becomes the responsible factor for the storage of composed objects. In aggregation, the object can only contain a reference. In aggregation, though the owning object is destroyed, the contained objects within that continue to exist.
FAQs on UML Full Form
1. What are the 3 types of modeling in UML?
The three types of modeling in UML are, structural modeling, behavioral modeling, and architectural modeling.
2. Why is UML used?
It is used to develop diagrams and provide its users with expressive ready to use modeling examples. With the use of UML, the development of software becomes more efficient and perfect.