What are Temperate Deciduous Forests?
Temperate Deciduous Forest is dominated by trees that shed their leaves every year. Most plants growing in the temperate deciduous forest have broad leaves. These kinds of forests are found all around the globe and in both hemispheres. The temperate deciduous forests are found in North America, South America, and Western Europe. Lighter trenches of deciduous forest vegetation are found in Australia and New Zealand too. In the present era, human colonization has become the main reason why the deciduous forest vegetation is fast disappearing from the earth.
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More About Temperate Forest Plants
You would be amazed to know that there are various species of temperate forest plants which grow in the forest. You can find plants like ferns, lichen, and wildflower as well as moss and other small plants too. The deciduous forest vegetation can be considered as a hardwood store as there are trees like birch, oak, maple, sweetgum. Other trees like pine also come under the temperate forest plants.
Deforestation is the main drawback that is hampering the deciduous forest biome. The main reason is the abundance of wood. Of all types of forests on the earth, the deciduous forest vegetation is most profitable to human beings. Moreover, poaching is a common problem here.
Animals of the Deciduous Forest
We can observe that there is a diversified biome of deciduous forest animals. Multiple species of spiders, insects, and birds are found in these forests. The deciduous forest biome enhances as the soil is always rich in humus and enhances plant growth. These plants, in turn, provide food and shelter to the animals balancing the entire ecosystem.
Other deciduous forest animals are cardinals, snow owls, hawks with broad wings, and pileated woodpeckers.
Higher class animals found in the deciduous forest are white-tail deers, opossums, raccoons, red foxes, etc.
As the deciduous forest vegetation changes in the winter, most deciduous forest animals hibernate or migrate during this season.
Interesting Facts About Temperate Deciduous Forest Climate
There are some interesting facts which you need to know about the temperate deciduous forest climate. You can observe four distinct seasons in the forest like summer, winter, fall, and spring. The deciduous forest climate changes according to the position it has got. So, there can be different climatic conditions in different forests at the same time.
The main reason why the deciduous forest climate is variable is because of the tilt of the earth. For the seasonal changes, the deciduous forests get heavy rainfall. This is yet another factor that enhances the deciduous forest vegetation. However, you must remember that the amount of rainfall is always lesser than the evergreen rain forests. As per the position of these forests, the winter temperatures reach freezing levels whereas the summers are mild. At present, the temperate deciduous forest climate is fast changing due to the degradation of the biome and deforestation
Reasons for Temperate Forest Degradation
There are many reasons why the deciduous forest vegetation is degrading rapidly. Some of them are given below.
Hampering the Naturality: While the rainforests are nearly inaccessible, deciduous forests are just opposite and they provide the people with a chance of tourism. This takes a toll on the basic characteristics of temperate deciduous forest and neutrality is lost. The deciduous forest biome of both plants and animals face an imbalance and many species die due to the absence of favourable sustaining condition.
Increasing Toxicity: The presence of human beings in the core zone of the deciduous forest boosts the presence of pollution. This is yet another thing that distorts the basic characteristics of temperate deciduous forest. Pollution increases the toxicity of the soil and it leads to the death of several animals and even seeds of the plants.
Deforestation: The main reason for deforestation in the deciduous forest is the production of timber. There are many countries where you can see multiple groups deforesting deciduous forests. This is often not done for only timber but for making planned cities. Deforestation primarily leads to soil erosion and several other imbalances in the ecosystem.
Moreover, deforestation is the primary reason why the earth is lately experiencing climate change.
Nowadays, most countries have taken steps to minimize deforestation. Some laws ensure that no forests areas are vandalized to make planned cities.
FAQs on Temperate Deciduous Forest
1. Why is it important to save the deciduous forest?
It is important to save deciduous forests for many reasons. Firstly, these forests provide shelter to different animal and plant species. Secondly, the abundance of trees makes it the powerhouse of oxygen. As the temperate forests spread across a humongous area, a lot of oxygen is generated easily. Moreover, the deciduous forest vegetation should be saved because it can help the students studying botany to understand the plant species more accurately. In the same way, those studying zoology can easily get the specimens of the animal species. The third reason why you need to save the deciduous forests is for tourism. The revenue earned from forest tourism can be utilized in maintaining the forest itself.
2. How can deforestation affect the world?
Deforestation can devastatingly affect the world. Loss of trees can change the weather of a particular place dramatically and it can hamper the comfortable living of the people as well as animals. The deciduous forest biome can lead to disbalance in the case of deforestation as it can cause soil erosion. Moreover, forest fires may break out in case there is methane production in the atmosphere.
Deforestation is not only a curse to humanity but a crime too. The temperate forests are always at more risk of deforestation as they are accessible. Every country should make harsh laws to minimize it. Otherwise, the future generation would not get favourable conditions to live a healthy life and the average lifespan of human beings would decrease rapidly.