Meaning of Climatic Map
A Climatic map is generally a chart that represents the geographic distribution of the monthly, annual average value. This illustration is done by the climatic variables. This can be a representation of temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, insolation, wind speed, cloud cover, direction, also atmospheric pressure. This representation is over regions that are ranging in the area from a few tens of square kilometres to an extent of global. To minimize the biasing of the data for one or two periods which has abnormally high or low values, this data is averaged over a minimum of 30 periods, which may be months or years.
Map of the World Temperature
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World Climate Map
The World climate is divided into large five regions which are known as tropical, dry, high latitude, mid-latitude, and highland. The tropical region has a wet type climate with constant temperatures, coupled with high humidity. Here the tropical region has dense natural vegetation called the rainforest. It has fewer than ten inches of rain a year fall in the desert subregions.
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World Rainfall Map
The World Precipitation Map represents the precipitation level (both records the rain as well as snow) this representation is for different parts of the world.
Feature of this Map: This map shows the level of precipitation in different regions of the world.
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Climatic Chart
The climate chart or graph displays the yearly temperature and the precipitation statistics for a specific location. Plotting is done with a red dot of the average temperature for each of the months then similarly all other dots are connected in the formation of a red line. Precipitation abbreviated as (mm) is measured by using the numbers that are present on the right-hand side of the chart.
Global Temperature Map
The global temperature graph or map illustrates the change in the global surface temperature which is quite relative to 1951-1980 average temperatures. There are nineteen warmest years which have occurred since the year 2000, except for the year 1998.
The year 2020’ record tied with the record of 2016 to be the warmest year on record since 1880, this definite source is from NASA/GISS. This kind of research is quite similar as prepared by the Climatic Research Unit and also by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Koppen Climate Map
The Koppen climate classification is widely used for the climate classification system. This was first published by Wladimir Koppen, a German-Russian climatologist. Later, another climatologist known as Rudolf Geiger too introduced some changes in the classification system. Thus, this classification gets the name as Koppen-Geiger climate classification system.
In Koppen climate classification, the climate is divided into five main climate groups, each of these groups being divided based on the seasonal precipitation and according to the temperature patterns.
The five main groups of the classification are – A which indicates the tropical region, B which indicates the drier region, C which indicates the temperate type, D which indicates the continental region, and E indicates the polar region.
Koppen Geiger Climate Classification
The Koppen-Geiger classification is as follows:
Humid subtropical climate
Mediterranean climate
Marine west coast climate
Humid continental climate
Continental subarctic climate
Mediterranean Climate Map
A Mediterranean climate also known as the dry summer climate is marked by drier summers and mild or wet winters. This climatic type gets its name from the Mediterranean Basin, where this similar climatic type is the most common.
The Mediterranean climate zones are generally located along the western sides of the continents, which is between 30 and 45 degrees north and south of the equator. While, the main cause of this Mediterranean, or dry summer climate, is the subtropical ridge that extends northwards during the summer and then migrates to the south during the winter for the increasing north-south temperature differences between them.
Average Temperature Map
The average temperature of the air is calculated by an exposed thermometer in a specific period of time, which is usually a day, a month, or even a year. For the climatological tables, the mean temperature is calculated on the basis of each month and for each year.
The temperature maps thereby represent the average daily temperature for each of the months that are based on the averaged highest and the lowest temperatures for each day at the various weather stations.
FAQs on Climatic Map
1. What is Humidity?
Ans. Humidity is a measurement of the amount of water vapour that is present in the air. While relative humidity measures the amount of water present in the air in relation to the maximum amount of water vapour or moisture. With the higher temperature, more is more water vapour that the air can hold. Also, relative humidity is recorded in the morning report.
2. What are Highlands?
Ans. Highlands are also known as the uplands are literally any type of mountainous region or an elevated mountainous plateau. Generally, the upland refers to the ranges of the hills which are typically up to 500–600 m, that is 1,600–2,000 ft). Highland is the term that is usually reserved for mentioning the ranges of low mountains.
3. What is Precipitation?
Ans. Precipitation can be any liquid or any frozen water which forms in the atmosphere and then falls back to the Earth. Precipitation comes in many forms, like in the form of rain, sleet, and like in the form of snow. Along with the evaporation and condensation process, this precipitation is considered as one of the three major parts of the global water cycle.