Mountains are one of the major and important landforms found on the Earth which took a lot of years in their formation. They are formed because of the movements in the lithospheric plates and various activities such as folding, faulting, and volcanic activities, etc. These are considered the best places for tourism and adventure purposes and home to unique flora and fauna. They also serve as natural boundaries at various regions and also play a vital role in the weather and climate of the specific region. In this article, we will be talking about some of the major mountain belts in the world which will not only increase your knowledge but also will help in your studies in Geography or Earth Science, Environment and will be helpful for the students of Class 9 and other students of higher grades.
Major Mountain Belts in the World - Introduction
All over from the past mountains have been of its beauty. Mountains have been considered as the hurdle in the way of trade and conquest. Traditionally people who lived in the mountains tended to live away from others groups and to develop in different ways of living. Mountains are the origin of rivers that provide water for many purposes together with the production of electricity. Multitude mountain ranges hold a variety of important minerals. Mountain also attracts people for recreational uses.
If we talk about a mountain range, then it is basically a series where various and number of mountains are connected and thus, considered as a single landform because of geographical features or similar geologic origin and natural features. There are various major mountain belts of the world that are located at different locations on different continents and are mentioned below.
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The Himalayan Mountains
The Himalayas are extended across South-Central Asia in the diameter of 2,400 km and spread in the five countries such as India, Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, and Afghanistan. The highest point of this peak is Mount Everest. The Himalayan ranges between four parallel valleys; the width of each varies. Exploring the Himalayas more, its climate is great as it has a proper central air system as well as good water circulation. The Himalayas is highly rich in vegetation. There are a large variety of species in it. Flora and Fauna are found in the tropical forest.
The mountains are rich in minerals and forests. Mining and Lumbering are the main industries. Since 1973 no one was able to climb Mount Everest as many climbers tried but died but in 1973 Edmund P.Hillary and Tenzing Norgay finally reached the peak. More than 200 climbers have died trying.
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The Great Dividing Range
The Great Dividing Range is one of the largest mountain ranges situated in Australia as well as it is the fifth-longest mountain range all over the world. It is also known as the Great Divide or Eastern Cordillera. This range is 2237 miles/3600 km long and entirely runs from the Green hills that are covered with tropical rainforest present in Queensland to New South Wales having snow-covered mountains.
The great dividing range came to known during the period of carboniferous nearly 300 million years ago. For Britishers, ranges were an obstacle to exploration and settlement. The engineers have to find low sections of the range as well as a low gradient for the rail passages beyond the Great Dividing Range. Rail passages include Townsville-Mt Isa, Rock Hampton-Winton, Brisbane-Toowoomba, New castle -Tamworth, and many more. The range also provides road facilities. In the year of 2009, the Great Dividing Range was awarded one of the Q150 Icons of Queensland for its great role as a location.
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Atlas Mountains
The Atlas mountains are situated in North West Africa which is stretched over 1500 miles on the land. It generally experiences more rain due to which it has abundant water catchment and is highly rich in biodiversity. There are a number of main passes there which helps in providing routes to the coast and the Sahara desert. It is well known for the fertile valleys as well as snowy peaks. There are seven ranges within this mountain belt. The mountains here provide shelter to many animals as well as plants. The relief and geology of this mountain range are simple and complex at the same time.
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Alps Mountains
This mountain range is situated in Southern Europe and it is an important mountain range of Europe and the World. It is well known for its height and considered the highest mountain range covering a large area of 1,200 km over the eight countries in Europe which are Italy, France, Monaco, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, and Slovenia. It plays a great economic role in providing goods and services. This range is the home of biodiversity and the hub of innovation. The climate and weather of Europe and various regions there are very much affected by the presence of this mountain range which is present almost in eight countries. This landform is a prominent source of minerals that have been mined and used for economic development for thousands of years. This range is split into basically five climatic zones and each zone has different vegetation and wildlife and other features. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world which is especially famous for winter sports.
