Summary of HC Verma Solutions Part 1 Chapter 12: Simple Harmonic Motion
FAQs on HC Verma Solutions Class 11 Chapter 12 - Simple Harmonic Motion
1. What are the topics included in Chapter 12 - Simple Harmonics Motion?
Following are the topics included:
Periodic and oscillatory motions
Simple harmonic motion
Simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion
Velocity and acceleration in simple harmonic motion
Force law for simple harmonic motion
Energy in simple harmonic motion
Some systems executing simple harmonic motion
Damped simple harmonic motion
Forced oscillations and resonance Summary Points to ponder Exercises Additional Exercises
2. How many questions can I expect from Chapter 12 - Simple Harmonics Motion?
For JEE mains you can expect 1 question from this chapter and it has a weightage of 3 percent. However, to solve the questions in SHM, knowledge in SHM alone may not always be enough. You need to be through with some other chapters like Work, energy and power.
Work energy theorem and conservation of mechanical energy and spring force are used in solving problems from SHM.So, if you want to secure the marks from the chapter SHM, you need to learn the chapter work, energy and power too. Doing this would indirectly result in securing marks from these chapters along with the chapter SHM.
3. Where can I get to know about the weightage and number of questions for every chapter?
A smart move in planning the order to study each chapter while preparing for any entrance examinations is one the best ways to make yourself confident about securing your dream seat in the coming examinations. Understanding the weightage of each chapter makes you understand the time you have to devote to a particular chapter. The methods you follow to study a particular chapter and the time you take for each also can be managed according to the weightage.
However, only experts in this subject can help you get the exact idea about the ideal time taken to learn these chapters. Your understanding along with their guidance will show you the right path to choose.
Moreover, The expected number of questions and the weightage from the chapters of class 11 JEE mains are given on the Vedantu site.
4. What should be studied first, Simple Harmonics Motion Or waves?
It is better to study SHM first and then go for waves. In the chapter oscillations, you get to study many fundamental topics. A firm knowledge and problem-solving skills will help you to decrease the time you would spend with the chapter waves. Also, the knowledge from the chapter SHM or oscillations is going to make your understanding better in the lesson waves.
It gives you an idea about sinusoidal waveforms and periodic oscillations. Moreover, it would be better to come back to SHM after studying waves and understand that SHM is an application of waves.
The knowledge from the chapter SHM can also help you solve Questions from AC Experts at Vedantu will help you figure out more. These answers are available at Vedantu website for free.
5. What is the study material available on Vedantu for this chapter?
Apart from the Vedantu online classes, we also provide the following FREE study materials.
1. NCERT solutions solved by the experts at Vedantu with explanations and steps are available.
NCERT Solutions for CBSE Class11 Chapter 14 Oscillations
2. Revision notes
Revision notes for CBSE class 11 chapter 14 Oscillations
3. Important question for CBSE exams.
Important questions for CBSE class 11 chapter 14 Oscillations
4. Ncert books free download
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