All About White Dwarf Stars
When a star reaches the end of its life, it explodes into a brilliant light which is called a supernova. Supernova is the most humongous explosion seen by humans and each blast is a super-powerful and ultra-bright explosion.
As per a new study, our Sun will morph into giant cosmic jewels after a few billion years. Like most of the stars in our Milky Way Galaxy, the Sun would finally collapse into an exotic object called the white dwarf star.
When a faint star of low or intermediate mass reaches the endpoint of its evolution, it is referred to as a white dwarf star. The name white dwarf was given to this object owing to the low luminosity and white color of the first few of the white dwarf stars discovered.
Let us look closely at the white dwarf definition in this article and learn about white dwarf size, and what is winter white dwarf hamster.
Accurate White Dwarf Definition
White dwarfs are a specific kind of star who possess as much matter as the Sun but are packed into a much smaller size which can be compared to the size of Earth. The first white dwarf discovered in history was in 1862 by Alvan Clark who was a telescope maker. He called this white dwarf “Sirius B”
Key Features of White Dwarf
Most white dwarfs are supposed to be composed of oxygen and carbon.
In stars which are like the Sun, there is a balance between the inward gravitational pull and outward push by the high-temperature hydrogen which is fusing with helium at the center of the Sun and releasing a huge amount of energy in the process.
There is no nuclear fusion in white dwarfs. White dwarfs are supported by forces that oppose gravity known as "electron degeneracy pressure".
The temperature inside a white dwarf is more than 100,000 Kelvin as per NASA. Despite such sweltering temperatures, white dwarfs are not so luminous due to their small size.
The typical white dwarf radius ranges between 0.8% to 2% of the Sun's radius.
White dwarfs are approximately the same size as Earth and recent research from scientists have found the smallest and densest white dwarf which is 4,300 kilometers wide (slightly bigger than the moon).
White dwarfs have very high densities of around 109 kg/m3. Due to its high density, the gravity inside white dwarfs is 100,000 times more than that on Earth.
The theoretical upper limit of white dwarf mass is 1.4 solar masses (called Chandrasekhar limit). Beyond this mass, there is immense electron pressure in the star that it would collapse into an even denser object called a black hole or neutron star.
The heaviest known white dwarf is 1.2 solar masses and the lightest white dwarf weighs as little as 0.15 solar masses.
A peculiar property of a white dwarf is that the more its mass, the smaller is its size.
A NASA team of international astronomers used a Spitzer space telescope and TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) to report the first intact white dwarf planet forming a close orbit around a white dwarf star. The name given to this Jupiter-like planet is WD 1856 b and it is orbiting the white dwarf named WD 1856+534. The white dwarf planet is seven times larger than the white dwarf star.
The Appearance of a White Dwarf
A white dwarf star looks like any other star and appears as a tiny dot of light. Astronomers are able to distinguish a white star from other stars by two means:
White dwarf stars are very faint stars so we are able to see only the ones which are close by. These nearby stars appear to move relative to their neighboring stars.
Most of the light of a white dwarf star is emitted in the blue part of the spectrum.
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How do Stars Become White Dwarf?
White dwarfs denote the evolutionary endpoints of low or intermediate stars like the Sun. How exactly a star becomes a white dwarf star is dependent on the mass of the star but all the stars which have a mass less than 8 times that of the Sun (which includes 99% of stars) are bound to become white dwarfs eventually.
In general, stars fuse hydrogen at the center with helium till the point hydrogen runs out. Very massive stars take only a million years to reach this stage but for some stars like our Sun, the hydrogen can last more than 10,000 million years.
When this fusion has produced enough helium, it starts sinking into the center of the star, releasing heat in this process. Due to this, the internal balance of the star is disturbed and it starts bloating into a red giant.
If the star is extremely massive, the heat in the center will grow eventually to a level that will start fusing helium into oxygen and carbon. This star can then enjoy a stable period, though much shorter this time as the carbon and oxygen eventually sink to the center.
If the star is unable to gain the temperature that can burn oxygen and carbon into heavier elements, then they will keep accumulating in the center of the star till the time helium runs out.
This will produce a white dwarf of carbon and oxygen.
The electron pressure inside the white dwarf is because of quantum mechanical effects as a large volume of electrons are squeezed into the smallest possible space. This stops gravity from suppressing the star's core any further.
It is the pressure of the electrons and not the energy at the core which supports the white dwarf.
Low and intermediate-mass stars, at the end of their evolution, collapse into white dwarf stars. White dwarf stars have low luminosity and are of the size of Earth having 100,000 times more gravity than the Earth. The mass of the white dwarf is comparable to that of the Sun (1.2 to 1.4 solar masses). White dwarfs, unlike other stars that are supported by gas pressure, are supported by electron degeneracy pressure.
FAQs on White Dwarf
1. What is meant by electron degeneracy pressure?
As stated by Pauli’s exclusion principle, there can not be two electrons in the same energy state which have the same spin and same volume.
After the lowest energy level is filled, electrons are forced to move into higher and higher energy states which result in electrons gaining speed progressively.
This fast movement of electrons creates a pressure called the electron degeneracy pressure that has the capacity to support a star.
It is the electron degeneracy pressure that supports white dwarfs from collapsing due to gravitational force.
2. What is a winter white dwarf hamster?
Winter white dwarf hamsters are also known by many names such as Russian dwarf hamster, striped dwarf hamster, Djungarian dwarf hamster, or Siberian dwarf hamster. These hamsters belong to the genus Phodopus and their scientific name is Phodopus sungorus. They are ball-shaped hamsters that are in general half the size of Syrian hamsters (hence the name dwarf hamster).
These small and cuddly hamsters make great pets.
The size of an adult winter white dwarf hamster is 3.5 - 4 inches and their usual life expectancy is 1 to 3 years.
They are nocturnal hamsters, though they might be active during the day for short durations.
They can be easily handled by teens and adults as compared to other varieties of hamsters as they do not nip or bite in general.
This species could be a little challenging to be handled by smaller kids as they are too quick.
They are quite social animals.
If you want to keep a winter white dwarf hamster as a pet, then do not expose them to other pets in your house as some of them (like cats) can view these hamsters as prey animals.
These hamsters come usually in dark grey color having solid black stripes at their backs. They also come in a few other colors like black, pearl, and sapphire.
A unique characteristic of winter white dwarf hamsters is their incredible ability to change the color of their furs. As winter approaches, their furs start getting lighter and lighter (that is where their name also comes from).