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Andes Mountains
The Andes mountains stretch over around 8,046 km in length on the land in South America. It is known as one of the longest mountain ranges in the world. A unique feature of the Andes is that it is the highest mountain range with 4,000metres (13,000 feet) created over 50 million years.
There are many enchanting facts about the Andes. Firstly, Andes is known for the origin of potatoes and tomatoes that are widely used all over the world. Secondly, Andes plays a great role in the GDP also as it provides a great proportion of minerals, water used to produce electricity as well as for domestic purposes and is considered the largest business centre of South America. Moreover, it provides a home to many wildlife and is highly rich in biodiversity.
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Ethiopian Highlands
Ethiopian Plateau, highlands covering much of Ethiopia and central Eritrea in North East Africa and consists of Western and the more limited Eastern Highlands and these two parts are separated by the famous vast Eastern Rift Valley, which cuts Ethiopia from southwest to northeast. These highlands also have significant importance as they are a great source of important transboundary rivers such as the Blue Nile. The highest point of this mountain range is Ras Dejan, Semien mountain in the Amhara region, 4,550 m (14,928 ft) to whereas the lowest Afar depression in the Afar region 125m(-140ft). It has the largest population of any landlocked country all over the world and on the other hand, Ethiopian rewards visitors with fabulous scenery, delicious food, and incredible culture.
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Appalachian and Rocky Mountains
Whenever we talk about the major mountain belts of the world we can skip these mountain ranges of North America. The former one is present on the east coast of North America and runs around 1500 miles. It has the highest point of 6,684 feet of Mount Mitchell. These mountains are found in the temperate forest with temperate flora and fauna and played a great role in American history by serving as a barrier in the expansion of the colonies at that time. If we talk about the Rocky Mountains, they are fold mountains and also considered as the longest in North America and second longest in the whole world because they run around 3000 miles. It is known for its warm seasons, rainy and snowy winters. Different flora and fauna varieties can be found here as well.
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In today's artistic world there are a lot of things to explore such as mountains and their related various aspects which play a vital role in our life. It provides shelters to many species including humans. Although the economic boost is bringing real benefits to the region because it is a commonly visited place by tourists and various things provided by their flora and fauna. In this article, we have covered major mountain belts in the world and talked about their various features. These are only some of the mountain ranges but our earth is gifted with a lot of amazing and worth exploring mountain ranges as well such as Blue Mountains, Sierra Nevada, Aravalli mountains, Scandinavian and Caucasian mountains, etc. This article will help you to have basic knowledge of major belts of the world and will help you in increasing your knowledge.
FAQs on Major Mountain Belts of the World
1. What are the Major Mountain Ranges of the World?
Answer. A mountain range or a mountain belt is a series where various and several mountains are connected and considered as a single landform because of common geographical features of the geologic origin and these are regions usually with less population and less flora & fauna. There are various mountain ranges found in the world such as the Himalayas, the Andes, the Alps, the Appalachian, the Rocky, Ethiopian highlands, the Great Dividing Range, etc. All these mountain ranges have distinct and unique characteristics and have different highest points or tourist spots as well. They serve as natural boundaries in their specific regions and also serve as economic development.
2. What are the Various Characteristics of the Andes?
Answer. These are one of the most important ranges of the world because these are considered as the longest range in the world which is found in South America on its western coast and runs in seven countries viz Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Columbia, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. It runs for more than 7500 km and plays a great role in South America. Most of the mountains of this range are volcanic in nature and if we talk about the most demanding crops ie. potatoes and tomatoes, they have originated here only and besides these, the cocoa leaves also originated from here.
3. What are the Various Features of the Alps Mountains?
Answer. These mountains started forming around 300 million years ago during the period between the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras. These are one of the most important and famous ranges of the world found in Europe and covers around 8 countries such as Italy, France, Monaco, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, and Slovenia. They are found in 1200 km distance of Middle Southern Europe and Mont Blanc with 4810 meters height is the highest peak of this range. This mountain range is a home of almost 14 million people along with various flora and fauna.