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UNESCO Full Form

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Introducing UNESCO:

UNESCO is the abbreviation of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization headquartered in Place De Fontenoy, Paris. It seeks to build peace in the world through cooperation and collaboration in the field of Education, Science and Culture. The initiatives of UNESCO contribute towards the achievement of SDGs 2030 i.e. Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations General Assembly 2015. It projects its commitments through mutual dialogues between nations.


“Political and Economic developments of The Governments are not adequate to secure the inevitable support of the people. People must come together on the basis of intellectual solidarity.” 

  • In compliance with this, UNESCO develops tools and medium for people to live without hate and intolerance.

  • Its focus is to make quality education accessible to each child and citizen.

  • It promotes cultural heritage and equal dignity to all the cultures. By doing so, it strengthens the bond among nations.

  • It is vocal about freedom of expression as a fundamental right for sustainable democracy and development.

  • It helps countries adopt International standards that allow the free flow of information and knowledge sharing.


In early 1942, In the terror of WWII, the governments of European Countries with other Allied nations which fought against the Nazis and Axis powers met in the united kingdom for Conference of Allied Ministers of Education (CAME). Upon the proposal of CAME, a United Nation Conference for the establishment of the cultural and educational organization was convened in London in November 1945. It was successful to gather the support of 44 countries which would promote peace genuinely in the world. In their view, intellectual and moral solidarity was the only way to prevent the outbreak of another world war.

Milestone Achievements:

  • UNESCO conserves 1073 world heritage sites in 167 countries.

  • UNESCO coordinates early Tsunami warnings in countries across the globe.

  • UNESCO led the reconstruction of Mausoleums in Timbuktu.

  • UNESCO launched SESAME, a world-class research laboratory in the Middle East. 

  • Removal of Angkor temple from the list of world heritage in danger.

  • UNESCO published histories of Humanity, Asia, Africa and the Caribbean.

  • UNESCO builds youth networks across 9 Mediterranean countries. 

UNESCO’s Expertise:

  • Education: UNESCO believes education is universally human right and must be provided with quality. The organization is the only United Nation agency that covers all aspects of education. It is leading the global education agenda of 2030 through sustainable development goal 4. The framework for its achievement is the Education 2030 framework for action.

  • Culture: UNESCO believes culture with its diverse manifestations has the ability to transform societies. From admirable monuments and renowned museums to traditional practices and modern art forms enrich our everyday lives. Heritages possess a sense of identity for the societies and bring cohesion among the citizens. Culture and creativity lay the foundation for vibrant, innovative and prosperous societies.

  • Science: Building knowledge and understanding through science helps us to find precise solutions in today’s economic, social and environmental challenges to achieve sustainable goals. As no country can achieve a sustainable development goal alone, international scientific cooperations help in building peaceful societies. 

  • Social and Human Sciences: In today’s diverse societies, UNESCO attempts to collaborate with different societies so as to bring universal solidarity with a peaceful atmosphere for overall development.   

  • Communication and Information: UNESCO with its mandate of free-flowing ideas by word and image tries to promote freedom of expression, media development and access to information and knowledge.

UNESCO’s Network:

  • International Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (ICCAR): ICCAR was launched by UNESCO in 2004 in response to the global fight against racial discrimination during world conference against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance that happened in Durban, South Africa 2001. It is composed of seven regional and national coalitions that prioritise 10 point plans of action which include education, housing, employment and cultural activities.

  • UNESCO Associated School Network: UNESCO associated school network (ASPnet) connects educational institutions across the globe. 11,500 member schools across 182 countries work together in support of international peace, understanding, intercultural dialogue and quality education. ASPnet is important for reaching the SDGs 4.7 goal of education for sustainable development.

  • International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (UNEVOC): UNEVOC is UNESCO’s global network specialized in technical and vocational education and training(TVET). It works in the field of exchange, cooperation and mutual assistance for its members. It has 250 centres across 160 member countries.

UNESCO Institutes:

  • International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP): It fosters an environment for teaching, training and research in removing social inequality and promoting governance and accountability.

  • International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP): ICTP is the global force to promote research in the scientific arena. It played a major role in stemming brain drain from the developing countries.

  • Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL): It promotes lifelong learning and practices with adult education, literacy and non-formal education in focus.

  • International Bureau of Education (IBE): It was established in 1925 as a private NGO by leading Swiss educators to provide intellectual leadership and International cooperation in education.

  • International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (IICBA): It is the Institute for promoting prosperous and peaceful Africa having access to qualified and professional teachers. 

  • Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE): Headquartered in Russia, Moscow, It is responsible for promoting the innovative use of ICT and serves as facilitator and enabler for achieving SDGs 4 through ICT enabled solutions.

  • International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC): It was established to assist countries in Latin America and the Caribbean to tackle challenges in education.

  • Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP): It focuses on achieving SDGs 4.7 education for building peaceful and sustainable societies through emotional learning and empowering the youth.

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FAQs on UNESCO Full Form

1. What is world heritage?

A world heritage site is a landmark or area selected by UNESCO, to be of cultural, historical or scientific significance. The area selected is protected by International treaties.

2. What is the role of UNESCO?

UNESCO acts as a global leader to promote and sustain heritage, monuments, and cultures. It coordinates with local and international governments to achieve its goals.

3. Is UNESCO an NGO?

UNESCO has official relations with NGOs worldwide that helps in achieving the set targets. All these NGOs have legal status that helps in coordination and implementation of activities.