One of the biggest casualties we have witnessed in our history happened in World War I. It lasted for 4 years and 3 months resulting in the massacre of a huge population leaving the world in a big depression. World War I casualties reached more than 8,500,000 soldiers’ deaths. They died because of wounds and diseases as the healthcare system was not up to the mark.
In this article, we will study soldiers killed wounded and missing in World War 1 in different countries in a proper format for a better understanding of the casualties the participating countries suffered.
World War I and its Gruesome Effects
World War I was a global incident that revolutionized the course of history for almost all the countries directly or indirectly. It started on 28th July 1914 and ended on 11th November 1918. Previously, many countries involved in World War I were already under friction, especially the European ones. This war is considered to be the Great War that ends all wars.
This war led to the mobilization and deployment of 70 million military personnel to the respective war zones. In fact, more than 60 million Europeans were also moved to different locations. This is why this war is interpreted as one of the biggest conflicts in the history of mankind.
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The war resulted in massacring millions of soldiers and civilians worldwide. The participating countries inflicted damage to the opponents with absolute violence and brought down hell for the natives. It resulted in millions of deaths due to injury and diseases. Food shortages resulted in famines across the world, specifically in the Commonwealth countries and colonies.
The mechanism of the war increased and took a huge shape in 1914. For four years, battles were found on different war fronts and many people died. Families were abolished and most of the civilians were left with no one. As per the historic records, the heaviest loss witnessed during World War I was onn1st of July 1916 during the Battle of the Somme. The casualties reached a statistic of 57,470 soldiers and civilians. Historians say that even the quietest of the WWI days resulted in massive deaths. As per Sir Winston Churchill, this battle resembles trench warfare where the killed wounded and missing list for both sides is terrifying
The battleground had two sides of two to three layers of war cannons. Shells were piled to form mountains and the soldiers of both sides collided right in between. These cannons were fired on the fighting soldiers and even killed their own. These foot soldiers wielded guns and fought until they were battered from living beings to useless corpses.
A battered battalion was then replaced by a fresh one for spilling more blood and it continued for days. It is said that more than 150,000 dead bodies were buried close to the French Monument of Verdun. Now, let us tally the list of killed, wounded and missing in this war with respect to the participants of World War 1 to understand the level of casualties each of them suffered.
List of killed Wounded and Missing in World War 1
In this list of killed, wounded and missing in World War 1, we will find out the numbers of mobilized soldiers, killed and dead, prisoners and missing, wounded, percentage of people killed with casualties, and total casualties for the participating countries on both sides.
This is the estimated Casualties of World War I for every country participating as the Central Powers or Allied and Associated Powers. The numbers are simply overwhelming and prove why WWI is considered to be one of the disheartening incidents in the history of mankind. Not only wounds but diseases like influenza, trench fever, typhoid, gas gangrene, etc killed a lot of soldiers and civilians.
People also died of hunger due to a shortage of food as the sovereign authorities tracked and pulled resources from the colonial settlements. Apart from the killed, wounded and missing list, the war casualties will be a bigger figure if the civilians and natives of all the countries are included.
FAQs on List of killed, Wounded, and Missing Soldiers of World War I
1. Why did World War I happen?
Before 1914, most European countries were in conflict with each other. Regular frictions resulted in small insignificant wars. WWI was started when Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated. Most European countries started to show more aggression and formed two sides to end these wars with this huge war leading to a lot of World War 1 deaths.
2. How did World War I end?
After the surrender of Germany in 1918, all participating nations understood the outcome of the war. On 28th June 1919, the major countries such as Italy, Britain, France, and Russia signed the Treaty of Versailles and formally ended this war. In these four years, soldiers and civilians were killed, wounded and missing resulting in a huge depression.